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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Yeah but I don't want money, I want someone else to have a decent computer.

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Reposted by ennuitv.bsky.social

Paizo's avatar Paizo @paizo.bsky.social
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Are you a fan of wielding cosmic powers? Here is a taste of what the solarian will look like in Starfinder 2e!

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Reposted by ennuitv.bsky.social

illumi's avatar illumi @illumi.me
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the thing about people who explicitly tell you not to vote is that they are absolutely going to vote

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Reposted by ennuitv.bsky.social

's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Maybe weird, but I don't hate it. He's old. I'd rather him own it than try to pretend he's not.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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He's not my guy. As I already said, I hate Biden. I think he's a genocidal monster. He's still better than Trump, and those are the choices. Voting 3rd party or abstaining is genuinely stupid. If that offends you, look inward.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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You can either deal with reality, or you can throw a fit I guess. You do you.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Yup, I agree about all of that. I hate biden as a candidate. Still gonna vote for him. As I told the other person, if you unironically think Trump and Biden are equally bad, then there's no point talking. I would much prefer a stronger candidate who isn't a neolib, but here we are.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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I mean, if you can sit there and honestly say that trump and biden are equivalent, then you are just too detached from reality to bother continuing this conversation. Either way, I've had my fill of stupid, lazy political stances for the day, so I won't be responding further. Have a good one.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Is a sarcastic comment all you can manage? That's pretty pathetic.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Ah, right, I forgot supreme court justices reproduce via spontaneous generation and there's nothing that can be done about them now or in the future.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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I don't think I was really yelling here. I certainly have yelled at people online, but I feel I've been pretty civil in spite of the overt hostility. You do you I guess. Again, it's not like it's a big deal to 'not vote.' Most americans don't vote. It doesn't make you special, it makes you basic.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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For what it's worth, I do think the general reaction to Biden's performance is being exacerbated by widespread ageism across basically the entire population, as well as being intentionally enflamed by the opposition and bad-faith actors.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Right, I agree. The supreme court is extremely corrupt. That's actually not a reason to not vote, that's a reason to vote. Kinda making my arguments for me now.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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True, and it's a major problem. Unfortunately, depending on where you live, you may or may not be able to get absentee ballots, so that's totally fair. I would strongly recommend registering for an absentee ballot if available where you live.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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I'mma pick 1, every time. It sucks, but like, how do I justify not voting when it's fucking delivered to me, for free. I scribble in some bubbles. It's such a small thing to do that even this level of 'don't vote' energy just seems weird. It's not like it's hard to not vote. It's really easy.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Route 1: suck up voting for biden, hope something actually happens about fascists in the next 4 years, only to wind up in exactly the same spot again Route 2: don't vote en masse, trump wins, actually starts doing the things he says he's going to do, because that's usually what he does.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Not really sure how that links but sure, democrats could certainly do a lot better in every regard.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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The quote "If voting were effective, they'd make it illegal" always seems a bit oblivious to me. They ARE trying to make it illegal. They ARE engaging in voter suppression. This isn't anything new. By the quote's own logic, this implies voting works, no?

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Reposted by ennuitv.bsky.social

Elena Kononenko 's avatar Elena Kononenko @kononenko.bsky.social
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Dedicated to everyone who fell in love unrequited. 💔

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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No defense for your faux-anarchism? Fucking poser.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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If you think that Biden as a president is uniquely capable of getting legislation passed and no other democrat could have done what he did, then I wish you well.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Really? BLM anti-fascist anarchist... sticking up for Biden? Lmao, okay buddy.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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I'm not ignoring them. They're not relevant to the conversation. It's not like Biden is uniquely gifted. Any dem president would have likely accomplished similar things in his place. I would argue other candidates would have gotten more done.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Agreed. People should be interested in politics because they care about the society in which they live, not because their life depends on it.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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How much could one banana cost, seven dollars?

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Imagine telling a child that there's a hot surface 100 times and to not touch it because it will burn them, and then the kid touches the stove anyways. Now imagine that kid is the democratic party.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Leftists for the last 4 years: "Hey, Biden sucks, please run someone else, No one likes this guy and he's clearly losing his faculties." Dems: after ignoring these comments for years suddenly discover Biden is clearly losing his faculties. "Welp, you leftists better suck it up and stop bitching."

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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I don't think anyone calling for Biden to step aside are going to vote for Trump. They're just petrified of what will happen if Biden gets run despite his obviously ailing faculties. Been saying for YEARS that Biden is too old and we want someone else because we WANT to win.

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Reposted by ennuitv.bsky.social

's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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I think grieving is fine, actually.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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An insane perspective. This would put the criminal they just legitimized back in the presidency. Do not do this.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Maybe the debate gets a lot worse, but it's really not as bad as the reactions on here led me to believe. This is... about what I expected it to be all along. Biden mumbles and stutters, Trump is overtly racist and lies constantly.

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Reposted by ennuitv.bsky.social

The Onion's avatar The Onion @theonion.com
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Our Front Page:

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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The world would be better off without golf.

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Reposted by ennuitv.bsky.social

Darrell Z. Grizzle's avatar Darrell Z. Grizzle @dzgrizzle.bsky.social
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I am an existentialist and I approve this message.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Well again, I don't think 'dems are our real enemy' is a broadly leftist perspective. I think the 'braod leftist perspective' is 'both of these parties suck but when we get down to it this is reality and these are our options and one is demonstrably better no matter how you slice it'

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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I think, just as an example to kinda push back against the 'leftists are assholes' narrative, I would point towards Bread Tube or whatever it's called on youtube. Video essayists doing videos on leftist causes and topics while being focused on positivity and kindness (overall) and efforts at outreac

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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I just don't think they really do? Like, I'm not going to say that your lived experience is wrong, but I worry that 'the left is full of assholes' is like... propaganda, tbh. I'unno, I don't have the data on such matters, so it's pure speculation, but that's part of my resistance.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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As a famous meme once said, "Agree to disagree is about things like pizza toppings, not human rights."

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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So ultimately, it just kinda falls deaf on my ears. Sorry that guy was mean to you. He sounds like a dick. That doesn't make leftism wrong, and the notion that we have to be nice to people about things like human fucking rights is just no bueno to me.

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Would it benefit the overall leftist cause to do more outreach and PR? Arguably, no. There is no 'overall' leftist cause, and if there ever was one, it woudl immediately get splintered off into it's only little category that other leftists would revile or tolerate. See: Green party

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Maybe it's because the neoliberal condescension comes from a place of privilege and status, whereas the leftist snark is usually from a position of (admittedly often self-inflicted) disadvantage. You shouldn't eat at mcdonalds because of genocide vs you should protest, but not that way actually

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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I think largely I rebel against this notion because "Leftists being abrasive is why we have to cater to moderates" is just... super neo-liberal garbage. "You're not obeying, so I guess we have to be fascists now. Oops, gotta build that wall after all."

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's avatar @ennuitv.bsky.social
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Leftist snark is like "You're still eating mcdonalds? tch." Liberal condescension is "Yes oil is bad, but have you considered the damage you're doing to the lichens on Stonehenge with your publicity stunt?" Maybe I"m just projecting, I'unno.

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