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Seattle-based film critic and podcaster.

On the site, we talk movies.
Here, I sometimes talk politics.
Opinions are my own. He/Him.




FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Someone gonna community-note this that the definition of treason is uh different than that Or has he rendered himself immune to those things

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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I saw this meme and now all of Treksky must as well


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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Pretty sure the burden of proof is on you here. The Wayback Machine exists. And the 2-minute spotcheck I just performed for the fuck of it does not support your contention. And a desire to forget 2016's Twitter hell is not nefarious.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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The world just goes Hawk Tuah And spits on that thing 😢

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Anyway here's the latest tonally perfect weird shit from co-screenwriter Efthimis Filippou, whose presence is a reliable indicator that even among Yorgos Lanthimos flicks, this is gonna be one of the weird ones. We loved KINDS OF KINDNESS.


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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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President Biden claims we can trust him to have the wisdom to respect the limits of the powers of office. That trust goes both ways, old man, and it means you can't be a candyass about em either. You're the king now, sir, and it's your crown to hand off permanently.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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But I'm just some guy with a poli sci degree who reviews movies, and these are just the things I have off the top of my head which fall short of "summarily arrest and detain your political opposition", a line that Trump will definitely cross on the first day of his administration. But DO SOME OF IT.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Release audio of their private phone calls with their bribe-lords, which the NSA definitely recorded. Expose every corrupt deal and flagrant violation that Trump engaged in during his presidency. Show us his laughter at his base as he robbed them blind and pretended to care about their god.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Let them see how many powers the president has to endlessly fuck with them *within* the confines of the law.

Release all of their tax returns publicly. Right now. Dump em on Reveal all their LLCs and obfuscations and bribes. Show us the receipts. (9/x)

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Call them illegitimate every single day because - every single day, that is what they are. Their word is not law. They are corrupt, compromised jackals trying to devour our democracy, and every edict they issue is a stain upon the flag they wave upside down like the meaningless prop it is to them.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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"Wreck this illegitimate court and its Republican priest-kings who steal our rights" should not just be a campaign slogan for Biden, but his administration's singular focus for every remaining day of his time in office. Stymie them in every conceivable way. Expose their darkest secrets. (7/x)

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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To glibly summarize Biden's speech as "vote harder" would be inaccurate. To glibly summarize it as a call to action or a plan or presidential leadership of any specific kind would be inaccurate as well. (6/x)

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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American patriotism, as it exists today, is as illegitimate as the court which cites it as evidence that our nation's founding wisdom and fundamental principles conveniently coincide with their most rapacious desires. And I think Biden did the right thing by rejecting it vocally (5/x)

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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I can't switch off the part of my political brain that says, the funniest drone strike ever...would also be our last laugh for a while, and the start of dark days that may outlive us all. Particularly Biden, whose robotic "god bless the troops" at the end didn't exactly fill me with confidence (4/x)

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Do I enjoy idly fantastizing about political violence now that our institutions are clearly playing a game of right-wing calvinball in the service of legitimizing the principle that the rich can shuck and devour us with impunity? Sure. (3/x)

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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If Biden were to violate the law to oppose the Republican coup, I would be more worried, not less, than I am today, because once we throw out the law, every escalation makes the situation worse and harder to go back from. (2/x)

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Me watching the Biden's speech😬 It's good he rejected it. It's good he promised to defend the founding, aspirational principle of our constitutional republic that no one is above the law (even if a good chunk of them were ignored or held in bondage by it, but no matter). (1/x)

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Reposted by FilmWonk

Pwnallthethings's avatar Pwnallthethings
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(then insert your big idea of how to change it, e.g.) "The Court has decided to become a political, partisan organization. That is a gross distortion of its role in the constitutional structure, and it is both sad and infuriating that they have chosen to do so. America needs to repair the Court"

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Wonder what the All Lives Matter crowd has to say about it

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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(This is actually the MC at a Japanese cultural fair in Seattle, introducing a taiko drum performance, but it's not every day you get a pun opportunity like this)

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Still from Star Trek: The Next Generation S4E21, "The Drumhead" Originally aired April 29, 1991

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Reposted by FilmWonk

Reposted by FilmWonk

Will Oremus's avatar Will Oremus
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I don't know who hawk tuah girl is, but I'm trying to figure out how we get them to hawk tuah the polls

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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I just wanted you to know, it was seeing this absolutely cursed post that made me seek out the original video, and even after watching it, I was still chuckling about this. You're a monster and I thank you.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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(But for real, none of this technology exists except what sounds like a really shitty VR game, and whoever wrote this credulous article for a publication called "Science Times" should be embarrassed)

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Eh, honestly I was prepared to be impressed by its ability to pick up subtext, and even then, it seemed to be projecting more than was given. Re: "Oh, your charm - right, right", it said "responses have been peppered with a delightful mix of skepticism, sarcasm, and playful jabs". That's...generous.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Claude is as funny as Betteridge's Law is reliable!

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Also - not sure if I'm looking at de-aged Robin Wright or Jennifer Garner wearing a wig on Alias.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Take it from Old Vader, kids: Old people sound old.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Context on this. Robert Zemeckis is a film legend whose career has spanned more than my entire life, but he started making VFX nightmare fuel with The Polar Express and never stopped.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Well on the plus side, rumor has it that the district has responded by implementing a "mandatory hydration schedule", at least according to this person who originally (re-)posted it.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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And of course, even that smirk is a lie; the one thing they care about is cutting taxes for rich people and letting businesses do whatever they want. They are the ultimate narcs. Presenting themselves as rebels and iconoclasts, backed first by deception with a smile, and then by violence.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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I think this is a big part of it, but their biggest vibe that boomer standard, "Gimme a break", which they present as, "I, a smart person, don't believe [obviously true thing] is true" but they're actually smirking and saying, "I don't give a fuck about [obviously true thing], ya narc".

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Nobody asked for it, nobody needs it, and it's draining the goddamn power grid.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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(I sincerely hope this was not taken as howling and hectoring, and good day sir!)

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Within the confines of a conversation of "Yes, trans/nb people can exist, but which pronoun is more correct", I'm not sure I quite follow why you think 20th century writing is any more compelling than anything older. They feel similarly prescriptive; one just evokes history more than popular usage.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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"Use of the singular they/them to refer to someone of unknown or unspecified gender is almost as old as the word itself" is my go-to response for this, but there's always an unspoken, "...dumbass" included there, because I'm speaking to someone complaining about trans/nb people existing.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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I find your point about the recent linguistic past (20th century) vs. the distant past (12th century - spoiler: I howl and hector about it) interesting. I'm not 100% sure I grok the needle you're threading about which is "more correct" or which is a more compelling etymological justification.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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In a couple weeks, the movie WEEKEND AT BERNIE'S will be celebrating its 35th anniversary, a fact which came to mind today for no reason whatsoever.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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My favorite quaint, humanizing anecdote about Trump is the time he teargassed a bunch of peaceful protestors in front of a church so he could stand in front of it and hold up a Bible

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Reposted by FilmWonk

Tyler King's avatar Tyler King
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It would be super cool if the tech media would simply stop credulously repeating every value-juicing statement C-Suites make like they’re the in-house PR department. The only difference between these hollow promises and the guy crying, “The end is near!” on the street corner is funding.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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What a gift was Donald Sutherland. He could do intensity, comedy, drama, villainy, warmth, and icy, steely frost. I'm sharing one of my favorite monologues from him, a preposterous, conspiratorial expo-dump delivered with unparalleled skill. He was so good. RIP, sir, and thanks for everything.

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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"Succor borne every minute" may be one of the most high-brow terrible puns I've ever seen.

2 replies 3 reposts 161 likes

Reposted by FilmWonk

FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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Oh rest assured I have similar levels of contempt for both, but the Cybertruck unlocks a whole extra category of disdain for looking like a rusty dumpster

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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I was briefly in AI Boomertrap but ended up leaving it when it became clear that a million people were resharing stuff directly from the original posts, exacerbating the problem for everyone by increasing their organic reach. It's gonna get worse!

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FilmWonk's avatar FilmWonk
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This kinda seems like it should've been a bigger deal, but the fella they delivered it to a month before 9/11 got reelected, so. It kinda wasn't.

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