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Staring directly at the sun.

Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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It's good to know that, during this time of intrapartisan discord in the US, Australia has sent an ambassador who can give apposite counsel.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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The duality relation between emotional problems and political beliefs leads to a great contradiction: mistaking your depression for a politics >>> mistaking your resentment for a politics >>> mistaking your paranoid delusions for a politics >>>, somehow, mistaking your depression for a politics

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Getting spinal brackets installed and flooding my brain with pressure-resistent gel so my nervous system can withstand more than an hour within the borders of the state government's new Innovation Precinct.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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We're Backward

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Shaken with convulsions and a boiling brain as I step over the border into the state government's new Innovation Precinct.

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Reposted by Fungocrat

Sam's avatar Sam
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woah... the new Democratic nominee is... a Gray Catbird???

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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My disgraced lawyer, Ethical Jim Harwood, revealed as his deception was uncovered that his full name is in fact Norman Ethical James Harwood. Nobody really got it, and when he explained it we all thought it was stupid.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Baby screams inconsolably when I try any activities other than sitting on the porch, watching the rain.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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The quantum of additional excitement in a fact being the least exciting geography fact is always larger than the gap in excitement between it and the next-least exciting geography fact.

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Reposted by Fungocrat

Villein's avatar Villein
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we only need to rest because when the sun goes down we lose its animative charge. the only remedy is a daily practice of sungazing. stare at the sun. defeat sleep for eternal wakefulness

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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It is said that the ancients were a powerful race, with technologies we can no longer even imagine. It is said they could transform peanuts into a butter.

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Reposted by Fungocrat

balb's avatar balb
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it's just so simple to sit behind the crenellated parapet of your castle and fire off little darts at me, isn't it. all so devilishly simple

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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We're putting an end to that. New government initiative. No more events, occurrences, happenings.

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Reposted by Fungocrat

Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Update: the Winter Sun is too weak to dispel the fog as the day rises. The multistory social housing construction site remains plunged in the depths. Nimby raiders gather in torchlines on the hill and sacrifice a child to their blood god of Sustainable Growth.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Morning fog report: power lines fading into the hill across the railway tracks, crows perching on the lines between exploratory sallies into the grey.

2 replies 4 reposts 26 likes

Reposted by Fungocrat

balb's avatar balb
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thirsty? consider this: I've been draining away all the fluid in your body with an unobtrusive pump

6 replies 8 reposts 48 likes

Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Modern planning and building standards need to ensure that every family home has a separate room for The Vortex.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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As an American-Australian, on the Fourth of July, I must tell you: I honestly do believe that if I came upon a hot dog eating contest in the street, due to my heritage I could easily enter and defeat all mononational Australian competitors, even if they were professionals.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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That should be part of the contest. Distance.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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I gotta say that Mecca is actually a pretty good mecca for polyhedrons too.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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When I was born, it was prophesied by a wandering seer that I would be generally inoffensive and bring no ruin to anyone. My parents, unhorrified, chose not to expose me on a hillside but rather raised me as their own.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Directing customers to the low-expectations review site "welp".

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Reposted by Fungocrat

Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Morning sky report: a featureless perfect pale grey.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Urging you to reconsider this disastrous policy by way of a leaflet phrased as a letter from yourself at 10.00am, feeling sleepy after a sugary breakfast and ensuing sugar crash.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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14th century BC "Great Hymn to Aten" pretty much nailed it. "Roads lie open when you rise / The fish in the river dart before you / Your rays are the midst the sea". Not sure why people keep writing new poems.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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All part of Microsoft's new worms-based software suite.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Morning sky report: a mass of dull soft clouds departing toward the West, swelling with an orange glow from the sunrise pursuing it.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Between each morning standup meeting I am required to traverse the netherworld in a barque and subdue the malicious spirits that teem there. It's always Item 1 on the action items but I think people have started to take it for granted.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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The "Leadership Styles" quiz I'm taking at this work training event keeps giving me "Pharaonic". I see fearful looks in my colleagues.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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I'm pretty sure I'm not lying to myself when I say I love being boring. It's great.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Claiming that Australian courts have no jurisdiction over me as I am a cultured man and so a citizen of the Republic of Letters. The magistrate devastates me with a densely argued sonnet where each quatrain demonstrates I have satisfied an element of the offence of driving while intoxicated.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Wrong way around. At least 90% of the people you follow should have fewer followers than you. This is a key Posting Virtue.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Said it before and I'll say it again: 🤷‍♂️.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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They're crowning me with laurel. They're crowning me with oak. They're crowning me with the strange red leaves of a vine with sharp red roots.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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I fear I have already begun playing an unmelodic tune on my flute which has caused the gourds to stand and set out with a jerking walk toward the altar 🤷‍♂️.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Reminder team, the Departmental all-staff lunch is this Thursday. I will personally be bringing a hecatomb of cattle for the altar but everyone is expected to bring a fatted calf or at least a large rodent. Vegetarian staff are permitted to bring a gourd that looks like a man.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Every morning I gather my team and hand out leaflets with hymns to productivity that I have composed the night before. After the chanting they are welcome to sit with me and discuss the deeper meanings but they always have such a fire in their hearts that they get straight to work.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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What do you use to index and cross reference PDFs. Gotta know.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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There's an inverse relationship between interest rates and the facial ridiculousness of foreseen growth for tech investments. Fed needs to set negative rates for truly cosmic ambitions.

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Reposted by Fungocrat

j's avatar j
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haven't been posting brief, object summaries of the weather enough lately

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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I'm solar thermal storage (posts written under the ceaseless gaze of a pillar of molten salt).

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Skeleton sitting in a chair in the corner while the skin gets freaky in the hotel bed.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Gonna make my whole identity being a Straight Proust truther. That guy was 100% heterosexual. I can tell.

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Fungocrat's avatar Fungocrat
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Very good. Placing it at the centre of my beastline.

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