JeannetteBlue's avatar


40 followers 68 following 313 posts

Listen, think critically, learn

Reposted by JeannetteBlue

Back to the jorts's avatar Back to the jorts
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The goalposts would immediately move. Anyone that doesn't see this ratfuck for what it is has to be a fucking moron The entire political media is fucked.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Not pedo crime boss Russian puppet Don? This line of thinking plays into the MSM’s angel/brute myth telling. Dems can never be good enough and the cruelty of the Repugs is always to be excused.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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And this notion of a Dem candid that the msm and GOP will not mercilessly vilify is annoying and a waste of air/electrons.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Absolutely! Affiliation with a tribe (sports teams, religion, music) to get social queues fed to you is 100% American.

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Reposted by JeannetteBlue

Patthi's avatar Patthi
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It’s a great day for members of the media to sit down with newly released court transcripts concerning shitler and his pal Epstein. Then they could do their fking job and report the gdammed factual actual news. #keepYelling #PictureTaker

2 replies 18 reposts 95 likes

JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Imagine what women put up with. The gaslighting is nonstop.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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From a media environment that says sports professionals are role models. Yeah, right.

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Reposted by JeannetteBlue

Kameron Hurley's avatar Kameron Hurley
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...but you're ENGAGING with that NYT op-ed, aren't ya?

11 replies 82 reposts 362 likes

JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Amen! Stockholm syndrome? The NYT is not our friend nor will it be later today, next week, or next year.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Our next question should be: Who is quoting anything coming out of the NYT anymore like it’s not complete trash propaganda for the oligarchs and kleptocracy?

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Republican Hypocrisy is becoming the cutesy way to say fascist grooming/propaganda. They will say anything but only ever mean one thing: minority rule by rich, white, cis men.

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Reposted by JeannetteBlue

Matt Seybold's avatar Matt Seybold
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Mark Twain hated the Fourth of July. He was often invited to speak at Independence Day festivities. His audiences assumed that his reliably unpatriotic remarks were tongue-in-cheek jests. But he meant that shit. 1/9

9 replies 269 reposts 706 likes

JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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This constant barrage from MAGA makes it seem like they are a majority which they are not, so yes yes keep rump’s horridness front and center.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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“…[Nazism] had to deny expertness in thinking and then, in order to fill the vacuum, had to [attempt to] establish expert thinking of its own—that is, to find men of inferior or irresponsible caliber whose views conformed dishonestly or, worse yet, honestly to the Party line.”

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Reposted by JeannetteBlue

Scott Santens's avatar Scott Santens
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When folks argue that a Universal Basic Income would deter working, think about those million-dollar CEOs. If a modest $15k is enough to make one quit working, wouldn’t multi-million dollar packages make CEOs practically comatose? Yet, here they are, still CEOing. Weird isn't it?

15 replies 75 reposts 347 likes

JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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This is one reason oligarchs are raging for Trump.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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I get the feeling that we as a country prioritize aerospace engineering competencies applied to astronaut safety above jurisprudence competency applied to safeguarding democracy. The incompetence of the latter is stunning and highly impactful.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Hey bsky artists: could you gift me a graphic for a ~4x4” sticker for these words: No to Kings Vote Blue Save Democracy

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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They only understand money. All these oligarchs and kleptocrats only understand money. Speak to them only in these terms.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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This is why fast and decisive action from a law-immune president is necessary.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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The Vanity Fair piece + having to read this really shows us how durable the Kennedy brand is, though for not enough good reasons. This guy is nuts (not fit).

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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We need some sort of grant program to a) create simple standards for charging stations and b) affordable licenses for local mom/pop-owned charging stations. I’d own one if the cost wasn’t too high a risk and would expand if it made money or use whatever system enables 4 new Royal Farms in as many mi

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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All of a sudden Wapo can see it. What changed?

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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These posts are hilarious. Thank you, I needed that today.

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Reposted by JeannetteBlue

Joe Katz's avatar Joe Katz
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"

56 replies 942 reposts 3385 likes

JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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There will always be betas to help the villain regroup. And there will always be gen-next villain that follows. They need to be eliminated as a minimum to create villain reincarnation delay.

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Reposted by JeannetteBlue

Pickle Tiedrich's avatar Pickle Tiedrich
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the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding

103 replies 568 reposts 2667 likes

JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Bankers in charge provides a more direct line to the kleptocracy.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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“I know! Let’s do fascism instead because that annoying flag”

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Reposted by JeannetteBlue

's avatar
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So glad the court gave Biden the power to arrest the traitor Trump and his seditionist MAGA Congress. While he is at it, let’s arrest those corrupt SC Jude’s for accepting bribes. Clean house Joe, the court has given you a green light.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Serious comment? You can not debate logic or law with fascists.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Agree. Biden need to take a bold move on SCOTUS immediately. emphasizing bold and immediately.

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Seriously. Why does anyone give a republican respect? Since the 80’s they’ve been telling us who they are. It’s like social nerd thirstiness to hang with the cool kids (who have figured out how to get all the money).

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JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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Sheldon Whitehouse has a many-episode lecture delivered in Congress on youtube called The Scheme. I think he started it at least four years ago.

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Reposted by JeannetteBlue

ProPublica's avatar ProPublica
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The Supreme Court's right-wing supermajority didn't happen overnight. This is the inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that reshaped the American judiciary and legal system.

11 replies 119 reposts 247 likes

JeannetteBlue's avatar JeannetteBlue
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The concern is that the kleptocracy has eliminated so many normie judges and installed a machine. Who cares about internet outrage over something like this. It's the loss of a rational judicial branch that is devastating.

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Reposted by JeannetteBlue

Sam's avatar Sam
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Yes! The GOP has systematically, intensely, patiently planned to have the Supreme Court they wanted. And guess what, they started on this project 35 years ago. And Dems did NOTHING. Went along with all other pet issues. Presidential elections #1 issue every time ought to be Supreme Court appointees.

0 replies 1 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by JeannetteBlue

Dr. Holly Walters's avatar Dr. Holly Walters
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Don't forget the Sharpie.

16 replies 389 reposts 1727 likes

Reposted by JeannetteBlue

Mitchell Epner's avatar Mitchell Epner
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5/5 It turned out that Trump was right and I was a naive fool. Trump carried around Supreme Court justices in his pocket like so many nickels & dimes.

16 replies 46 reposts 395 likes

Reposted by JeannetteBlue

WhatAimeeWrites's avatar WhatAimeeWrites
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JFC. This should be the lead on every news show/network. It's treason

2 replies 3 reposts 55 likes

Reposted by JeannetteBlue

ryan cooper's avatar ryan cooper
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if there's anything that gives me a slight scrap of hope it's that these guys are *way* too confident. constantly blurting out hideously unpopular shit is not the sensible thing to do before a probable coin flip election

20 replies 81 reposts 499 likes

Reposted by JeannetteBlue

ryan cooper's avatar ryan cooper
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interesting to ponder this given the number of massive holes blown in the Constitution over the last 20+ years. impeachment & emoluments clause, article 4 section 4, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 14th amendments, etc etc, all dead. plus it was suspended outright for 3 weeks in 2021

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