João D's avatar

João D

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Joao_Bx on Twitter. International relations, EU affairs, Brussels & EU bubble. Formerly European Commission. EU external relations, project management, videogames journalism, space. Posts in EN, PT, FR, plus other languages if I feel brave enough.

João D's avatar João D
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All in all, the best team deserved to win today's semi, which does not mean the Netherlands did bad - it was a rare play-off game of this Euro where the best team won, rather than the least worst #NEDENG #Euro2024

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João D's avatar João D
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I like the implication that the other planets share a single currency tho.

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Reposted by João D

Dan Nexon's avatar Dan Nexon
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European leaders were in total denial about the possibility of a 2nd Trump term until this year. They had 4 years to do simple stuff like loudly & repeatedly announce that Biden's pro-NATO policies ==> them to increase defense spending. Now they're trying to "Trump-proof" with 4 months to go.

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João D's avatar João D
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Right? Of course it's obvious to us today but probably at the time they thought it was hilarious - at least keep the logo, so it will be impossible to confuse, especially at such an early stage in the mag's life.

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João D's avatar João D
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Em 2017 um amigo inglês disse-me: "vocês agora vão viver disto durante 50 anos, eu sei bem o que digo" e até agora, tem tido toda a razão. A Inglaterra vai em 58 years of hurt mas ainda tem a oportunidade de lhes pôr fim antes que cheguem aos 60. Nós vamos em 8 years of hurt.

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João D's avatar João D
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Eu já era bem crescidinho há 8 anos mas do que me lembro melhor foi de quando Cristiano Ronaldo saiu e de eu ter pesando: "agora vamos passar 50 anos de lamúria colectiva a dizer que só perdemos porque os franceses nos lesionaram o Ronaldo" - tanto melhor, mostrámos que se pode ganhar sem o rei-sol.

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João D's avatar João D
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Quando poucos dias depois vi o jogo com calma apercebi-me de como foi um espectáculo fraquíssimo de futebol. Por outro lado, a final com a Grécia também foi, nada que impeça a festa.

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João D's avatar João D
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Please, it's not 'poop in the Seine', it's 'le caca séquanien AOP'

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João D's avatar João D
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No, I was not in this world yet in 1982, I know this because on CVG's 15th anniversary in 1996 they showed some highlights of their past and they called this "the worst CVG cover ever"

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João D's avatar João D
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I imagine this cover from 1982, when CVG was barely 1 year old, caused some confusion too - how many people glanced over the shelves & kiosks and thought it was some kind of newspaper?

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João D's avatar João D
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Looks like an increasing number of people across the pond don't want their country ruled by a neo-fascist loyalist theocracy consolidated around the personality cult of Trump. Who would have thought?

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João D's avatar João D
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Replays of the entire games? I think they are only available on the websites of the networks that hold the broadcast rights in each country, and inevitably they block users accessing from other countries though in some cases a VPN will do.

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Reposted by João D

Jon Worth's avatar Jon Worth
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So much for a green Euro 2024!

The train Netherlands was due to take from Wolfsburg to Dortmund was cancelled 🤪

Glad to see DB can't get itself together even for special occasions!

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João D's avatar João D
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I wrote this before France's own goal but now it carries more weight.

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Reposted by João D

Stephen Schwartz's avatar Stephen Schwartz
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Tonight in 1985 in Auckland, New Zealand (July 10, local time), French secret agents—in an elaborate intelligence operation codenamed Satanique—used two limpet mines to sink the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior as it prepared to return to Mururoa Atoll to protest French nuclear testing there.

6 replies 68 reposts 97 likes

Reposted by João D

Bellingcat's avatar Bellingcat
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Latest: An analysis of open source evidence, as well as multiple missile experts, have pointed to a Russian launched Kh-101 cruise missile being the weapon that struck a children’s hospital in Kyiv

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Reposted by João D

Margo Gontar's avatar Margo Gontar
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Kyiv today russia hit children’s and maternity hospitals 22 killed 82 wounded there are more under the rubble

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João D's avatar João D
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Existe a meritocracia, e existe a patifocracia

Quanto tempo até se conhecer um escândalo a envolver este vice-presidente e as finanças do novo grupo da extrema-direita?

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Reposted by João D

Mark Chadbourn's avatar Mark Chadbourn
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Labour has moved very quickly to remove the Conservatives’ shadow ban on onshore wind. A boost for renewables projects.

4 replies 31 reposts 200 likes

Reposted by João D

Amy A's avatar Amy A
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if it's not from the champagne region of france then it’s just called sparkling fascist tears

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João D's avatar João D
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Não vi o jogo - estava num restaurante em Varsóvia a consumir cerveja por uma caneca de 1 litro, fui vendo is updates e a meia-final Inglaterra-Holanda tem potencial (talvez, não sei)

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João D's avatar João D
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No referendo de 2010 para acabar com o FPTP entre os três maiores partidos só os LibDems tinham interesse numa representação proporcional, não era? Hoje é a extrema-direita

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João D's avatar João D
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Ena pá, um belo affair de livro & filme

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João D's avatar João D
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Oof, nunca ouvi falar dele mas isto é uma daquelas coisas que pesam - aliás eu só ontem à noite vi que o first minister da Escócia já não é o Humza

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João D's avatar João D
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Saudades do Chaos with Ed Milliband

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João D's avatar João D
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E esta quase eliminação do SNP? E pelo que vi, os Tories expulsos de Gales também parece ser surpreendente

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João D's avatar João D
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E o SNP teve uma hecatombe que foi qualquer coisa - foi tudo para o Labour?

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João D's avatar João D
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Há pouco ouvi acho que na France24 alguém dizer que isto é um "normal landslide scenario" uma vez que os Tories perdem bastante mas elegem mais de 100 MPs e não caem para 3ª força política.

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João D's avatar João D
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Funnily enough, the exit poll is a kind of a 'least worst' scenario for the Tories, compared to what previous polls have suggested.

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João D's avatar João D
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E com 13 deputados da extrema-direita vai começar porrada da grande com muitos conservadores a desertar para o reform.

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Reposted by João D

Bleddyn Bowen's avatar Bleddyn Bowen
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Amazing night for Labour. Catastrophic for the Tories. Good night fir Lib Dems and Plaid Cymru. Disturbing Reform success. Still, the actual results are to come…

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Reposted by João D

Stephen Schwartz's avatar Stephen Schwartz
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Today in 1970, France conducted “Licorne,” its fourth thermonuclear weapon test—and 36th test overall—at Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific. Six hours after the 914-kiloton explosion, Defense Minister Michel Debré swam in the lagoon as a publicity stunt to show it was not dangerously radioactive.

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Reposted by João D

Leanne C. Powner's avatar Leanne C. Powner
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#polisky: I'm looking for examples of RECENT article or book titles that have pop culture or bad puns. Any subfield, any topic.

Self nominations welcome :-)

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João D's avatar João D
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Other than the referee not giving the advantage when he should have, Romania have only themselves to blame for this #ROMNED #Euro2024

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João D's avatar João D
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And ever since the Dutch scored 15 mins ago Romania has pretty much stopped going up front #ROMNED #Euro2024

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