Klint Finley's avatar

Klint Finley


129 followers 223 following 290 posts

Writer/editor for GitHub’s The ReadME Project (github.com/readme). Opinions my own.

Talks about: Open source, comic books & RPGs, post-punk, metal, horror, crime fic

Also found at: klintron.com

Portland, OR


Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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I'm still taking requests for future old school adventure module reviews.

Perhaps relatedly: I started a Reddit thread on the best old school adventures of 2024 thus far: www.reddit.com/r/osr/commen...

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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My latest old school adventure review: The Purple Worm Graveyard, which is by now double old school. kidminotaur.com/the-purple-w...

I recommend some small changes to make it more interesting and less hack 'n slash.

At the very least there are some cool monsters to steal.

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Reposted by Klint Finley

s. e. smith 's avatar s. e. smith @sesmith.bsky.social
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Having a lot of thoughts this week about parasociality and how overidentification with public figures and their work results in a reflexive rejection of accusations of wrongdoing not just because it shatters an illusion, but because it feels like a personal attack.

6 replies 52 reposts 223 likes

Reposted by Klint Finley

Karl Bode's avatar Karl Bode @karlbode.bsky.social
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One of the biggest money makers in the last decade is getting center-left people upset enough to repeatedly outrage share (and amplify) your terrible ideas ask Matt taibbi, the NYT, and about seven thousand self published journalists nursing the twitter to substack outrage engagement pipeline

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Next up: The Purple Worm Graveyard. What should I run next? Anyone got anything they want to see reviewed?

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Latest OSR review: Prison of the Hated Pretender by Gus L. kidminotaur.com/prison-of-th...

This is a good example of a module that plays better than it reads. I have some questions and tweaks I think are worth reading if you're thinking about running this one.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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I always wanted to write a Watchmen-esque Fletcher-verse thing where Stardust is tormented by being constantly aware of all the injustice and suffering in the universe at every moment but unable to act until after it's over. (Though I'm sure someone must've done this with Spectre already)

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Fletcher Hanks?

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Reposted by Klint Finley

Reposted by Klint Finley

Prisonculture's avatar Prisonculture @prisonculture.bsky.social
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No shame in feeling scared, overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. To me feeling one's feelings doesn't preclude taking action. These are confusing times. Give yourself some grace.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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OMG these all look so good.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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OMG this episode is 🔥🔥🔥

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Non-binary: "Attack or retreat" is a boring choice compared to "Negotiate, sneak, bribe, attack, or retreat, etc."

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Non-arbitrary: Not a choice between door number 1 and door number 2. There should be a reason to choice one or the other. saying “Webbed footprints lead to a fork on the left. You feel a cool breeze from the fork to the right” gives players a chance to reason about what decision they should make.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Consequential: I don’t mind the occasional quantum ogre to keep things on track (I’d say they’re OK to use occasionally if it makes the game more fun for everyone), but player decisions have to matter.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Meaningful decisions are really important to making a good adventure. To be meaningful, decisions should be consequential, non-arbitrary, and preferably non-binary.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Just published my reviews of some one-page dungeons, including the excellent Skyblind Spire. I also develop my thoughts on what makes a good adventure in this post. It boils down to "stuff for PCs to do besides combat." kidminotaur.com/one-page-dun...

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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I backed the Break! RPG (www.breakrpg.com) months ago and only just realized that it isn't the same thing as ICON (massif-press.itch.io/icon). I'm not mad about it though, Break! still sounds awesome (And they didn't do anything at all to mislead me I just got confused somehow)

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Goes from Star Wars and Barbarella to Doom Generation, Videodrome, and Mandy.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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I desperately want to watch it again.

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Reposted by Klint Finley

Rob Sheridan's avatar Rob Sheridan @rob-sheridan.com
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It becomes agonizingly apparent the moment you have a baby that despite all the rhetoric you hear your whole life, the US is on almost every level a virulently anti-family country, and carrying all the extra weight of what that means falls overwhelmingly on mothers - very much by design.

1 replies 17 reposts 61 likes

Reposted by Klint Finley

Reposted by Klint Finley

Annie Zaleski's avatar Annie Zaleski @anniezaleski.bsky.social
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Absolutely amazing that the model for Patrick Nagel’s painting used on the cover of Duran Duran’s “Rio” has been found!! Thanks to Lyndsey Parker for quoting my Duran Duran book in her piece on this find.

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Reposted by Klint Finley

Alex Delaney @HeroesCon Indie Island ii-1217's avatar Alex Delaney @HeroesCon Indie Island ii-1217 @alexdelaneyart.bsky.social
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I didn’t want to say anything if it wasn’t going to happen in time, but it’s official, the NEW ISSUE of The Derelict will premiere one week from today at HeroesCon in Charlotte, NC! It’s great to have this one done & ready to roll. I’ll be in Indie Island ii-1217. Come say hi!

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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I just remembered that 13th Age has something where damage increases as a fight wears on... so maybe some form of that, where saves get impaired for everyone after a couple of rounds.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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In the case where it was really a problem the sides were pretty evenly matched... but encouraging the PCs to gang-up on one single NPC might've helped. Or vice versa, though that might have made it feel like I was singling out a player to pick on.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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... characters keep passing their saves.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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@awkwardturtle.games Just a heads up that I amended my review ... We had some combat that turned into a slog. Previous sessions I ran didn't have a lot of combat, and the ones we did have went pretty smooth. Found though that a larger combat with well matched sides can take forever if...

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Reposted by Klint Finley

Popehat's avatar Popehat @kenwhite.bsky.social
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Anyway good luck to jurors, the judge, court staff, and prosecutors, and all their families, with not getting murdered, and thanks to FedSoc types for bringing us to the brink of fascism so you could weaken Chevron deference

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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PAC was founded in April, didn’t raise any money until May, after the cutoff date where they would have to disclose donors before the election tomorrow. 🤔 www.oregonlive.com/politics/202...

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Reposted by Klint Finley

rax king's avatar rax king @raxkingisdead.bsky.social
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there are a lot of reasons the ‘outside agitators’ stuff is stupid but one underrated reason is: it’s not even illegal to go protest somewhere you don’t specifically live! that is entirely allowed!

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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If you were looking for Faust 2, this isn’t it and that’s a good thing. If you liked Faust, there are still things I think you’ll like about this. And if you didn’t like Faust, or stayed clear of it because its reputation for extreme gore and violent sex, you might find The Addiction more inviting.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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I talked with Faust: Love of the Damned co-creator David Quinn about The Addiction, his first new comic book in more than a decade, where he's been since the end of the 90s, and food: sewermutant.com/life-after-f...

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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And all too often the civilian political leaders tasked with holding them accountable are terrified of them.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Re: last repost: Plunder: Private Equity's Plan to Pillage America by Brendan Ballou is well worth a read/listen.

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Reposted by Klint Finley

Jay Blanc's avatar Jay Blanc @jayblanc.bsky.social
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Let's all be honest, "Aquire a loan you know you can't pay off, then use it to buy a company, spin off the assets to private concerns, saddle the company with the loan you can never pay off, and then declare bankruptcy" is financial fraud, and any sane polity would have implemented laws against it.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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There's the thing I mentioned review where the "special skill" for "Tricky" animals seems to vague. A couple of examples of special skills would be helpful. That's all that comes to mind so far.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Thanks for making such a great game! Feel free to ask any questions you might have about our sessions (I think we've done four sessions in Brighter now, with a fifth scheduled for tomorrow) if there's anything specific you still want feedback on.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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The Blessed of Water (a water elementalist) is “For players who like free- form effects, or want to play a water bender,” while the Crystal Wizard is for “For players who like to prepare magic before casting it, like to read through lists of magic, or want to focus on rituals over spells.”

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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One of the neat things is that there are different kinds of magic users/casters depending on how a player prefers to play.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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Almost all the additional mechanics and stuff are confined to the classes, hence the "modularity" of the crunch. Each player only needs to know the mechanics for their own class.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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It's very similar to Into the Odd or Cairn, but uses a step dice system like Savage Worlds or 24XX. Also, unlike Into the Odd, it has a magical system/spells. Perhaps most importantly though, it has classes that provide character abilities, options, etc.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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My review of Brighter Worlds, the rules lite with "modular crunch" OSR RPG/Into the Odd hack by @awkwardturtle.games kidminotaur.com/brighter-wor...

The basic idea is to bridge the gap between GMs and players who want rules lite and players who want lotsa character options and fiddly bits.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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The odd thing is that I’d otherwise lean more towards Dexter.

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Klint Finley's avatar Klint Finley @klintron.com
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I suspect we’ll see something similar from GOP donors in the governor’s race in 2026. Knute Buehler failed despite record spending. Betsy Johnson lost. Blasting the primary with dark money is the next logical play. theintercept.com/2024/05/10/p...

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