Luise Loges's avatar

Luise Loges

358 followers 355 following 1460 posts

Antiquities crime researcher, science communicator, journalist, feminist, nerd. Mansplainers get blocked.

Luise Loges's avatar Luise Loges
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Der Volksverpetzer's avatar Der Volksverpetzer
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Das ging nach hinten los: Der Rechtspopulist Nigel Farage hat den Konservativen Stimmen weggenommen und damit dem Linken Keir Starmer zum Sieg verholfen. Der zunehmende Rechtspopulismus führt im Vereinigten Königreich paradoxerweise zu einer linken Regierung.

6 replies 33 reposts 150 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Mario Sixtus 's avatar Mario Sixtus
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Die sozialistische Sowjetrepublik Schweiz hat eine gut funktionierende Vermögenssteuer, die Deutschland jährlich 37 Milliarden brächte, führte man sie hier ein. Vielleicht sollte man die Mitarbeiter*innen des deutschen Finanzministeriums dort mal zur Schulung hinschicken?

30 replies 164 reposts 505 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

msur0711's avatar msur0711
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Wo kommen sie her - all die Pappkartons für Amazon und Co.?

1 replies 14 reposts 38 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Melissa Gira Grant's avatar Melissa Gira Grant
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Project 2025 includes the call to “outlaw” porn. If you want to understand what they mean by that? Look to what these groups are already fighting “porn,” and their connections to anti-gender movements outside the US. I start that analysis here:

17 replies 293 reposts 683 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

brandsatz bodo. 's avatar brandsatz bodo.
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ja wie kann das denn sein das ist ja komisch

16 replies 20 reposts 142 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Claas Gefroi 's avatar Claas Gefroi
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Wahnsinn: Die Unionsparteien und F.J. Strauß haben die Grauen Wölfe hierzulande einst groß gemacht, um gewerkschaftlich organisierte und kritische Türk*innen in Deutschland unter Druck zu setzen. Toller Text des Pädagogen und Schriftstellers Burak Yilmaz.

15 replies 155 reposts 288 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Mara Pfeiffer's avatar Mara Pfeiffer
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Wichtiger Text, danke, Gelöscht wurde übrigens nicht nur das erwähnte Video, sondern die ganze Reihe zu Politik in den Stadien. Das ist ein ziemlich heftiger Vorgang. Derweil bekommen rechte Dunstabzugshauben gerade wieder überall Sendezeit. Lernt hier niemand dazu?

3 replies 49 reposts 98 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Pyeah™ (BLESSED era)'s avatar Pyeah™ (BLESSED era)
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Wie sich Forderer der Abschaffung des Deutschlandtickets wünschen, dass Zugfahren endlich wieder aussieht:

1 replies 2 reposts 7 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Orcspiration's avatar Orcspiration
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0 replies 12 reposts 38 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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Congrats to everyone on Twitter, still pretending they're not actually frequenting a Nazi bar as the jukebox plays the Horst Wessel Song at a deafening volume.

30 replies 157 reposts 702 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Pyeah™ (BLESSED era)'s avatar Pyeah™ (BLESSED era)
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Bin gespannt, von welchem Politiker als erstes die mutige Frage hören: "Brauchen Bürgergeldbezieher*innen wirklich ALLE ihre Organe?". Ich meine, selbst die Partei ist nicht mehr so klar vorauszusehen.

2 replies 1 reposts 12 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Krsto Lazarević's avatar Krsto Lazarević
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Als ich Bafög beantragt habe, hatten die Behörden so gar kein Problem mit einem absurd komplexen Bewertungsaufwand. Aber klar, bei Millionären geht das natürlich nicht.

92 replies 596 reposts 2245 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D.'s avatar Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D.
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It's coming up on "get a grant or become unemployed" season and while I have certainly gotten used to that form of existence, it's nonetheless not my favorite.

7 replies 4 reposts 94 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Reposted by Luise Loges

Reposted by Luise Loges

Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness 's avatar Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness
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All worth discussing and considering. I'm an Egyptologist+ I have to dig/ conserve/ survey... it's what I do. I believe there is an ethical path to doing joint missions and true collaborative work in foreign countries. It's a fine line+ deserves all the criticism that William gives.

1 replies 1 reposts 7 likes

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Reposted by Luise Loges

Julian Hamann's avatar Julian Hamann
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English speaking colleagues, I need your help: Is there an English word for particularly small disciplines? An umbrella term for fields like sinology, frisian studies, paleontology, etc.? In Germany, small fields are a thing ("kleine Fächer" or "Orchideenfächer"). Is there an English equivalent?

18 replies 8 reposts 21 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Riley Black 🦕 🏳️‍⚧️ 's avatar Riley Black 🦕 🏳️‍⚧️
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I love the NMNH Allosaurus. We have trace and body fossils showing us theropods sat just like this, and Allosaurus eggs have been found at several spots. Even the skeleton itself got an overhaul to be more accurate, especially the skull.

7 replies 15 reposts 86 likes

Luise Loges's avatar Luise Loges
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This, this is so important!

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Reposted by Luise Loges

Anna Bers's avatar Anna Bers
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JEDEN TAG DAS: "Wer aus Liebe zur Wissenschaft alles tun möchte, um die eigene Beschäftigung im Wissenschaftssystem längerfristig zu erhalten, ist gezwungen, allerlei Dinge zu machen, die mit Wissenschaft a) wenig zu tun haben und b) ihr teils sogar schaden." Danke für die Präzision.

0 replies 3 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Orion🌈&sm9eb's avatar Orion🌈&sm9eb
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I know this is a long shot, but is anyone aware of someone looking to adopt an orange kitten in Senegal? A fellow alumna of my undergrad just saw a guy throw an orange kitten in a dumpster in Senegal, rescued it, and cleaned it up, but she can't take in a 3rd cat.

1 replies 13 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Marina Weisband 's avatar Marina Weisband
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Keine Ahnung, keine Energie oder Worte, etwas zu #Kyiv zu schreiben. Zu viel Schmerz. Und was soll man sagen als immer wieder rufen: das Ziel hier ist die Vernichtung der Ukraine. Und die Vernichtung der Demokratie und Freiheit. Und die Vernichtung von Menschen.

23 replies 271 reposts 898 likes

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J. Stryker | Memento Vivere 🌿🌲🇨🇦's avatar J. Stryker | Memento Vivere 🌿🌲🇨🇦
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I suspect that some of you are feeling this quote, too? "The most painful anguish that mortals suffer is to understand a great deal but to have no power at all." —Herodotus

6 replies 36 reposts 175 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Dr. Jens Foell's avatar Dr. Jens Foell
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Pro tip: Use your time more efficiently by ignoring all takes that are just variations of "in order to stop the extreme right, we have to implement some part of their extremist policies"

1 replies 7 reposts 46 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Pyeah™ (BLESSED era)'s avatar Pyeah™ (BLESSED era)
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Ich weiß, ich muss wo arbeiten, wo ein Waldstück ist, also nehme ich die Gummisaurier für Fotos bei Tageslicht mit.

2 replies 1 reposts 31 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness 's avatar Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness
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He was there to work with the Biden administration on a Parkinson's act that was signed July 2nd, you irresponsible fascist loving hacks

6 replies 30 reposts 120 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Anna Meier's avatar Anna Meier
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My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.

75 replies 1203 reposts 3514 likes

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Michael Albert's avatar Michael Albert
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In Luxemburg und Wallonien verhindern die Medien seit Jahren erfolgreich einen Rechtsruck, indem sie demokratiefeindlichen Parteien keine Plattform bieten, sie nicht in Talkshows einladen und mit ihnen keine Live-Interviews führen. So macht man das. Faschisten haben kein Recht auf Sendezeit.

33 replies 683 reposts 1539 likes

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Amrei Bahr 's avatar Amrei Bahr
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„Dörings Aussage muss Stark-Watzinger potenziell schon sehr wehtun, solange sie den fatalen Eindruck des Verbots der Aufklärung in Kauf nimmt.“ #Fördergeldaffäre

0 replies 18 reposts 49 likes

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Bobby's avatar Bobby
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"Arbeitsbedingungen, die (gelegentlich) Motivation und Erfüllung im eigenen Tun erlauben oder gar befördern, sollten nicht als Privilegien apostrophiert werden, die allenfalls ausgewählten Arbeitenden zukommen, sondern als wünschenswerter Standard für Arbeit generell."

0 replies 5 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Reposted by Luise Loges

Prisonculture's avatar Prisonculture
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I lessened my stress years ago when I stopped arguing with white people about whether certain things emerged due to racist INTENT rather than whether those things were put to racist USE. I don't care about the intent but I do certainly care about USE.

7 replies 36 reposts 233 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Juliane's avatar Juliane
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CN Queerfeindlichkeit . . . Gerade finden in kleinen und großen Städten im Osten CSDs statt - und könnten Allys gebrauchen. Bitte geht/fahrt hin, wenn ihr könnt.

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Dr. Holly Walters's avatar Dr. Holly Walters
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THIS TOO SHALL PASS! I mean....yes but....not necessarily while any of us are alive. Or the planet is habitable by humans. But sure, it'll pass. Eventually.

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Sankt Bimbam (Männerhass era)'s avatar Sankt Bimbam (Männerhass era)
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Der Putin ist ein Kriegsverbrecher. Huch, das ging erstaunlich einfach.

9 replies 29 reposts 190 likes

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Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg 's avatar Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
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Yes, I have a LOT OF BEEF with Biden. So much beef. and There is no version of the story that involves Republicans gaining more control of our government now that ends well. Not a single one. Come on. We know this. The answer is: Voting can't be the END of our fight for change. Ever.

3 replies 59 reposts 323 likes

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Cherie Priest 's avatar Cherie Priest
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Greyson, come *inside* 😩

15 replies 4 reposts 253 likes

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Erin Biba's avatar Erin Biba
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A LOT of folks in my mentions now listing animals and monsters asking me if they're OK to compare to a Jewish person and for the love of god y'all. Making fun of our faces and bodies is classic antisemitism. This man has done enough specific evil surely you can find other ways to criticize him?

28 replies 72 reposts 402 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Erin Biba's avatar Erin Biba
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Stephen Miller is back in the news and folks love to compare him to vampires and lizards/lizard people and just a reminder those are both really insidious, long standing antisemitic tropes. That man is extremely evil there are lots of other ways we can criticize him without doing antisemitism.

29 replies 150 reposts 529 likes

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Reposted by Luise Loges

Steve Silberman's avatar Steve Silberman
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That ecstatic feeling when voters defy right-wing media noise and turn out in unprecedented numbers to tell the fascists to crawl back into the sewers they crawled out of. Republique Square in Paris yesterday, photo by Olympia de Maismont.

9 replies 106 reposts 468 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Katie Mack's avatar Katie Mack
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"Great men are almost always bad men" is a phrase that goes through my head a LOT (along with an appropriately gender-neutral-ized version when applicable)

32 replies 115 reposts 700 likes

Reposted by Luise Loges

Orion🌈&sm9eb's avatar Orion🌈&sm9eb
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Folks, I'm looking for a *post-Covid undergrad student-friendly* textbook on bioarchaeology that has a very strong section on the ethics of working (or *NOT*) with archaeological human remains & includes lab exercises (3D imaging). Does anyone have recommendations based on your experience, please?

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