Matt 💙💛's avatar

Matt 💙💛

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N*A*F*O Mostly Mountains. Natural history. Environmentalism. Social Democrat. Anti Tankie. Highlands/UK

Matt 💙💛's avatar Matt 💙💛
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The black pampers got moved on by the police at SOAS yesterday. The question we're all asking is how dare they assume the gender of the police?

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Orion412's avatar Orion412
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Orcs shot two Ukranian POWs point blank, execution style, in Zaporizhia region.

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Mark Chadbourn's avatar Mark Chadbourn
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More on that “peace” agenda. Medvedev: “Even if Ukraine surrenders the territories we claim and renounces NATO aspirations in exchange for a peace deal, sooner or later we would still have to put the nail into the coffin of Ukrainian statehood and return the rest of the country’s lands to Russia”.

9 replies 85 reposts 207 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Mᴇʟ Коваль 🇺🇦 's avatar Mᴇʟ Коваль 🇺🇦
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russias' idea of "peace" is actually surrender. And they're saying once again that any deal with them is worthless because they will just attack more of Ukraine either way. Please share with idiots and peaceniks who keep trying to claim this time a peace deal would work.

2 replies 10 reposts 18 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Darth Putin's avatar Darth Putin
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OTD in 1937 Stalin ordered 3,000 Belarusians shot & a further 9,800 to hard labor. Imagine the Kremlin run by someone sadistic that today...

2 replies 19 reposts 90 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Borys Kormych's avatar Borys Kormych
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You know what? The League of Nations had much more integrity than this shitty UN.

8 replies 7 reposts 37 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Зіновій Зрадченко's avatar Зіновій Зрадченко
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And one more time fuck you to every terrorist cheerleader listed above
Idiots like you in the previous century gave green light to genocides committed by hitler and stalin regimes and it's the only doing what you'll be remembered for

0 replies 6 reposts 12 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

POLITICO Europe's avatar POLITICO Europe
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Supporters and relatives of imprisoned anti-Kremlin activist Vladimir Kara-Murza are increasingly concerned for his welfare, having been denied access to him for a week.

1 replies 11 reposts 22 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Matt 💙💛's avatar Matt 💙💛
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Good thread about an Ru bot farm takedown released today by the US/Canada/Netherlands. There is a link in the 3rd tweet to a PDF detailing the webserver infrastructure, including snippets of their JSON code, which may be of interest

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Matt 💙💛's avatar Matt 💙💛
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Meanwhile in the other place fulltime Ruzzian propagandist Lord Bebo has been using ice lolly sticks to "prove" that it wasn't a KH-101 missile that hit the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital. They really aren't sending their best people.

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Vatslav's avatar Vatslav
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In the photo Oleg Golubchenko At the time of the attack, he was operating on a child. The shock wave threw him onto the operating table, but he and his colleagues managed to do everything necessary to transfer the baby to manual artificial respiration. The child survived..💔

0 replies 6 reposts 17 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Дика тварюка з дикого мєда 🇺🇦's avatar Дика тварюка з дикого мєда 🇺🇦
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going to bed with a thought that Russian could freely bomb my country every day 'cause US government still didn't give permission to use western weapon on military facilities on all of Russia's territory and not only near the border


1 replies 6 reposts 23 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Matt 💙💛's avatar Matt 💙💛
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Got woken by the cat bringing a mouse in, rescued mouse and as was putting it outside saw some amazing noctilucent clouds

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Matt 💙💛's avatar Matt 💙💛
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Due to 'climate equity' India/China aren't going to follow suit for 30/40 years, could we have a world with 2 sets of WTO rules? Seems a big hill to climb. I suspect the equity issue will cause more disquiet in the future because a lot of ppl aren't keen on paying for the sins of their grandparents

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Matt 💙💛's avatar Matt 💙💛
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Without those we're soon in trouble (imagine life without disinfectants). We could do it via a H2 economy & bio fuels (cutting down which forest?), but it'll cost more. So how does that square with free trade: palm oil from the tropics is an order of magnitude more productive than OSR in the EU⬇️

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Matt 💙💛's avatar Matt 💙💛
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Sadly not going to happen, a bit like China we're dependent of them for things like pharmaceuticals, steel, industrial chemicals etc. I often wonder how we're going to square going green in a world of free trade & WTO rules without giving veto power to unfriendly states to sanction Europe ⬇️

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Wyl's avatar Wyl
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The Russian Empire bombs hospitals as a tactic, not by accident As I said back on the 6th February 2022. Before Putin escalated his terrorism in Ukraine When the UN shared GPS coordinates with the Russians in Syria they proceeded to bomb every one of them Here we are today 🙄

0 replies 15 reposts 41 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Joshua Foust  🪖🎮's avatar Joshua Foust 🪖🎮
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Just last week, Biden signed H.R. 2365, the “Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act,” which would be a part of stories like this if the journalists writing the stories were ethical. That they conceal this context speaks to their abject malice.

3 replies 38 reposts 99 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Natalia Antonova🇺🇸🇺🇦's avatar Natalia Antonova🇺🇸🇺🇦
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This is Russian telegram right now. The text reads: “Evacuated mommies with sick kiddos at the Okhmatdyt hospital struck by a downed missile [translator note: this is a lie, missile was intact]” “Am I the only who’s thinking about hitting them again with a Kinzhal missile?”

1 replies 13 reposts 18 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Bunkerhunter's avatar Bunkerhunter
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Unter den Toten in Okhmatdyt ist Swetlana Lukjantschuk, eine 30-jährige Kinderärztin aus Lemberg. Sie war eine Waise und wurde von ihrer Tante großgezogen. Svetlana arbeitete als pädiatrische Nephrologin in Okhmatdyt. 😢🕯️

21 replies 77 reposts 227 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Bunkerhunter's avatar Bunkerhunter
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Und weil es immer noch ein paar A-löcher gibt, die behaupten wollen, es sei eine Patriot gewesen und keine Rakete der russischen Kriegsverbrecher, hier für eure Akten.

2 replies 15 reposts 47 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Апірея🐝 Світланівна 🟡🐕⚡️Додіславенко's avatar Апірея🐝 Світланівна 🟡🐕⚡️Додіславенко
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До уваги українців у Німеччині! ВСІ НА ПІКЕТ ПОСОЛЬСТВА РФ Сьогодні о 19:00 навпроти посольства росії відбудеться терміновий пікет. Активістів та небайдужих громадян скликає громадське обʼєднання “Віче”. Просять брати з собою плакати про обстріли України та потребу в зброї.

4 replies 52 reposts 133 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Orion412's avatar Orion412
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Orcs are claiming the strike on the hospital was by ukranian anti aircraft defense. You can clearly see in the video footage multiple kh 101s missiles directly striking the hospital.

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Зіновій Зрадченко's avatar Зіновій Зрадченко
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I can only wish that westerners would apply a half the effort they spent on mental gymnastics to help us instead

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Eugene's avatar Eugene
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Today russia hit "Ohmatdyt" children’s hospital with a rocket.

The National Children's Specialized Hospital "Ohmatdyt" is the largest children's hospital in Ukraine, where more than 20,000 children from all over the country are treated every year.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #йобанарусня

2 replies 73 reposts 103 likes

Matt 💙💛's avatar Matt 💙💛
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Did the new Labour MP for NW Cambridgeshire have to beat Dan Dare? I for one welcome our Venusian overlords

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Darth Putin's avatar Darth Putin
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Cyber 💾 Soroka 🐦‍⬛'s avatar Cyber 💾 Soroka 🐦‍⬛
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Hypocrisy brims with logical inconsistencies.
Pretty much the same people who pressure Ukraine into capitulation under the guise of “favorable positions for negotiations” also tell Ukraine that to join NATO, it must first defeat Russia.
They’re either daft or they think we are. #UkrainianView

2 replies 11 reposts 39 likes

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Mark Chadbourn's avatar Mark Chadbourn
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And Russia is now planning to sow “panic and terror” in the US, according to a leaked report.

5 replies 43 reposts 96 likes

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Orion412's avatar Orion412
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Join in folks! Need more countries in this list.

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

(((Tendar)))'s avatar (((Tendar)))
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In Russian-occupied Crimea a gas distribution unit exploded. The fire can be seen from afar. Source: Telegram / Crimeanwind

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Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Julia Davis's avatar Julia Davis
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Sergey Mardan weighed in on a poll that found that one-third of Russians would be fine with nuking Ukraine. Mardan disagrees with them—not for humanitarian reasons, but due to his genocidal, imperial belief that Ukraine does not exist and is part of Russia.

7 replies 20 reposts 48 likes

Reposted by Matt 💙💛

Lauren Ashley Davis's avatar Lauren Ashley Davis
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Nearly 180 gravestones at two Jewish cemeteries in Cincinnati have been vandalized, according to the Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati

Many of the gravestones, some dating back to the late 1800s, have been knocked face-down, some cracked in half.

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