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Apparently in some states big billboards remind you to register-which you can do online-& vote. Imagine that. But Houston really has a problem. I know Stanart was a big part of it but he’s gone. Time to pick up the slack & goooooo.

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Right? We can dream.

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I keep waiting for Beyoncé to fire up her home city of Houston but it never happens. Also not sure who is charged with waking up Houston but they are bad at their job.

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This time, a Catholic monarchy.

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It’s full on @GOP fascism.

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I should complain to the Missouri State Bar. I have as much standing to do that as he does to file his ridiculous suit. He’s wasting Missourian’s money & time.

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If you listened to argument or read an analysis of the underlying decision in Murthy v Missouri, the AG is unconstrained by ethical obligations. He should be censured.

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No way to sue for hiring mediocre white men w/familial relationships w/prominent families, I guess-although an employment lawyer might find an angle.

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Meanwhile, the kids are surfing porn on the internet.

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Don’t know any Democratic supporters of Assad but Tulsi.

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Yet, Sidney Powell is still licensed in Texas. It beggars belief.

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Jonathan Ladd's avatar Jonathan Ladd
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The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.

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Mitchell Epner's avatar Mitchell Epner
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3/ . . . order to murder their fellow Americans, they will be pardoned and (b) if the refuse to carry out the illegal order, they will be subjected to the same violence that they refuse to carry out on others. A President could set up "political troops" to force soldiers into battle, in the . .

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b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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roberts’ reasoning is fundamentally (lower-case “r”) anti-republican. i know we dunk on the framers here but roberts has issued a rebuke of the revolutionary assumption that concentrated, unaccountable power is a fundamental threat to liberty.

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Jacob T. Levy's avatar Jacob T. Levy
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Can't be impeached because presidential impeachment has been a dead letter since parties came into existence. Can't be disqualified from office. And can't be prosecuted for crimes committed under color of office.

45 replies 181 reposts 949 likes

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Lily Mason's avatar Lily Mason
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A convicted felon is applying for the only job in the world that lets him do as many crimes as he wants.

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Jacob T. Levy's avatar Jacob T. Levy
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Not one more minute of defensiveness from the Biden campaign, please. Not one more question answered about age or debates. All day, every day, a referendum on Trump's criminality and assault on the constitutional order, on what he would be like with blank check for his lawlessness.

7 replies 115 reposts 435 likes

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Tom Scocca's avatar Tom Scocca
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Selling foreign policy actions for bags of cash—unquestionably legal

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Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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This Originalist™ court has effectively immunized both the president and all federal law enforcement officers from any meaningful accountability. Because if there are two things the Founders cherished, it's the power of a king-like executive and armed agents of the government to act with impunity.

13 replies 338 reposts 1155 likes

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Susan (George) Schorn's avatar Susan (George) Schorn
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No one who is anywhere near childbearing age should be moving to Texas.

5 replies 18 reposts 83 likes

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Joe Dunman's avatar Joe Dunman
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Kim Davis 2.0. If the Court carves religious exemptions for government employees, you better hope the state actor from whom you need a permit, or a divorce decree, or a protective order, or a driver license, etc. doesn't think people like you are sinners who don't deserve equal treatment.

1 replies 8 reposts 14 likes

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Joe Dunman's avatar Joe Dunman
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The Overton window has shifted so far that SIX members of the Court are ow willing to scrap Chevron, something even Scalia would not have done. Here is Scalia defending it in 1989 (before affirming it again as recently as 2013 in Arlington v FCC):

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J.J. 's avatar J.J.
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Listen - if SCOTUS holds today that Trump has immunity, I think the outcome of the debate doesn't matter as much. Biden will have many options.

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Cornyn looked like a weak old man vs. MJ Hegar. Fat lot of good that did.

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So why don’t they trust parents to guide their children’s religious education? Also, has he *read* the Bible?

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The Catholic Church should not be running the Supreme Court or making healthcare decisions for non-Catholics.

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Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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The GOP is quickly becoming a party defined by issues on which 70% of the population disagrees with them. Dobbs and gun regulation has exposed this, and now same goes for GOPs increasing embrace of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and policies. And yet this race is 50/50. Gift link.

14 replies 106 reposts 317 likes

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Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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For no reason I’m thinking today about how the guy who hatched the idea to publish Barry Goldwater’s book “Conscience of a Conservative” in 1960 (Leo Reardon) had served as Father Coughlin’s emissary to the Nazi regime in 1939.

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It’s a good omen. Don’t make a final decision without talking to me, they say.

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Josh Busby's avatar Josh Busby
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Big fan of Belgium’s Tin Tin uniforms.

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Abbott’s failure to better manage the foster care system is a disgrace-a long-standing disgrace.

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Tyler King's avatar Tyler King
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DeSantis has arbitrarily removed/replaced more elected Democrats from office than any modern Florida governor as a means of usurping the rights of voters in blue districts. Then they attempt to disguise themselves as Democrats to retain office in low-turnout local elections.

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I’m not sure how we reached a place where one of two parties is so extremist it challenges even anodyne requirements like universal background checks. It has to be oligarch money & philosophy because most Americans support that policy.

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Or whole condominium buildings, more recently in vogue. Crypto also serves the salutary purpose of shifting funds from rubes to hucksters-since the collapse of NFTs, what’s a conman to do? That’s why Cruz is such a supporter.

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It would be a lot harder to launder money, Gov.

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It’s worth $56 billion, right? That’s the only thing at Tesla that has Musk’s name written all over it.

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North Texas is a hotbed of hatred, of any race & of any sexual orientation other than heterosexual. The neo-Nazi shooter in Allen was a home-grown terrorist.

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That was my thought. Did they not read it? Think how absurd & unworkable his stupid little tests were? Consider whether any one of them knows one damn thing about how common law works?

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Joe Sudbay's avatar Joe Sudbay
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You never hear Republicans talk about mass shootings with any sense of concern. They don't mention their names In fact, in January, after a school shooting in Iowa, Trump literally said "get over it." They'll say you can't blame all gun owners, yet try to smear all immigrants. It is grotesque

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Try putting Boeing in jail. Seriously, until they start jailing CEOs, nothing changes.

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The problem is that Sean is not nearly as smart as his former boss - & his former boss is Rick Perry.

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