Mr. Thursday's avatar

Mr. Thursday

92 followers 82 following 1944 posts

He/him, manufacturing engineer, pro-democracy. Cooking, hiking, dog, photography and heavy metal enthusiast. Mrs. Thursday is my actual wife.

Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Probably beating a dead horse with this one, but the Constitution says treason "shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Not doing what someone considers vaguely unpatriotic.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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The person lists their age as 20 on their profile, so yeah. They were a literal child throughout Trump's entire term.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Not only that, but he spent the last 2/3 of that post making judgements about the ideas in Project 2025 and the people involved with it, which would be kind of hard to do if he knew nothing about it.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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AI is a great resource for wrong answers. This person asked one question and got 8 wrong answers out of it! That's what we in the business call efficiency.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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One thing that's slightly comforting is that Trump has a track record of throwing his underlings under the bus. I suspect that some portion of Trump loyalists wouldn't take that deal because they don't trust him to hold up his end of the bargain.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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I expect Republicans to try to leverage this into the idea that Biden will be incapable of handling a sudden crisis To that, I'd point out that it took Trump 3 hours to send a tweet calling rioters off on J6. If they refuse to believe he condoned it, the only option is that he's useless in a crisis

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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I don't think it's entirely new. I remember hearing someone defend George W Bush taking a vacation by saying that a vacation for the President meant working an 8 hour day rather than a 14 hour day.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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If porn was banned, Trump would be forced to cheat on his wife with a sitcom actress.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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For as much as people here like to shit on The Lincoln Project, they actually do stuff like this.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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I'm surprised he didn't suggest that the people doing this should disguise themselves in ghost costumes to avoid getting cancelled.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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I was able to keep my dog pretty calm during last night's fireworks with some CBD oil and bassy electronic music. This is the only product I've found so far that is made for dogs and lists its CBD content.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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There is also the practical issue that pretty much every news outlet makes mistakes on matters of fact. The more honest ones will issue retractions, but that would make such a law difficult to enforce.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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A Buddhist monk goes to a hot dog cart and says "Make me one with everything." The monk hands the vendor a $20, but gets nothing back. He says "Where's my change?" and the vendor replies "Change must come from within."

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Maybe Libertarians would be interested in voting if the age to do so was lowered to 12.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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IIRC they switched the term to "less lethal" from "non-lethal." They're acknowledging that these weapons can kill people, but in a way that makes them seem benign and non-threatening.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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I knew a kid in my college engineering club, had some pretty significant scarring on his face, and was missing parts of several fingers. I never asked how he got those injuries, but I can make a pretty good guess.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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A close friend of mine spent a year in Iraq. For the first couple years after coming back, she'd get tense when she heard fireworks. Said it sounded like mortar fire being directed against her base. And she had what might be considered a normal deployment.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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If it influences your decision at all, your body does acclamate to the altitude. For a normal person with a normal activity level, you'll get most of the way there in the first month.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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From what I'm seeing, there are a lot of states that allow you to do something similar. Definitely worth looking into.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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That makes sense if you ignore the fact that both candidates while President took substantively different actions on climate change, labor, antitrust enforcement and student loans, to name a few things, and that states have shown wildly different outcomes based on which party has been in charge.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Well, you see, Biden didn't order the extrajudicial killing of this Heritage ghoul, so really the fact that he said that is entirely Biden's fault. If you disagree, you're a fascist shitlib.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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What did people in swing states do that caused Trump to be elected in spite of this? What did they do differently in 2020?

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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People need to stop freaking out about the idea of the President ordering the military to assassinate an opponent. We have hospitals with really advanced trauma care in the US, they'll patch up those gunshot wounds no problem.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Trump tried to get them to hand him the 2020 election. They wouldn't hear his cases. Democrats will have a majority in the Senate for the rest of the year. Bush v Gore was over one state, which was extremely close. That electoral situation is unlikely to happen again.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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-Literally said he wants to be a dictator on camera at 3 times in the span of ~a week -Posted on Truth Social that he can terminate the any part of Constitution -Posted that Presidents need to be able to commit crimes that cross the line after his lawyer talked about them ordering assassinations

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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I'd have to see what the ruling says specifically. Most scholars were reading it the way you say, but Trump's lawyers were arguing that it meant the President can't be prosecuted unless he's impeached first.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Actually, there is some good news on this. Article 1 Section 3 of the Constitution specifically says that someone who is impeached and removed from office can also be tried criminally.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Trump's second impeachment occurred after he left office. There's not a rule against it, that's just an excuse Republicans made up to vote against it. However, he can still be pardoned by the next President.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Even if you've never had to defend yourself, just applying a bit of critical thinking. A gun can't control a person or make a decision. You can shield yourself from the vast majority of the hazards associated with gun ownership through safe storage and handling practices.

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Reposted by Mr. Thursday

Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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The States Project is one of the best bang-for-your-buck options for your campaign donations. Even beyond it, though, state legislatures deserve your attention. Next time you're tempted to send money to whoever's going to lose to MTG, send it instead to a contested state leg seat.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Although I think it's important to point out that there are bullets made from harder materials including steel. Sometimes to be manufactured cheaply, but some are designed specifically to penetrate hard surfaces.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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I saw a few of these after moving to Colorado. Also didn't realize it wasn't an abortion thing until I saw it on the DMV site, it's a Columbine memorial plate.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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And, an order not to prosecute someone for a crime is fairly common, but doesn't make it legal. These aren't terribly uncommon, and it's also not uncommon for the person to be prosecuted after the order is rescinded.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Pardons for a crime can only be given after that crime has occurred. So, even if a President promised a pardon in advance, the order would still be illegal when it was carried out.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Blowing up an American citizen as an official act isn't even a hypothetical. Obama did it a decade ago.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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I think it's understood to mean that carrying out the order would be unlawful.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Historian Timothy Snyder, expert in the rise of authoritarianism, has a quote for moments like these. "History does not repeat, but it does instruct." We can see what the possibilities are and act accordingly.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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The mistake I've seen several people make is conflating immunity with the idea that everyone must now obey the President, even when they didn't before.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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I did find an example from Vietnam where an officer ordered his subordinates to massacre a village. The ones who obeyed were court martialed, the ones who refused weren't. Doesn't seem to have a limit where it comes from, as generals planned to disobey unlawful orders from Trump when he was in.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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From what I'm finding, service members can be court martialed for obeying unlawful orders, and can be charged for violating local laws while on duty. If you are court martialed for disobeying an order, you can raise a defense that the order was unlawful.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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I'll even spend time on Clearsky, looking for new people to block

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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It's an official act if his dealer is the CIA.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Like a dog to a whistle You 🐶 Came 🐶 Running 🐶

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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You know, if you want anyone to take what you're saying seriously, posting like a Republican isn't the way to do it.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Tip for anyone doing this: the price of forever stamps is about to go up to 73 cents, but if you go to a post office, you can get less expensive stamps for post cards. From what I'm seeing, they're 53 cents, so this will save you $20 per 100 post cards.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Martha Stewart was one of 9 inmates who beat up 6'1", 280lb Bertha Johnson during her 5 day sentence for unpaid parking tickets.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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Not totally irrelevant. People in the military are obligated to disobey orders that are illegal. The question is whether they would abide by that obligation. The political makeup of the military is similar to that of the whole country, so there are a lot of opportunities for road blocks to be made.

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Mr. Thursday's avatar Mr. Thursday
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No doubt loyalists would use this as a shield. But procedurally, an expectation that something will happen in the future to prevent you from being prosecuted doesn't actually turn an illegal act into a legal one.

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