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I like rockets, people with empathy, and science/exploration in general.

Ben's avatar Ben
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Right, the smart play is to let time take care of Russia. It's why helping Ukraine is a bargain/no brainer (unless you're a traitor), help to destroy Russia for very little in return? Great deal.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Well, the problem is that they would need Republicans even if they wanted to (since it would take 60 votes in the Senate), so short of a Democratic supermajority that even Obama never really had. Nope.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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You really should look at a history book sometime. Specifically what happened to the Democratic party when they ditched Andrew Johnson & LBJ & tried to win an election. It never works. Historians will tell you that.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Do you not know how Congress works, and that Republicans have been in control of the House since 2023?!

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Yes. Stop being silly. It's a test flight, NASA has full oversight. The reason Boeing's planes turned deadily is because the FAA took Boeing's word for it on the 737 MAX & all oversight was basically fox guarding the hen house shit.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Basically Trump wanted to kill it (because he loved Jackson), his sec of treasury didn't (just paused it), and while the Biden admin is going ahead with it, Biden has been very much let the agencies act independently & turns out it takes a while:

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Ben's avatar Ben
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I blocked the original poster of context (why I don't know, but probably had a good reason), so I didn't see the source that I assume mentioned Operation Goodwood, so I deleted my post considering it wasn't useful/helpful/etc.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Russian doctrine is if you are in a war with NATO, you use tactical nuclear weapons (because they know they can't win in an conventional war). So no, I wouldn't bet that they don't have working nuclear weapons because they know they're toast without them.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Sure, but you only need one Russian nuclear weapon to work and there is a good chance that at least some of them work. Which is why we're not going that route.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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This is not true, you may not like Biden, but he's arguably the most progressive President since LBJ.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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The problem is that even if Biden were to resign today, we wouldn't have a VP that we wanted because we don't control the House & yes technically we could get a majority vote from this Senate without Harris breaking a tie but the next we won't (assuming we win). So need Collins or Murkowski too.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Also, it is not a good look that they're against black people voting (because whether you like Hillary or Biden, black Americans voted for them to win the primary overwealmingly). What does it say about you, that you want to override their vote. Nothing good IMO.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Also, between schedule F/SCOTUS saying Trump can be a king if he wants. You are a fool if you think we have elections in 2028 if Trump wins and not "elections" (see Russia). Trump will weaponize the US military/US DOJ if he gets the chance (especially since they told him no last time).

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Again, Elon Musk is a twat, but I'll choose him over Xi & Putin any day of the week. Arguably he isn't even why SpaceX works. It's this lady:

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Ben's avatar Ben
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SpaceX is the most capable launch company in the business, we put Russia out of business, and Starship will probably put the Europeans out of business. Also, Elon Musk is a twat yes, but the alternative is to rely upon Russia to get to space. No thank you.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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A lot of you are being silly, the reason Boeing's aircraft were doing dangerous stuff is because there was no oversight from the FAA. FAA just took Boeing at it's word until 737-Max crashes. Not the case with Starliner, which has fully NASA oversight.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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No you don't. You know why? The alternative to commercial space, was the Ares I/Orion. Which would have cost taxpayers more money/arguably been less safe/and we'd be reliant upon the Russians to get to space still probably (See SLS for similiar development, which has only launched ONCE so far).

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Ben's avatar Ben
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It's a test flight, SpaceX also had issues with it's Dragon 1 spacecraft. They figured it out, there are a lot of reasons to not like Boeing because of Starliner. Starliner is too expensive, it's late, but it's needed because we need redudency. The alternative for redudency is Russia.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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It would be nice, but it's not good for their bottom line so they're not going to do it.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Correct. Incumbency is powerful, and also we've also seen that the American people actually care about abortion/democracy, see Trump as a threat. So, it seems highly unlikely IMO that Trump wins the popular vote (because he never has). People need to stop panicking/feeding chaos (helps nothing).

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Reposted by Ben

Elizabeth the WeatherFox's avatar Elizabeth the WeatherFox
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There was an ad last election with a couple getting Hot N Heavy and a Generic Republican Congriscritter appeared to take the condom away and say “I’ll just be watching to make sure nothing… illegal happens.” Do that but with said Congresscritter turning off the Sunday football game.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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It was a good faith agreement DURING the primary! WHICH IS OVER. It isn't now. Also, your assumption is based on the idea that we can replace him without chaos, which obviously isn't the case since we can't agree. So all we're doing by continuing this is helping Trump.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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#1 reason I don't believe the media's notion that young people are flocking to Trump. The #1 policy that young people should care about is having a habitable planet, because this will impact their futures. Biden whatever your feelings is the best President by far on climate change, ever. Easily

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Counterpoint. Debates don't really matter (see 2016), we already had a primary (so the only person who could replace him is Harris, who polls no worse than Biden against Trump but also no better), what does cause harm? Infighting/chaos which only helps Trump.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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There is a reason that black voters in the US are the most loyal voting base in the Democratic party, it isn't because they love the Democratic party its because their elders still remember when their people couldn't VOTE & WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM WHEN they didn't have power. >.>

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Must be nice. o.o Having a family that actually wants you as you are. Especially in the United States, where if you don't have that. You're screwed.

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Reposted by Ben

Jessica Kant 's avatar Jessica Kant
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The totally homicidal parts of his speech have appropriately received the most attention but the grievance list really drives home who he is appealing to: people who perceive the remote possibility that they may be held accountable for their own actions as the most egregious affront they imaginable.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Farscape is legit my favorite science fiction show ever, it's sad that there is nothing else quite like it.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Right. >.> People keep telling me that solar/wind will be enough, and we don't need nuclear but all this tells me is that these people are bad at math.

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Reposted by Ben

Ben's avatar Ben
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Yeah. It's because NV is a Union state. Sure, Republicans win sometime there but they're usually very moderate/kitchen table economic Republicans (see 2022), but the benefit of union's beyond job benefits is you organize power. The Harry Reid machine lives on.

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Reposted by Ben

Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li's avatar Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
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okay that's it, fuck it, i've seen one too many of these craterbrained "criticizing journalists is illiberal" takes and i can't fucking take it anymore. it is not in fact a violation of Liberal Fundamentals to tell journos that they fucking suck when they manifestly fucking suck. next question

35 replies 136 reposts 647 likes

Reposted by Ben

Aaron Huertas's avatar Aaron Huertas
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The American two party system continues to offer a variety of compelling contrasts

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Ben's avatar Ben
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If it's helpful, it's useful to think of politicians as a tool. Like a lever. Your job is A: to get the most qualified tool you want it to be obviously (voting). B: but also to give the tool the leverage so it can work (organizing the people to put pressure on the politician).

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Obama's 2008 coalition could have responded to Republicans roadblocking Obama, by giving the guy a bigger coalition but instead they gave into apathy. Didn't vote in 2010, didn't vote in 2014, were meh in 2016, and now we're living with the consequences still today.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Obama is the classic example. To a lot of people in 2008 he was "the one". Only once people organized to get Obama into office they quit being organized, because clearly getting him into office was enough. It wasn't because Republicans decided to not working with him from day 1.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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The other side of this that I think a lot of people forget is that voting by it self isn't enough, you also have to organize & stay organize. Why? Your job as a citizen is to organize your fellow citizens so politicans are pressured to act how you want.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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I think panicking doesn't make anything better though. The only way replacing Joe would have ever made sense is if you had an unanimous agreement (which was never going to happen)

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Ben's avatar Ben
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The debate was bad, but the facts are that 1: Debates don't really matter. See Clinton, she won both debates & lost in 2016. 2: Panicking can often cause more harm than a bad moment (which this debate obviously was) & I would say the response to the debate was worse than the debate it self.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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They're smart people who knows Biden has the best chances of winning this election? Why? 1: Internal chaos only helps Trump. So the only way to replace Biden is unanimous agreement (which this hasn't been). 2: Every second that attention isn't on Trump/Trumpism/project 2025 is good for Trump.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Good, we have an election to win and we can't do that fighting each other.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Trumpism has lost every election since 2017 but sure. Also, why the fuck does Trump get a pass? He's arguably worse than he was in 2016 & 2020 as a candidate, but nobody gives a fuck

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Well, I think you are enough as you are and if people can't accept you as you are, that's their problem. Not yours. Also, all the more reason to take care of yourself.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Yeah, that's fair. Nothing wrong with wanting people you can talk to/having empathy for people, still gotta make sure to look out for yourself so people don't take advantage of your kindness.

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Reposted by Ben

Costa Samaras's avatar Costa Samaras
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I’m not a reporter but I did have a blogroll once, so here’s some follow-ups for the former president that seem important: which parts of Project 2025 do you disagree with? Would you appoint anyone to your admin that is supporting it? How do you feel about the “bloodless if the left allows” comment?

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Yeah, friendships where it's mostly take (rather than give and take) don't tend to last in my experience.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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We're not talking about blind adoration, we're talking about defeating fascism. See France's election today. You either unite against fascism or you get fascism. It's that simple, and the only way forward is to unite behind Biden since we already had a primary.

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Ben's avatar Ben
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Correct. The lesson of the French election is unite to defeat fascism, or you aid fascism.

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