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Tom Axe

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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"Possibly my favorite movie of all time next to Talladega Nights" - Person on Facebook commenting on a photo of the poster for Tetsuo - The Iron Man

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Reposted by Tom Axe

Emissary Of Night | ليلى's avatar Emissary Of Night | ليلى
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Not a peep from the president or the secretary of state as its largest recipient of military assistance in postwar history does exactly what we condemn Russia for doing.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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OMG isn't this pretty much the area that burnt down in 2018?

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Little bit of Icke (reptilian Judith Butler) little bit of Irving

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Någon berättade det för mig för ett år sedan typ. Inte något som det stoltseras med kanske.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Vilket i sig var för att deras makt och tällning inte automatiskt innebar företräde längre. Just TERF är nära förknippat med makt och/eller pengar. Märkliga allianser av hertiginnor och tenured professors. T om i Sverige är ju de största rösterna gifta med mångmiljonärer.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Mark Fisher-kretsen, Chapo-kretsen, etc har ju fallit lite på båda sidorna av det reaktionära, tänker att det var intellektuella miljöer som ett tag kändes lite esoteriska och farliga som sedan omfamnades, och då går vissa mot det som ännu verkar farligt och underground typ.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Har ett frö till en teori om att det har att göra med hur svag/feminin/loseraktig/gäll man verkar när man säger saker som är snällt vettiga, pratar om att stå på svagas sida, etc. Jmfrt med hur svalt intellektuell/rebellisk/förhöjd man verkar när man förkastar dylika saker.

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Reposted by Tom Axe

Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Probably technically something like occult nazi, but yes

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise. 🎥 #filmsky

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Reposted by Tom Axe

ᚇᚐᚍ ᚑᚃ ᚈᚆᚓ ᚚᚑᚈᚐᚈᚑ's avatar ᚇᚐᚍ ᚑᚃ ᚈᚆᚓ ᚚᚑᚈᚐᚈᚑ
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Kathleen Stock reaffirming her support for Nina, even after everything that has come out in that case...

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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The pain of being dead! I can feel myself rot!

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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GeNDeR cRiTIcal Compact Magazine Editor Nina Power sued someone for calling her a fascist, she lost and had to pay court costs, and in discovery a ton of evidence that she is indeed a fascist were made public.

13 replies 154 reposts 459 likes

Reposted by Tom Axe

Dr. Damien P. Williams: Magus, Werewolf, Cyborg, Bi's avatar Dr. Damien P. Williams: Magus, Werewolf, Cyborg, Bi
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There's a whole shit ton of political pundits who could save themselves days, weeks, even months worth of being dragged to hell for their newfound urgency and radical action takes via the simple act of prefacing them with "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

3 replies 41 reposts 239 likes

Reposted by Tom Axe

jamie quinn 🏳️‍⚧️'s avatar jamie quinn 🏳️‍⚧️
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boy, i gotta tell you, as an american, i’m getting real sick of seeing “6-3” on things that will dictate the way i experience the rest of my life.

4 replies 235 reposts 1382 likes

Reposted by Tom Axe

Mr. Am I Being Detained 's avatar Mr. Am I Being Detained
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Remembering how people would share Scalia dissents and be like “I disagree with his politics but he has a way with words!!” and they all read like if a school shooter wrote A Confederacy of Dunces

19 replies 192 reposts 1316 likes

Reposted by Tom Axe

Ryan Brazell's avatar Ryan Brazell
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146 of 151 breast reductions performed on minors in 2019 were on cisgender boys.

6 replies 298 reposts 756 likes

Reposted by Tom Axe

Gaius (from Tribunate)'s avatar Gaius (from Tribunate)
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In addition to being immoral and reprehensible, the political calculus here is so stupid. Anti-trans lunatics are a fringe movement and they are so solidly GOP that not a single one would ever vote Biden

12 replies 47 reposts 288 likes

Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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My reels are someone throwing iPhones into streams of lava. What exactly are we doing here?

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Please realize that jerking off someone in a theater is the coolest thing she’s ever done

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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I always want to forgive gen x but then they hit me with a take like “Lauren Boebert is a slut” and it’s on again.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Tbc it's good to be a cleaner but also when you've had to peel used tampons off the floor you deserve a numbing treat.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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When I was a nightclub cleaner in Berlin, first at Monster Ronson's and then at The Lab, I would down one of those canned Jack and Coke on my way home. They're patently disgusting but they made me hate myself less, generally.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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How many Buzzball Biggies would you have to drink to die? Would it be from diabetic chock or alcohol poisoning?

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Maybe lobotomize the part of my brain that feels bad for my ex for not getting more likes on his extensive post shit talking me and our entire relationship.

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Reposted by Tom Axe

Mr. Am I Being Detained 's avatar Mr. Am I Being Detained
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Werner Herzog directing a Maybelline ad: Perhaps she is born with it. What a frightful notion, to be imbued with the fetters of capitalist commodification from birth. It suggests God Himself is a part of our dreadful pattern instead of a refuge from it.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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I'm going to block you for obvious reasons, but I hope you get this mention first: You are a fucking idiot.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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I'm so happy that Yorgos Lanthimos is back to his weird pervy self again. I liked Poor Things a lot, but it could have been made by another director. Kinds of Kindness could only be him.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Weirdest part about being recently widowed, when that was going on, was being/feeling completely unfuckable. Like, people on the fuck apps would be like "sorry for your loss, I wish you well". For a while thought I would never be desired ever again.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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When the food bank gives you oranges you make marmalade. Smells good in here.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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There were 2 different hot guys who were really nice to me when Dan died, both situations I chalked up to "showing sympathy", but turns out they both had other designs as well (tbc this is good and means that I'm hot).

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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A real shame no one told the Democrats to not run Biden before yesterday. We're all complicit guys.

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Reposted by Tom Axe

Saeed Jones's avatar Saeed Jones
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After all those “lesser of two evils” and “have fun in the camps!” replies I’ve been getting for months for sharing news updates and criticizing an UNPOPULAR US-funded genocide, it’s quite something to see many of those same people begging Biden to drop out. Welcome to the party, I guess.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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On the plus I haven't been to a Walgreens or CVS since I started getting my meds sent home. There is literally no reason to go there anymore, unless you hate life and yourself.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Vi måste våga prata om stråtrövarpanna

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Beautiful stride of pride back from Twin Peaks this morning

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Reposted by Tom Axe

Molly Shah's avatar Molly Shah
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!!! I got into it with someone over this the other night and like… Radiohead is bad actually

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Tycker ofta mobbningsdiksursen är ytlig och liksom daltande för att den är så binär, medan mobbning i verkligheten är en dynamik.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Min teori: Nästan alla har blivit mobbade eller varit utstötta en lång eller kort period och detta är ett mycket starkt minne. Nästan alla har också mobbat och stött ut, detta minns man knappt alls.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Nej men det blev en block på det här ägget. Det är verkligen gratis att hålla käften om saker man inte förstår.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Precis så! När allt annat sitter löst kan man åtminstone nära sig själv, ibland även andra. Tack! <3

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Reposted by Tom Axe

rub☮t 🇵🇸's avatar rub☮t 🇵🇸
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i was once looking at the menu in the window of a Chinese take-away and two girls passed me and one of them said "enjoy your curry, ya sap"

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Hade en dålig dag igår så jag picklade blomkål i gurkmeja, kanderade valnötter, hjorde valnötskräm, ruccolapesto och en chutney på fänkål och äpplen. Man hanterar så att säga.

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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Skrev om att göra slut och att laga mat här

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Tom Axe's avatar Tom Axe
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I svenska Palestina-gruppen på Facebook sas det vara en fotbollsramsa, som t ex MFF använder. Dock brukar ju de ha sitt ursprung i musik, och jag har inte kunnat hitta vad originallåten skulle vara.

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