Tony Sladky's avatar

Tony Sladky

24 followers 139 following 47 posts

Artist, occasional writer, Dungeon Master, worldbuilder. (He/Him) If you quote any part of my bio to try and win an argument, you forfeit and I block you.

Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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You sure about that? Have you ever seen Dolly Parton and the Mothman in the same room?

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Reposted by Tony Sladky

Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg 's avatar Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
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OK besides this below and DEVO coming out of the Kent State massacre, what are other facts you have about the evolution of art / music /etc that wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know but, retroactively, explain and/or illuminate a LOT ?

137 replies 124 reposts 614 likes

Reposted by Tony Sladky

Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg 's avatar Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
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TIL that the New Wave band DEVO was formed in response to the Kent State shootings. In 1970, co-founders Gerald Casale and Bob Lewis got serious about their idea of the "de-evolution" of the human race after Casale's friends Jeffrey Miller & Allison Krause were killed by OH national guards.

28 replies 122 reposts 649 likes

Reposted by Tony Sladky

Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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"We agree." ~ millions of 'freedom-loving' 'small-government' 'conservatives' who 'just want the government to leave people alone'

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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They have a point: From an originalist point of view, the Constitution does not contain the words "call the governor of Georgia on the telephone to order him to rig the election" nor "go on Twitter and instigate a coup" so clearly the Founders were fine with both of those things /s

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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"Could you imagine if Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, or Leopold II held back because they feared their actions might have consequences?"

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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...I didn't realize "serious" liberals and people with any sort of power or influence were also making those jokes (making them extremely uncool, that is).

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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What? I thought those jokes were all gallows humor coming from people who feel totally hopeless about the future of this country due to the "opposition party's" complete and total unwillingness to be effective or good outside of fascist propaganda about them...

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Reposted by Tony Sladky

Pookleblinky's avatar Pookleblinky
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"No you fucking idiot. All he needs is a supermajority, these 2 dozen republicans to retire, the cartoonishly corrupt SCOTUS to rule in his favor in these 6 different cases, and *then* he could do it. Civics 101, bitch."

2 replies 9 reposts 61 likes

Reposted by Tony Sladky

Reposted by Tony Sladky

Ed Zitron's avatar Ed Zitron
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This is my longest and most important newsletter, it is the thing that binds everything I've ever written. Please repost, read it, share it with your friends, demand people on the street read it, make them read it. They must read it

6 replies 70 reposts 178 likes

Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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Current Supreme Court Justices lying in their confirmation hearings?

0 replies 1 reposts 1 likes

Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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"Biden is like Reagan" isn't the worst argument in his favor I've heard this election, but only because I've been hearing "The US will unconditionally help Israel commit genocide no matter who wins, now vote for Biden!" for the past eight months.

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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When its actually implemented universally instead of the 1,000,001st experiment to see if it works for 1,000 or so people... then again, the right might still insist on not understanding it even then.

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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I assume the technique was similar for a pineapple?

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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I'm confused. Which of those does the only person whose opinion matters in this country (Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts) disagree with?

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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I feel like not enough is made these days of the offhand reference in 1984 to the giant machines that just crank out meaningless schlock "novels" for the proles with barely any human involvement, considering that this is clearly a future we're either rapidly approaching or already living in.

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Reposted by Tony Sladky

Effin' Birds's avatar Effin' Birds
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1 replies 29 reposts 196 likes

Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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I don't look forward to reading A Clockwork Orange in plain English...

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Reposted by Tony Sladky

Ed Zitron's avatar Ed Zitron
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Found a festival for some of you

17 replies 121 reposts 766 likes

Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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Look, a lot of my relatives are conservatives, and as long as I walk on eggshells and avoid bringing up anything remotely "political" whatsoever and tune it out whenever anyone else brings up such a topic around them, I can continue to believe they're not like the rabid fascists I see online.

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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There's a joke out there about "stuffing oneself" that I'm going to refrain from making, and instead just say "Nice dress. Happy Pride."

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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Did you check with SCOTUS before posting this comment? How do we know if you're even allowed to ask?

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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Considering the kinds of people who are obsessed with drinking raw milk for some baffling reason, maybe they should be drinking more of it. Just, you know, get the innocent victims of their inane ideology somewhere where pasteurization isn't inexplicably a curse word first...

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Reposted by Tony Sladky

Popehat's avatar Popehat
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Jailing people for being homeless is a classic American policy: stupid, brutal, and very expensive.

80 replies 715 reposts 2894 likes

Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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...have the government throw arbitrary fucking barriers in between them and their doctors trying to keep them from dying or being grievously wounded due to an insane conspiracy theory that they're actually in perfect health and just trying to sacrifice fetuses to Moloch?"

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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...what you believe, you absolute fucking idiots? Or could it *possibly* be that the people 'using abortion as birth control' are doing it ASAP and that the people seeking an abortion in the third trimester are having a fucking emergency and don't deserve to...

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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"Let me answer your question with a question of my own, Dana: Do you honestly believe people are deliberately getting and staying pregnant for 8 months, 29 days or whatever just for fun? Or because they worship the literal Christian devil and want to offer him human sacrifices? Is that seriously...

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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I don't believe they actually want to deport them. I think they want them too terrified of deportation to make any noise if, for example, they're not getting paid properly, getting abused, thinking of trying to unionize etc.

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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So, apparently it was a 1983 spy novel that gave us "JFK called himself a jelly donut," and a 2001 Brazilian novel about assassin Forrest Gump that gave us "Gavrilo Princip ate half a sandwich before assassinating Franz Ferdinand and starting WWI."

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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I could hazard a guess about whose heritage they're trying to restore in one concise fouteen-word sentence...

1 replies 0 reposts 6 likes

Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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I played video games instead of watching the debate. I assume Biden didn't say anything that would convince me helping Israel commit genocide is good actually, and Trump didn't say anything that would convince me fascism is good actually, so I didn't miss anything, right?

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Reposted by Tony Sladky

The Onion's avatar The Onion
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FACT: This is the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump since the last presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

6 replies 64 reposts 359 likes

Reposted by Tony Sladky

The Onion's avatar The Onion
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FACT CHECK Trump: “Biden is a very bad Palestinian.” TRUE: Biden is far too alive to be a Palestinian.

36 replies 361 reposts 1433 likes

Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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He was a spry, young fellow... riiiiight up until June 26, 2024...

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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"Government giving people money is bad." ~ guy who is paid by the government (I assume. I don't know how UK politics work. I assume he's currently in Parliament and that they receive a salary just like members of Congress in the US)

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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Ugh. Don't remind me. I'm not looking forward to the part of my appointment next week where they start naming dollar amounts...

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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Maintaining the fiction that calling them fascists is wrong the only way they know how: Hiding the evidence.

0 replies 3 reposts 12 likes

Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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Are the deck plans and cross sections books the cause or the symptom?

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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...but also, my work wifi blocks basically every social network except Twitter (and only its text. Have to switch to data for pictures), so coming here full-time is difficult.

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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...maybe I wouldn't sarcastically advocate severe head trauma and drinking cocktails of unsafe chemicals to get onto certain people's level if the people on such a level weren't such prominent fixtures over there (and also in politics, news, entertainment etc.)...

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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Well I have once again been suspended from the bad place for "violent content". Apparently jokes— which are clearly labeled as being jokes— about what you have to do to yourself to make transphobic arguments actually make sense are too "violent" for Twitter...

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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"You don't think Biden is a perfect, infallible angel whose never done anything wrong ever in his life and thus can't be criticized? You must want Trump to both win *and* be even more cartoonishly evil than he was in his first term or has indicated he would be if he wins a second."

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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Well, since innocent people are being murdered in large numbers, starved to death, having their culture destroyed, all seemingly based solely on their ethnicity, and since the state doing it routinely says horrific things about how they all deserve to die, there actually is a genocide.

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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This that "free market solution" I've heard so much about?

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Tony Sladky's avatar Tony Sladky
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On the one hand, the vast majority of my time was spent just blocking fash, which is unchanged. On the other, the fact that I can't make fun of them first or in any way engage with the people and conversations there I actually like makes it about a billion percent less interesting to be there.

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