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Xan López


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Newsletter: amalgama.ghost.io. @corriyczbdgdvnxukxsih64b'>entecalida.com. Political economy of climate change.

Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Creo que en general la crítica a Starmer no es que sea un tío gris y sin ideas, sino la lista de cosas bastante horribles que ha hecho y hace activamente, ¿no?

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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A lot of US liberals I respect seem trapped in the “the media is so unfair!” death spiral. A lot of US leftists I respect still trapped in their “haha told you Genocide Joe sucks” bubble. I don’t know how it looks to take this thing seriously, but I don’t think this is it.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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I think a lot of what is going on is outrageous, but yeah: once you enter the death spiral of constantly complaining about how unfair the media is it’s basically over.

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Reposted by Xan López

Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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So… guaranteed chaos?

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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I'd simply not be annoying to anyone on social media in case I'm politically persecuted and need as many allies as possible.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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La transición energética como cuestión de seguridad nacional: Zelensky dice que necesitan descentralizar la generación eléctrica. Es muy fácil reventar una central térmica con un misil. Reventar miles de paneles solares es mucho más complicado. en.interfax.com.ua/news/general...

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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British politics are a joke but this thing where 2 hours after the recount is done you already have the PM sworn in and his/her team announced is pretty cool.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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What do you think happens, exactly, if NFP is the biggest group?

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Últimamente pienso en esta frase varias veces por semana.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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A ver si entra algún catalán más de esos por aquí camarada.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Si uno no tiene ya nada útil que aportar también es aceptable jubilarse y no decir más. De verdad.

Franco Berardi: “Tenemos que desertar de la reproducción de la especie”


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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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6 million users.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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That’s even crazier.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Using blue for the labour friendly party and red for the conservative one, a grave American sin against political tradition.

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Reposted by Xan López

Laurens's avatar Laurens @laurenshof.online
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Last Month in Bluesky - June 2024

all the news that happened this month:

- 2 major labelers, Aegis and Taurus quit
- easier onboarding for Bluesky with starter packs
- new platforms starting to appear in the ATmosphere beyond microblogging



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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Buena lista. ¿Qué te han parecido Le Guin y DeLillo?

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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People who are influential in electoral politics are always very well organized and disciplined. That's how you put fear in someone. But this is completely different from withholding your vote as a private gesture, which is what the vast majority of people mean when they say that.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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tbh these days you can dismiss entire schools of thought in politics just because they are dominated by this kind of hyper-cynical nonsense. I used to laugh at “resist libs” years ago, but at least they are earnest and they give a shit.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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The whole point of conservatism is you reject that kind of universalism though. You want better conditions for you and your “side”, and shit conditions for the rest.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Also report his account to Bluesky Moderation.

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Reposted by Xan López

Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis's avatar Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis @jeffjarvis.bsky.social
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In the FT, Gideon Rachman argues: "The old left-right divide of the 20th century has given way to a new cleavage between liberal internationalists and populist nationalists."
Le Pen, Trump and liberal panic www.ft.com/content/d3f2...

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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¡Me lo leo! Gracias Alberto.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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This is exactly the kind of thing that makes me be a bit all-in for Bluesky. From a design point of view it solves a bunch of really difficult problems in a very elegant way. It's not even close imho.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Truly a sign of the times to see you writing this kind of thing. Just to be clear: unfortunately it's a pretty sensible article.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Una frase que hace no mucho sería impensable: George Monbiot dice que si gana Trump el Reino Unido debería reforzar sus capacidades militares convencionales y transformar su arsenal nuclear para que sea independiente de EE.UU. www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...

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Reposted by Xan López

ryan cooper's avatar ryan cooper @ryanlcooper.com
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"Notice, by the way, how the Republicans claim Joe Biden is a tyrant and a dictator, yet they explicitly grant him dictatorial powers, confident that he will not use them!" itself.blog/2024/07/02/w...

4 replies 48 reposts 210 likes

Reposted by Xan López

Editing the Blue-Gray Lady's avatar Editing the Blue-Gray Lady @nytdiff.bsky.social
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Change in Headline

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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En todo caso ahora mismo me preocupa más esto: aunque los Demócratas ganen el Colegio Electoral veo posible (¿probable?) que los Republicanos se nieguen a aceptarlo. Para afirmar esa victoria tendrán que recurrir a la coerción estatal que todavía controlarían. ¿Se van a atrever? No lo tengo claro.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Fuera de eso yo creo que Biden no está capacitado para esta tarea y que delegar en Harris podría funcionar mejor. Pero todos los intentos anteriores de cambiar de candidato a meses de las elecciones han funcionado fatal, hay que tenerlo presente.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Creo que en general la forma en la que el NYT ha cubierto todo el ciclo político de Trump desde 2016 es catastrófica. Desde los emails de Hillary hasta ahora.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Sí, pero hay dos cosas: - la realidad es que la mayoría no ve estos debates, la manera en la que se cubren es decisiva. - la corte suprema ha tomado una de las decisiones más transcendentales en siglos y aún así han seguido cubriendo eso de forma obsesiva.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Medios como el New York Times. Creo sinceramente que la manera en la que deciden tratar estas cosas tiene una influencia gigantesca, mucho mayor que “los hechos en sí mismos”.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Es terrorífico el poder que siguen teniendo.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Esto es puro realismo, opino. Yo creo que Moriche ahora mismo está bastante peor.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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To be clear: I think it’s a “smart” gamble, and they are probably right. But it could backfire.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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There’s a transitional risk here: they are assuming liberals won’t use the privileges they want for themselves. Until they make sure they can’t it’s a bit of a gamble.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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The New York Times is not exactly an impartial reporter here, quite the opposite. Still, if this is true...

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Le Pen and Putin have been public allies at least since 2017. I think that shit is already "priced in" for leftists who decide to support Putin. They don't give a shit.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Creo que esto no es ni paranoia ni una deriva hacia el “libertarianismo” loco anti-Estado. Es un principio de “checks and balances” elemental ante el más que probable incremento gradual de los intentos de censurar y controlar lo que ocurre en las redes.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Es importante apostar por diseños tecnológicos que sean resilientes a ataques hostiles (de Estados o de individuos con mucho dinero), como Bluesky. Es importante resistirse a intentos por parte del Estado para fiscalizar a lo bestia lo que se hace en internet.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Igual bebe un whisky que viene en botella de plástico.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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Los reaccionarios de antaño podían racionalizar su deriva señalando a la república soviética o a los movimientos obreros de sus países. Hoy en día tienen que recurrir a los sistemas para facilitar el reciclado de tapones.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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La extrema derecha en ascenso en todo el mundo y al PSOE no se le ocurre otra cosa que proponer un sistema de control estatal del acceso a internet. Es un disparate de tal magnitud que no sé si es mejor ignorarlo y dejar que muera solo o empezar a insultar a gente.

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Reposted by Xan López

Reposted by Xan López

Guillermo's avatar Guillermo @uatwm.bsky.social
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Este es el mapa que presenta Vollmann al inicio de *Europa Central*.

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Xan López's avatar Xan López @xanlopez.xyz
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At this point I worry less about whether Biden or someone else will run, and more about whether the Democrats have a plan to keep the Presidency *even if they win*.

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Reposted by Xan López

Jordi Schröder Bosch's avatar Jordi Schröder Bosch @jordischroeder.bsky.social
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It is nuts that a country that could borrow at negative interest rates has these type of problems in their most basic public services.

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