Adam Serwer's avatar

Adam Serwer

Haven’t seen the press collectively rooting this hard for a candidate since Bush 2000.

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Don Dechert's avatar Don Dechert
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Wow! Thanks for mentioning that. I went off to college during part of that election, and that was really memory-holed. I vaguely remember that it was when Fox News started seeming ubiquitious, but beyond that, I don't remember media coverage then.

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Mr. Jason's avatar Mr. Jason
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I blame Quayle. He gave comedians and newsies so much to talk about. Of course I could just be showing my age.

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Heidi McDonald's avatar Heidi McDonald
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I agree. It’s sickening.

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Matt Goldberg's avatar Matt Goldberg
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Trump is the best of both worlds for lazy political reporters because they don’t have to care about policy and they can cast themselves as bold defenders of democracy under the guise of describing autocratic actions as “bizarre” or “unusual.”

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unhipcat's avatar unhipcat
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trump ‘humor’ is ‘vote for me before you die of the heat.’

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John James!'s avatar John James!
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we already know the answers we'll get. it's up to us to make it clear to both parties, the establishment and ourselves that presidential immunity is an erasure of our rights

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Mesarthim Q. P.'s avatar Mesarthim Q. P.
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Do they think Trump or his lackeys will give a single infintesimal shit that you did softball interviews and fluffing if dismantling (insert legacy media outlet here) will get his rally crowds to cheer?

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Yabos McGee's avatar Yabos McGee
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Revenue is down at places like WaPo and NYT. They just know it was up during the Trump years. Gotta pump those numbers up.

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Jess's avatar Jess
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It saddens me. Its part of the reason we got him in 2016. I figured after seeing what that got us they would not do the same thing just to sell papers or ad time on MSNBC. My conclusion is I am an idiot.

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's avatar
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The guy with the good marriage who loves his children (and Amtrak) is boring

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Swordsy 's avatar Swordsy
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Apart from which, Trump has never made a joke. Not once. Jokes contain punchlines, they are surprising. Trump hurling venom and abuse at people, which is literally all he does, is not surprising and it's not jokes. Its just an angry old man. Hey, maybe that is funny but not how these shits think

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Paul from Connecticut's avatar Paul from Connecticut
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And there’s definitely a nonzero chance that Trump will have disfavored reporters harassed, arrested and/or locked up during a second term.

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En Buen Ora's avatar En Buen Ora
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I kept trying to tell everyone that the news media absolutely supported a permanent Trump regime and they kept on trying to explain to me that no no whatever news source they were in love with no it was some complicated thing about clicks and whatever Rube Goldberg attempted explanation

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el Papito 's avatar el Papito
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Honestly, when trump wins and unleashes his hillbilly rage army on press members and they act all shocked, we should collectively tell them to fuck off

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Z.V. Anjali's avatar Z.V. Anjali
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The criminal vapidity of the press is astounding. We're being destroyed by a mob of giggling airheads, who are happily goose-stepping in line because fascism is fun and complaining about it is uncool and earnest and cringe.

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Norbizness's avatar Norbizness
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"Is he still the same charming, lovable rogue I remember on The Apprentice?" they ask, twirling the phone cord around their fingers while on their back on a pink canopy bed surrounded by Trump posters

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Jane the Bane's avatar Jane the Bane
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They know they got eyeballs in the trump years and lost them in the Biden years. They think a second trump term will mean more views, and therefore more job security

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LurkyMcLurk's avatar LurkyMcLurk
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Medium take, I think journalists always want the person not much smarter than they are. They hated Gore and Hilary and Mitt

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Dr. Earhart Sampson, PhD🌎's avatar Dr. Earhart Sampson, PhD🌎
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It's Oil.

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's avatar
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"He's just a lovable doofus, herp derp."

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's avatar
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It's crazy, if you watch an snl of bush v gore, the joke was they were the same, no difference. Thinking how in the world did we ever feel Gore and Bush were just the same, and how that led to a general apathy about the whole thing.

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's avatar
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I guess they want the drama? The stakes? The juicy content… Man, we are not doing great

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Nothings Monstered's avatar Nothings Monstered
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Another candidate who was running to cut taxes on newspaper owners.

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Allison Good's avatar Allison Good
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So embarrassing

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Head go boomy's avatar Head go boomy
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They were so in the tank then and this is exactly what it looked like. It worked for them, too, they got decades of Iraq & Afghanistan coverage, plus some fucked up disaster responses. Big win for the media.

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