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Bart Janssen

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Husband, Plant developmental biologist, property of two cats, WoW player, wine drinker
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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Our institute felt the pain when those challenges were set up - money disappeared from funds we had access to and for various reason we ended up with very little of the NSC money At the time the expectation was there would be a rolling cycle of challenges that did not eventuate

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Car makers know they make more money from SUVs than sedans so they market them to the hilt

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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I blame the Normans

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Reposted by Bart Janssen

Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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It highlights just how useless the business education they are getting really is None of them understand what Universities do - so they apply whatever the latest business fad is It of course, fails utterly

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Reposted by Bart Janssen

Ms Hooper's avatar Ms Hooper
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The Siouxsie Wiles judgment should be a wake-up call for New Zealand’s universities

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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2nd time today :) Your reminder that NZI is the Business Roundtable rebranded because folks realised that the rich businessmen on the business roundtable only care about getting more wealth for themselves Everything from the NZI starts and ends with making rich people richer and poor people poorer

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Defrost in a sealed bag in running cold water

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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I'd just try and be flexible If the weather is great, do the stuff outdoors If it rains and blows, visit museums and hot springs I kind of love NZ in the rain but it can make some plans less fun

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Worth remembering that it is the middle of winter and rain is likely So beaches might be beautiful but long walks on the beach are probably less fun Same problem with gorgeous walks through the native bush Not that you shouldn't do those things but be prepared

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Your regular reminder that the NZI is just the Business Roundtable rebranded because folks realised that the rich businessmen on the business roundtable only care about getting more wealth for themselves Everything from the NZI starts and ends with making rich people richer and poor people poorer

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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He's proud of the fact of making it cheaper to burn petrol at the same time as making it more expensive to run an EV How Stupid!

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Your respect for a person should not be dictated by how much of their skin you can see

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Wouldn’t it be fun if lawyers were only allowed to charge what the costs awarded I suspect that would result in an immediate increase in the costs awarded

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Why is it that the posts that get the most likies are the ones with the awful spelling mistakes in them?

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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They know the increased speeds will cost the country more money in health care for the injured and productivity losses from the deaths But it will make couriers and trucks go faster so those businesses will make more money and then donate more to the Nats Govt for the donors not for the people

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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This govt restored prescription charges AFTER a compelling study that showed they cost the country more money Nothing about this government makes financial sense let alone moral sense

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Reposted by Bart Janssen

Madam Snazzy's avatar Madam Snazzy
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"It's actually only called 'Sham pain' when it's sparkly fash tears from the election year in France"

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Oh and yes your logic is correct It is insanely stupid to get new ferries without rail capability

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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The Nats have already said they don't need ferries with rail Note NZ rail gauge is different from most countries meaning most 2nd hand rail ferries won't work for NZ That's one reason NZrail went for purpose built ferries

2 replies 4 reposts 14 likes

Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Financially the decision was a disaster for New Zealand Politically it is a disaster for the Nats because the bills will become obvious too close to the next election But for the trucking companies it is awesome as it destroyed the rail connection

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Just wait for the hurricane season to really start

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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I sort read this as You are welcome to have a fight in this bar Just not at my table

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Solnit is wrong on one point This is not an accident nor a lapse of media memory These companies are owned by the richest and they are doing the bidding of those very rich This is a deliberate and measured campaign to make Trump president The relevant question should be, why?

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Imagine if his staff told him they couldn't be bothered doing their job

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Reposted by Bart Janssen

Julie Blommaert's avatar Julie Blommaert
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I like how part of National’s campaign vibe was “how dare central govt tell local govts how to do things” and now they’re banning local councils from setting their own speed limits on local roads

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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The $99k “charities” make it much more difficult to track in NZ because so long as they stay under $100k they don’t have to declare their donors

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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You can feel the joy in knowing that there is a landlord that is just a bit richer today Stupid evidence denying bastards

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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There was more than one occasion when my schoolbag ... er ... oozed

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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But that orange will be fine in two weeks ...

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Just for balance I thought this reaction to that viral tweet is hilarious
It makes some interesting points and then some equally stupid stuff like comparing the economy of a hybrid with a pure ICE ???
But never addresses why people buy them - hint, it's marketing

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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You'd think so - right? I guess they bet that when it comes time for the election the people who vote will have forgotten the people killed and maimed and will instead believe the sexy ad paid for by the donors

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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There is no use case for them at all If you need to transport people a sedan or van is better If you need to transport building materials the short tray and extra weight of the cab make them less useful You see double cab utes with roofracks because the tray is too small Utterly stupid vehicles

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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It will be really interesting to see how this govt respond My cynical guess is they will simply dismiss the council as not representing the "real people" Of course by "real people" they mean donors like the trucking and courier companies

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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We have a replica Damascus steel sword from Damascus which the salesman assured us was at least 300 days old It is beautiful and quite blunt (deliberately)

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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Just kind of shocked by how colonial this puff piece is The only history is that of the colonisers? really?

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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I don't think you should choose the person to run your country by selecting the one with the most donations for advertising and the support of multiple $99k "charities" I am referring to NZ here

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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developers = people individuals ≠ people In other words the donors get to do what they want

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Reposted by Bart Janssen

Jolisa Gracewood's avatar Jolisa Gracewood
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Of all the baffling ideas this govt is pursuing, this one’s a doozy *even by their own lights*: a cost-benefit review of safe speed zones around schools found they’re <checks notes> 45x better for the economy than Simeon Brown’s strictly-school-gate notion!

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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The important thing is that the courier vans shouldn't have to slow down That children are at risk simply to allow courier companies to demand drivers make more deliveries than is realistically possible is not important apparently

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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A reminder is needed for RNZ Rents track the income of renters NOT the costs of landlords Every article suggesting otherwise is just designed to distract from the greed of landlords

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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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The worker class needs to learn to NOT think Standardised testing does exactly that

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Reposted by Bart Janssen

Lotographia 🃠's avatar Lotographia 🃠
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"One of the new board members - Ceinwen McNeil - is also a member of the three-person team who reviewed the organisation"

Imagine if I reviewed your job and gave you a failing grade that got you booted out, and then I immediately took over your job... that would look a bit odd, right?


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Bart Janssen's avatar Bart Janssen
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They're not even trying to disguise how corrupt they are They don't care because they believe we are too stupid to remember by the time the next election comes around

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