Chris Winters's avatar

Chris Winters

40 followers 137 following 370 posts

Writer of novels, reporter of news, player of guitars, servant of cats, dweller of Seattle.

Reposted by Chris Winters

Andrea Grimes's avatar Andrea Grimes
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9 replies 181 reposts 406 likes

Reposted by Chris Winters

Laurel Krahn's avatar Laurel Krahn
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I’ve seen posts going around spelling out what the Project 2025 plan is, with the assumption that anyone who sees it will reject it & go against anyone espousing it but I know of far too many evangelicals who’d see it & think it is awesome & become more motivated to vote for people who are for it.

4 replies 12 reposts 52 likes

Reposted by Chris Winters

Marisa Kabas's avatar Marisa Kabas
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a dead giveaway that project 2025 was written specifically for—and with input from—trump:

78 replies 441 reposts 1747 likes

Reposted by Chris Winters

Melissa Gira Grant's avatar Melissa Gira Grant
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just once I’d like to see an A1 feature datelined “Coeur d’Alene” that features people pissed off at white supremacists appropriating their home as Lebensraum

1 replies 11 reposts 61 likes

Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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I don't think he has a week to change the narrative.

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Reposted by Chris Winters

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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The fact that Trump is actually weakly attempting to pretend he doesn’t back Project 2025 = EXACTLY why you need to be telling everyone you know about their evil, violent plans.

15 replies 243 reposts 574 likes

Reposted by Chris Winters

Katharine Hayhoe's avatar Katharine Hayhoe
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This is an appalling and horrifying story about the attacks researchers like undergo by those determined to silence any who call out their disinformation and other underhanded tactics. Very similar to what climate scientists experience but with even MORE vitriol.

2 replies 52 reposts 113 likes

Reposted by Chris Winters

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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Suprise: unwashed fascist ghoul Matthew Walther - who wrote a column that the New York Times just published advising Americans not to vote - did in fact vote in 2020 and 2022. It’s time for us to stop tolerating these ratfucking liars.

41 replies 237 reposts 830 likes

Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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And the author apparently voted in the last two elections, so he's a disingenous, lying theocratic authoritarian trying to get OTHER people to not vote. So his guy wins.
He's in Michigan. Make his vote not matter the way he thinks it ought not matter.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Don't believe this theocratic New York Times writer. Not voting is actually a vote to end democracy in America. Voting in 2020 is why we still have a democracy in 2024. Not voting is the same as voting for Trump, and no one will thank you for your self-righteousness.

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Reposted by Chris Winters

John Scalzi's avatar John Scalzi
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Sorry, folks, this year "no vote" is a vote for fascism, don't be that person, voting is a necessary if not entirely sufficient act

48 replies 270 reposts 1284 likes

Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Ignore Benedict Arnold here for a moment. If we're in a Second American Revolution, it should have the same goal as the first: throwing off the yoke of tyrrany from rulers who place themselves above the law. We got rid of George III and the Tories, we can rid ourselves of Trump and the GOP.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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They're already blaming the left for the violence they're planning. The message is simple: submit and shut up, or face the full force of state violence.

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Reposted by Chris Winters

Oregon the DM🕎's avatar Oregon the DM🕎
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July 4th feels like it should be a massive protest against those who keep taking away our rights, not fireworks day.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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If Biden does, in fact, drop out, all the "Harris is a cop" talk is going to come back in a tidal wave of lefty righteousness. That's how it was in 2020. The burn-it-all-down caucus is still a force to be reckoned with... somehow.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Gygax's mom must have had an entire cookbook shelf devoted to pudding and jello.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Meanwhile, it seems Facebook is now actively promoting evil.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Yes. But it is the only tool they have, unless they also start passing laws that force a constitutional crisis (stripping SCOTUS of the power of review, for example, which also won't stick.) Un-fucking the Senate also has to be high on the priority list. And expanding the court.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Even as someone with a potential escape clause, the options available are not ideal, shall we say. (The only other country I have strong ties to is Hungary, which is arguably worse off than the U.S., and once Trump hands Ukraine over to Moscow, will have Russian tanks on the border again.)

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Democratic voters ignore state legislatures at their own peril. Repubicans have been packing the local houses of power for decades, and that is the foundation on which a lot of the federal bullshit we're seeing now rests. All politics is local, yes, but so is political power.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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My God if the Democrats by some miracle manage to retake the House, if impeaching Thomas, Alito and Roberts isn't top of the list in the new term, they are useless. And for God's sake, please expand the court already. Don't wait for Trump to appoint 16 more Federalist Society stooges.

1 replies 1 reposts 4 likes

Reposted by Chris Winters

Erin Biba's avatar Erin Biba
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There is an American exceptionalism embedded in the idea that y'all think you can just pick up and leave and go wherever you want. It's cute you think you'd be welcomed. Americans aren't exactly popular in the world.

30 replies 80 reposts 459 likes

Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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CHANGE THE NARRATIVE. Stop talking about policy wins, and start telling the story of America, as it should be, and not what it's become. The vision thing, you know? Tell a more compelling story. They've got "Make America Great Again." Simple, catchy. Do better. Tell a better story.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Get Dick Durbin to stop issuing press releases and start holding hearings so Roberts, Alito and Thomas can be in the news EVERY SINGE DAY between now and Nov. 5. REMIND the American people what is at stake, not with abstract threats of fascism but by showing where it is already in effect.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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I mean, good that he actually took the time to lay into the court for this, but what is he actually going to DO about it? Depending on the electorate to return him to power in November is foolish. He's got four months. Make the election about SCOTUS, the way the GOP has for 45 years.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Why Democrats lose:

“For all practical purposes, today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what the president can do,” Biden said, adding that he pledges “to respect the limits of the presidential powers.”

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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I see they moved you to the national desk. Congrats?

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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And they did it for Donald Fucking Trump. I'd say this is the cue for Biden to do something really ironic, but he's nowhere near ruthless enough.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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In a society based on and ruled by lies, telling the truth IS a radical act.

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Reposted by Chris Winters

Reposted by Chris Winters

Monica C. Camacho's avatar Monica C. Camacho
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What worries me is most Americans have no idea how resilient authoritarian regimes are. Way too many ppl out here fantasizing about pendulums and tipping points and revolution when they can’t even organize a food coop, much asymmetrical warfare against a surveillance state

5 replies 29 reposts 204 likes

Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Looks like his account is suspended now.

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Reposted by Chris Winters

Greg Pak's avatar Greg Pak
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Another thing you can do is call Dick Durbin's office and demand he stand up for democracy and haul Alito and Thomas before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And publicly demand their resignations. If you can't literally impeach them, AT LEAST use the bully pulpit. 202-224-2152.

25 replies 342 reposts 893 likes

Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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And the biggest challenge has been to make Democratic voters vote with the future of the Supreme Court in mind, exactly the way Republicans have been doing for 45 years now. We've got to shift focus from the policies of today and yesterday (ahem, joe) to a vision for the future.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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"Bringing a baked dish to a gunfight" has been the Democratic Party's main strategem since at least 2000.

1 replies 7 reposts 66 likes

Reposted by Chris Winters

Peter Sagal's avatar Peter Sagal
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Under today’s immunity decision, Biden could order AG Garland to immediately prosecute Thomas and Alito for corruption and insurrection. (Official act). If Garland refuses, Biden can fire him and replace him with someone who will. (Official act) I would suggest Elie Mystal.

33 replies 286 reposts 1185 likes

Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Time to make "Let's go, Brandon" into *our* rallying cry.

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Reposted by Chris Winters

Joe Katz's avatar Joe Katz
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Thinking a lot this morning about how much time I spent in 2016 getting screamed at for "blackmailing people with the Supreme Court to get them to vote"

4 replies 43 reposts 177 likes

Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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The rate things are going, SCOTUS is going to rule by the end of the week that Hillary's emails require Trump be exonerated of all crimes, past, present and future.

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Chris Winters's avatar Chris Winters
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Ironic that this ruling comes down just as I'm about to visit that bastion of freedom and democracy, Hungary.

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Reposted by Chris Winters

Kaitlin Has Had Enough's avatar Kaitlin Has Had Enough
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Fixing the Court doesn’t mean making it work for liberals it means making it impossible for conservatives to corrupt it

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