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Amanda Marcotte

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Here's the article we discuss on the show. In a 6 minute segment, I can't bring the evidence, but it's in here.

Chris mentioned that he's heard people mention Project 2025 in the wild. I have, too, and some folks have told me they have, as well.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Check me out on "All In With Chris Hayes" last night! We talked about Project 2025 and how people who aren't political junkies are starting to hear about it.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Anyway, if the goal is getting people to suck it up and vote Biden if he won't drop out, then "shut up" won't get you there. "Yes, it's shitty that he's so selfish he's using our fear of Trump to get what he always wanted, but still, it's about your future not his," is a better move.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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I've been in this business a long time and find that when people go into "shut up shut up shut up" mode, it's rarely because they think silencing people will actually achieve the stated goal. It's usually because they don't have a good rebuttal and so they blame the person bringing up the points.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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65% of voters say Biden is too old. That's not just millions you are trying to silence. It's a couple hundred million.

Sorry, don't think you can shut them up.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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I reject the idea that it's easier to talk thousands of people in swing states to pretending they didn't see what they saw than it is for Biden to just say, "Yeah, I thought I had this, but life comes at you fast when you're 81."

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Sarah Longwell reports that in her post-debate focus group of Clinton-Biden voters, three said they can't vote for Biden now. They aren't voting Trump. They just won't vote. Extrapolate that out over the swing states and you're talking thousands of people, far more than Trump needs to win.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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It does not speak well of Biden that his biggest defenders think it's harder to reason with him than it is to browbeat millions of people into silence.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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The discussion about persuading Biden. To offer a counterpoint to the yes-men he's surrounded himself with. But mostly it continues to be astonishing that folks believe it will be easier to shut up the entire media and millions of voters with concerns than to ask Biden to do the right thing.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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To be even more fair, that's all the more reason he'll happily sign off on their entire agenda because he doesn't give a single fuck.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Don't let his lies scare you out of sharing the details of Project 2025 with everyone you know — especially those who are on the fence about their vote this year.

There's good reason to believe knowing about Project 2025 focuses people's minds on the stakes.

5 replies 102 reposts 192 likes

Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Yeah, just like he claims he never met any of the over two dozen women he's sexually assaulted.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Don't feed trolls. Block them.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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We all have a role to play. Tell people about Project 2025.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Project 2025 was from the Chris Rufo school of fascist communications, where you discuss your evil schemes out loud, confident the "normies" are not paying enough attention to notice.

But now it seems less politically engaged people are taking notice.

11 replies 95 reposts 217 likes

Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Obviously, I'd love to see some more rigorous focus group and other testing of this idea.

But that the Biden campaign is leaning so heavily on messaging about Project 2025 suggests they've done this research internally and my theory has some juice.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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One more reason to read — and share: I put this into the "news you can use" category.

I know it can be hard to persuade fence-sitters that Trump is as dangerous as he is. But, my preliminary research suggests Project 2025 may be the kind of thing that breaks through.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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"The MAGA goal with bad guy posturing is twofold: First, get the juices flowing in their base.

"Second, cause those progressives who are paying attention to panic.

"Trumpists then paint the people speaking out as a bunch of liberal crazies who are exaggerating."

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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I wrote this Wednesday, drawing on search data and social media evidence.

But I got anecdotal confirmation last night. I was a 4th party and spoke to an educator from a suburban district who expressed worry about "plan 2025 or whatever it's called."

3 replies 9 reposts 35 likes

Reposted by Amanda Marcotte

Will Oremus's avatar Will Oremus
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I'm obviously not here to defend the NYT, but this notion that no one in the US knows what to think until the New York Times tells them is just so Bluesky-pilled. I had friends and family who couldn't care less about the NYT texting me during & after the debate like "gah what's wrong with Biden??"

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Why read past headlines: If you wonder why Trump and his cronies say terrible things out loud that should turn off swing voters, this article explains it.

But it's a high-risk/high-reward fascist strategy. With Project 2025, it may be backfiring.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Project 2025 was from the Chris Rufo school of fascist communications, where you discuss your evil schemes out loud, confident the "normies" are not paying enough attention to notice.

But now it seems less politically engaged people are taking notice.

11 replies 95 reposts 217 likes

Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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And yes, I know I'll get a lot of "nuh-uh!" responses. But those folks are either gaslighting or in denial, or both. It simply isn't the case that all these different outlets reporting the cascade of leaks are lying. That's a Trumpian thing to say.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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This is why I think folks who think this is a single hump to get over and it will be smooth sailing from here on out are missing the point. He needs to get out there more to reassure people. A lot more, and not all short, scripted events. But if he tries and can't, this gets worse.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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That would comport with reporting that says the decline has been marked in the past few months. If the frequency of "senior moments" went from occasional a few months ago to what we've been hearing about now, then you'd be right to worry that things would be worse in a few months.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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One question — it came up on Pod Save — is why Biden's team wanted an early debate, if they didn't think he was doing well. Unfortunately, one answer could be, "Because they know he's going downhill and worried he'd be much worse in the fall."

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Wow, you are grasping at tiny, spindly straws. She could pull a name out of a hat and it would be fine.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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I hate to say it because I think Biden has been a good president. But I hope he faceplants in the ABC interview and does not buy himself time. Because it's either he does now and the runway really starts running out. Or he does it later, and then we're really fucked.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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No, because this is a real story. Stop gaslighting people. We saw what we saw.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Second, it's just a matter of time before Biden faceplants or fritzes out again in some dramatic way. Then the cycle starts back up, more voters drift away, and the infighting continues. But they've lost all that time to get the Harris campaign up and running.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Looks like Biden's campaign is taking the "weather the storm" approach, hoping the media coverage dies down and he can stay without it ever being conclusively litigated.

Terrible plan! First, that won't improve his polls.....

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Those weapons were always meant to be aimed at us.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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I know. I’d like to quit posting there but stubborn people won’t leave.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Watching the GOP reaction to the Supreme Court's "immunity" decision has been instructive.

These folks don't "fear" Trump, as we've been told.

They want a dictator. They may personally despise him and his smell. But he's their best shot at fascism.

11 replies 47 reposts 155 likes

Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Another reason to read past headlines: I detail — briefly, in an easy-to-read fashion — how Republicans spent decades gunning for dictator-levels of power for a GOP president.

Receipts! I got 'em.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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"Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation responded by echoing Trump's threats of violence.

"He declared, 'We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.'"

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Why to read past headlines: Receipts! I show both how Republicans make excuses for their party by exaggerating their "fear" and downplaying their yearning for a fascist dictator.

I also show how giddy they are at the prospect of a Trump unleashed to kill.

2 replies 2 reposts 6 likes

Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Watching the GOP reaction to the Supreme Court's "immunity" decision has been instructive.

These folks don't "fear" Trump, as we've been told.

They want a dictator. They may personally despise him and his smell. But he's their best shot at fascism.

11 replies 47 reposts 155 likes

Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Read the article, which answers these questions. You should always read before asking what I think, on the very strong chance that's addressed in my paid work.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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And yes, I was pleased with myself over this: "Of course they take a sex question, and Amanda achieves a rare win: she changes Dan’s mind."

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Thanks to Dan Savage for having me on to talk about abortion, the election, "House of the Dragon" and whether or not you should tell your ex's wife that he's texting revenge porn videos.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Did you see the debate? Either you didn't or you're gaslighting.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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I see people are determined to lie and gaslight in the mentions. Remember: Every time you tell people they didn't see what they saw, you sound like Trump. Do you want to be Trump? Stop gaslighting people.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Please stop gaslighting. It just makes it worse, as I explain in this thread.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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..... Please stop gaslighting people. I explain why in this thread.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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The worst part about the "clap harder" crowd is they think gaslighting people by denying we saw what we saw is helping. It's making it worse. Read this excerpt and think about how people lose trust in you when you lie to their faces.

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Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Please stop gaslighting people. It just makes it worse.

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