Linus Mattauch's avatar

Linus Mattauch

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Robert Bosch Juniorprofessor, Faculty Economics & Management @tuberlin; FutureLab "Inequality, ..." @pik_Climate ; Associate @INETOxford ; Member @Junge_Akademie

Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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Link to pre-print here:

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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In a new comment in Nature Climate Change I argue that the political success of climate change mitigation in Europe will depend on how well policy design enables consumers to switch.

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Jan-Martin Wiarda's avatar Jan-Martin Wiarda
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Sinkende Studierendenzahlen rechtfertigen keinen Sparkurs

Dass weniger Menschen studieren, könnte Hochschulen finanzielle Freiheiten verschaffen. Doch anstelle von Qualitätssprüngen geht es jetzt um die Absicherung des Nötigsten.

Im und im Blog:

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Andreas Loeschel's avatar Andreas Loeschel
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🚨 New paper alert: The intrinsic value of decision rights. People tend to value their decision right beyond its instrumental value. We provide field evidence from switching of electricity contracts. @ResEnergyEcon @ElsevierEnergy 👉

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Amrei Bahr 's avatar Amrei Bahr
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Aus Gründen teile ich erneut den Screenshot von der Website der Uni Stuttgart, die über mehrmonatigen Bearbeitungsrückstand für Reisekosten-Abrechnungen informiert. Wie so viele Unis. Bezeichnend, wenn Kritiker_innen SO wenig einfällt. Solidarität mit! #LauteWissenschaft

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Jonas Schaible's avatar Jonas Schaible
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Ich habe einen neuen Essay geschrieben, über die neue politmediale Wirklichkeit, die mir wirklich Sorgen macht: Die Allgegenwart von Propaganda, das, was sie ausmacht, wie sie wirkt, und die Überforderung, damit umzugehen.

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Ruprecht Polenz's avatar Ruprecht Polenz
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„Aktuell verhält sich die Schärfe der politischen und staatlichen Reaktion umgekehrt proportional zur Gefährlichkeit einer Protestbewegung. Also: Die aggressivsten Bauernproteste ernten am meisten Nachsicht.“

16 replies 178 reposts 611 likes

Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Malte Kreutzfeldt's avatar Malte Kreutzfeldt
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Zur Verstärkung hat Haneck den Klimaforscher Ottmar Edenhofer mitgebracht. Der spricht sich für Technologieoffenheit aus - aber nur unter der Bedingung, dass bei Gaskraftwerken auch die Methanemissionen aus der Vorkette vom Emissionshandel erfasst werden.

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Paul Lehmann's avatar Paul Lehmann
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Mitigation policies helped reduce emissions by about 12% in the last 5 years; most of this effect is attributable to a reduction in the energy intensity of the economy, and only residually to other factors such as a reduction of GHG intensity. Also a publication of a useful database. 🔌💡 #ClimateSky

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Michael Jakob's avatar Michael Jakob
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After working as an indepenent researcher, consultant and coach for a while, I decided to pull together my activities under the label "Climate Transition Economics". For latest news (or to invite me to projects or research), visit

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Moritz Schwarz's avatar Moritz Schwarz
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Xmas coming early: Really excited to publish a paper in the Journal of Econometrics w Felix Pretis & Xiyu Jiao! Here's a short thread about what we do - and how we show the effects of outliers when estimating damages from climate change.

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

PIK_climate's avatar PIK_climate
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While real progress was made at #COP28, there is still much to do: "The call to action to move away from fossil fuels with the aim of achieving greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 is an important point of reference for governments," says PIKdirector Ottmar Edenhofer:

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Jens Südekum's avatar Jens Südekum
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Der Blick von außen auf das Urteil.

Man spürt förmlich das Kopfschütteln, dass Deutschland 🇩🇪 sich in turbulenten Zeiten wie diesen durch unsinnige Regeln in maximal strenger Auslegung selber Knüppel zwischen die Beine schmeißt.

11 replies 47 reposts 140 likes

Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Max Franks's avatar Max Franks
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#inequality is on the rise across #OECD nations, but at the same wealth taxes continually fell. In a new paper w/ Ottmar #Edenhofer, we present a new solution to reduce inequality: Tax land (and other rents). Why is this fair and also efficient? 🧵

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Richard Van Noorden's avatar Richard Van Noorden
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How large is science's fake-paper problem? Massive, finds a new ML text-analysis by Adam Day (Clear Skies). It suggests paper mills rise to 1.5-2% of all papers; 3% in biomed. That's 70,000 papers last year alone, >400,000 overall. As a 'conservative estimate'.

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

DIW Berlin's avatar DIW Berlin
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Die Zahl der Vorschriften ist egal – wenn die Verwaltung sie zu händeln weiß. Alexander S. Kritikos schreibt heute im Gastbeitrag für die FAZ über die Rolle von Verwaltungen beim Abbau von Bürokratie. Zum Artikel:

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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Das sehe ich auch so: reiht sich in eine lange Liste (meist gescheiterter) politischer Experimente mit zu stark subventioniertem PNV ein. Relevant wäre noch (kenne keine Antwort), ob die Neukunden nun etwas fitter sind als vorher, oder ob durch das Abo Fußwegstrecken weggefallen sind ;)

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Gernot Wagner's avatar Gernot Wagner
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For the mathematicians in the room, that's the second derivative pointing in the right direction at last.

For the rest of us: bathtub overflowing, and we are no longer turning up the spigot even further.

Good news. Now, to get CO₂ emissions down, to zero.

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Harald Grethe's avatar Harald Grethe
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Indeed & no surprise, as there is a lot of talk, but so far no serious EU policies to reduce GHG-emissions from ag. & ag. land use... A recycled thread from last year: Keynote on EU Climate Policy in Ag. & Food at 181. EAAE seminar. Conclusion: Huge potential for mitigating GHG-emissions. 🧵 1/15

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Katharine Hayhoe's avatar Katharine Hayhoe
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Friends and colleagues in Potsdam, Berlin, Brno and Vienna—next week I'll be on one of my bundled trips in Central Europe. If you're in the area I'd love to see you at one of the 5 public events I'm doing (in addition to many others) - or you can watch the live streams! See below for more.

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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Summary: Urban transport should be much more about health because our societies are so unfit. Ours is the first attempt of policy instruments analysis in econ of that thesis!

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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...indeed there is some movement of especially US health insurance contracts to provide people with step counters, who then influence their insurance payments. If the health system stays a collective system,urban redesign is the most important lever to get people to do exercise.

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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(4) Is this paternalism? Sidestepping grand debates on welfare criteria, the implications for financing the huge costs for treating diabetes etc. matter. Freedom of choice not to exercise would imply that individuals have to pay the costs for their health problems themselves...

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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(3) Also no crowding-out effect detectable in the empirical literature on travel decisions - people do not substitute routine commuting time and dance lessons or dog walking! And no, travelling to the gym/football training by car is a negligible share of total urban car journeys.

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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(2) Economists new to this subject find the numbers hard to believe. But we academics are not representative of (low) fitness levels in our societies.

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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A few lessons learnt while working on it for years: (1) Is it surprising that lack of exercise is enormously expensive compared to env. damages? Brute fact: many more preventable deaths happen in Global North from heart disease, diabetes,dementia than from env. catastrophes now.

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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Our main result:once you account for the benefits of people getting a little bit fitter, the optimal fuel tax changes by about 40%.Why only 40% and not an order of magnitude?Well, fuel price increases are of course a very indirect way of getting citizens to be a bit more active.

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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We input public health data to an established model of optimal fuel taxes(Parry and Small AER 2005). Within our modelling we reproduce the public health finding that per mile travelled, the public health benefits dwarf all other social cost of transport by an order of magnitude.

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Linus Mattauch's avatar Linus Mattauch
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The benefits from active travel change quantitative evaluation of optimal transport policy instruments. Basically, being unfit is very costly to societies: effects come from diabetes and heart disease, but also dementia and depression. Our economic modelling examines this:

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Reposted by Linus Mattauch

Amrei Bahr 's avatar Amrei Bahr
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Sowas kommt von sowas: Das BMBF hat beim #WissZeitVG-Referentenentwurf nicht geliefert, was der 🚦-Koalitionsvertrag verspricht. Nun verlangt der Haushaltsausschuss 1 Programm zum Ausbau von Dauerstellen in der Wissenschaft: Starkes Signal! #IchBinHanna bewegt einiges! 💪✊

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