Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar

Glenn Ashton 310ppm

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I reflect on our realities as we plummet into the anthropocene. Exponential growth is impossible on a finite planet.

Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Yes, while this has been partly pushed by the right wing in the USA, these anti democratic shifts are global and are pushed by the neoliberal project which works from all sides. It is oligarchic corporatism at play with greed at its core.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Hurricane #Beryl has twice undergone bombogenesis, a term applied to tropical cyclone increasing in power extraordinarily rapidly. This is linked to extreme heat in the Atlantic surface water it's now traversing. The upper ocean has absorbed multiple petajoules of extra energy from climate change.

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Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Jeff Tiedrich's avatar Jeff Tiedrich
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need some cheering up? Steve Bannon went whining to the Supreme Court to please please pretty please keep him from having to go to prison and the Supreme Court just told Steve Bannon to fuck straight off

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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That's being kind to him.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Really enjoyed your book: managed to pick up a signed copy in Foyles. Hope it's in paperback soon. Everyone needs to read it. We need to dissemble the neo-liberal oligarchy. Pronto. Starmer's Labour isn't going to change anything meaningful. Unless we force it to.

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Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

George Monbiot's avatar George Monbiot
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Timid measures of the kind Labour proposes won't stop the rise of a new oligarchy. Instead we need a political and economic programme of the kind that General MacArthur oversaw in Japan.
This week's column.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Never forget who owns the Times. It has long not been a paper of record but a voicepiece for the neo-liberal project. Murdoch never sold his soul. People who live for wealth have no soul.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Overjoyed for Julian Assange but what has happened is not justice and does not properly serve the interests of transparency and pressure freedom.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Talk about leaps in logic. But then with this sort of magical thinking there is no logic. Which is why the EU parliament has been swamped by misinformed, brainwashed by social media, right wing youth. It's both predictable and tragic. Musk and zuck should hang in a rational world.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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The question is now whether the USA wants to elect a convict for president.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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We are in deep trouble. We have had sufficient warning to never be able to tell our children that we didn't know what's going down.
We must hold the bastards responsible responsible.
We thought we had it under control in the 1980s. But they lied & lied & lied.

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Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

George Monbiot's avatar George Monbiot
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Those who believe unevidenced stories about hidden cabals and secret machinations tend to display no interest in well-documented stories about hidden cabals and secret machinations. The interview seeks to find out why.

6 replies 8 reposts 60 likes

Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Because it was bs from the get go? Like most stuff that they say.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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So conservatives thought that banning abortions would mean more babies and the continued erosion of female autonomy?
Now US women are self sterilising through tubal ligation rather than risk the wrath of a perversely patriarchal legal system.

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Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Mongabay's avatar Mongabay
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PepsiCo has links to Amazon deforestation & invasion of Indigenous lands in Peru, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (, Ojo Público & Mongabay have revealed

Our investigation shows Pepsi's palm oil supply chain linked to deforested land claimed by the Shipibo-Konibo people:

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Remember "do no evil"? Ha. Now they have become evil.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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I'm in Cape Town. South of Africa.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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The costs of the impacts of climate change far outweigh the costs of taking steps to prevent it.
If we don't take active steps costs are projected as ~$38tn/yr by 2050.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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She's just incredibly not clever.

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Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Daniel's avatar Daniel
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Climate Change and Israel in EU politics:

Antonio of compared national parties' votes in the European Parliament on Israel's actions (2019-22) and Climate-environmental resolutions (2019-24).

Pro-Israel parties tend to oppose climate resolutions and vice versa.

4 replies 20 reposts 39 likes

Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Unicorn Riot's avatar Unicorn Riot
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An estimated 46,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed by Israel with over 33,634 Palestinians reported dead according to Al Jazeera and over 13,000 missing under the rubble of bombed out buildings or buried in mass graves, according to Euro Med Monitor.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Fan. Water spray. Wet towels over windows. Low tech.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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I think he would be mercilessly ridiculed. As he should be.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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They are the closest thing to a flying bus you can get. Great aircraft.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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The difference between Stephen King and JKRowling is not just that he has a solid moral compass and can also write grippingly. She has neither attribute.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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It's a new model Britten norman islander a stol passenger and cargo workhorse aircraft. They've been around 30+ years. Maybe longer.

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Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Annie Leymarie's avatar Annie Leymarie
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Lula announces that 38 Brazilian meat processing outfits can now export meat to China 😧 Beef is the top single cause of deforestation in the Amazon, Cerrado & Gran Chaco - a catastrophe China has the the highest age-standardised rates of diet-related cardiovascular disease & cancer deaths worldwide

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Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Life magazine had some great photo essays, as did natgeo.

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Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Peter's avatar Peter
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As 1.5ºC can no longer be avoided risk management requires an urgent understanding of what we are about to deal with This Report helps 1. Earth system tipping points 2. Tipping point impacts 3. Governance of Earth system tipping points 4. Positive tipping points in technology, economy & society 🧪

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Let's not forget that Christian nationalism was at the beating heart of all fascist regimes. Nazi Germany, apartheid South Africa, Franco's Spain, Stroessners Paraguay, etc. And Jewish nationalism in Zionist Israel. The conflation of religion and state policy leads down the road to hell.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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You know the world is in trouble when trumps truth social and melonhusks ex twitter pose as bastions of free speech when they are really platforms for disseminating performative bullshit by unhinged right wing idiots. SMFH.

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Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Doug Parr's avatar Doug Parr
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G20 nations put $142bn into fossil fuel expansion in poor countries

Compare with $104bn for clean energy developments

“While rich countries claim they can’t afford [finance for clean energy transition], they've no shortage of public funds for fossil fuels"

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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I can vouch for that as a retired plumber. My crack remains actively employed. The trades are a great starting point. Went to university in my 50s...

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Meta has never ever even tried to do no evil. It's evil epitomised.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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In most nations this would count as corruption. But lobbying is how the oligarchy rules 'murica.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Worse. He's taking repeated dumps on the carpet in the oval office. But biden likes the smell of Zionism.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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bbl is what the oil bros do. No truth or honesty. Just bbl.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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BS artists for hire.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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The longer the Tories wait the worse it's going to be for them.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Its going to cross over sooner or later and it's not going to be pretty.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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You know you're on the right side of history when China and Russia are backing you. Trump is such a fuckhead. As are his 'followers' to not only believe anything he says, but what these malign actors push.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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It's okay, he'll probably stiff them as well...

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Reposted by Glenn Ashton 310ppm

Annie Leymarie's avatar Annie Leymarie
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"Agriculture has disrupted the planet more than anything we have ever done, including burning fossil fuels. A sustainable future depends on recognizing this fact – and radically changing how we farm and eat".

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Because it's a major money making scam and the biggest fear is that of being as exposed as a south sea bubble.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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We need no more proof that the world is in thrall to capitalism than to recognise the immunity of the narco-terrorists and state capture corruptors granted haven in Dubai and the UAE? It is only because it's a hub for oil & money laundering that thugs like Kinahans & Guptas remain protected there.

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Glenn Ashton 310ppm's avatar Glenn Ashton 310ppm
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Some in the west naively wonder where monsters like BinLaden are incubated. We need only observe the massacre & genocide of Gazan Palestinians by the inhumane cruelty of western supported neo-colonial militaristic Zionism. It's writ large for all to see. On this day of rebirth I fear for our future.

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