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Former bird enjoyer in EUrope.

Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Ich finde halt die Diagnose "Rechtsruck" nicht fundiert. Den Effekt, dass radikalere Originale statt schlechter Kopie gewählt werden, kann ich ja noch glauben. Rechtsruck würde aber bedeuten, dass auch netto mehr bei Con+Reform wären, und das stimmt nichtmal mit der Grafik oben.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Das sehe ich anders. Reform wird manchmal aussichtslose Protestwahl in sicheren Labour/Liberal Bezirken gewesen sein als auch scharfe Tory - Konkurrenz in tatsächlich konservativen Bezirken gewesen sein. Den Wählern zu unterstellen, dass sie gar nicht taktisch wählen können, ist unplausibel.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Diese Argumentation ist leider komplett spekulativ, weil vorausgesetzt ist, dass die Leute genauso wählen würden, wenn es ein proportional-repräsentatives Wahlrecht wäre. Da ist sehr viel taktisches Wählen enthalten, daher kann keine Aussage getroffen werden.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Let's hope that November goes exactly like what follows after that line.

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Reposted by Enton

Jeffrey Vagle's avatar Jeffrey Vagle @jvagle.me
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19 replies 900 reposts 2790 likes

Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Hope you're doing well. I'm not even American and I'm feeling the doom waves :(

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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This encapulates how bad the current world is. TNG Riker would've never had to say that :(

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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If you're actually reading this, I can tell you what that means: You're a pawn, Mr Secretary. That you're even entertaining the idea that it's worth mentioning that these people act immoral or hypocritical is part of why they're doing it. They're making fun of you for believing that rules matter.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Yeah. Beginning to think that John Oliver's 20 minute segment per week, witty and snarky as it may be, is not quite getting the job done.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Oh dear. We barely have AC working 0.0

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Nice words, I'd rather she'd have murdered 4-6 of her "fellow judges".

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Nah, he'd be fuming that he would've gotten away with it. Didn't even need that Ford pardon. So, already decided where to emigrate to? Or will you fight for your state in the secession war?

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Let's see if THIS time, Americans do emigrate to slightly saner places.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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So the Supreme Court rules that Nixon would've been fine, really. The dissenting opinion by Sotomayor is of course welcome, yet she would've done a greater service by just murdering 4-6 of the majority judges.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Unless Biden does something drastic that also would've been deemed illegal fast and decisively, the US has ceased the rule of law.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Not American myself, but I can't imagine waving that flag anymore. Independent California should be considered.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Jokes aside, some states have to secede now, no? Not worth it.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Die Gretchenfrage ist nun, ab wann man zum Schutz der eigenen seelischen Gesundheit den Krakeeler ignorieren darf und nicht mehr gegenhalten braucht :(

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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What if this view is on my daily commute? Do I need to worry?

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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The word 'Opinion' now regularly prefaces the dumbest thing you will have read on that day. I think it has become a civic duty to boycot this grotesque caricature of journalism.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Ach ich glaube nicht, dass ökonomisch benachteiligte das ernsthaft erwarten. Auch arme Menschen können bösartig sein, und die Wahl von Nazis ist eines der wenigen Instrumente, die denen bleiben. Kommt noch die (objektiv falsche!) Einstellung "kann nicht schlimmer werden" dazu, haben wir den Salat.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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This account is not supposed to ruin my idea of a utopian future. There are no ads in the Federation, no no no no no!

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Some 'leftist' Corbynites are such loonies. Posting harmless observations that are arguably factual gets you blocked immediately.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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SCOTUS holds 6-3 that even death shall not outweigh the opinions of 6 designated judges. Click the article to find out which ones.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Happens all the time. Same with the people who believed Corbyn was a good candidate against BoJo.

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Reposted by Enton

John Morrison's avatar John Morrison @localcelebrity.bsky.social
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Reminder that Aaron Swartz was facing 35 years in prison and financial devastation for trying to programmatically download and open the contents of JSTOR, which led to him taking his own life. But OpenAI is going to scrape all of academia and make billions by plagiarizing it.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Also der Wortstamm wäre Supremat. Suprematismus die Ideologie und dann wie üblich. Habe ich aber noch nie gehört/gelesen außerhalb des Wikipedia- stubs.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Wenn überhaupt Wort-für-Wort wäre es Suprematist. White supremacy wird aber nie auf Deutsch übersetzt.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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If Pushmo does get announced tomorrow, I'll hold you accountable for killing Rhythm Heaven >:(

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Lol, I meant Toledo, OH. But Seville, OH is also real.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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A special problem in Berlin is that nobody knows for sure if the old names are even Germanic/Latin or Slavic. Even the spelling transformation from Cölln to Kölln is observed over the centuries. Still less confusing to Euros than Seville, Ohio or St. Petersburg, Florida

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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It is believed that this naming convention is the same as with 'Greenland'. BS marketing to attract settlers in the middle ages.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Wegen der Erika ihrem Vater.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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That's the inner monologue of the Alien in your pizza box when it looks at the camera lens.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Ich antworte immer mit "Danke, Sie aber auch."

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Die Franzosen tun das aber und sind auch die, die die Zölle fordern. Die deutschen Hersteller sind alle dagegen. Europa ist hier absolut nicht monolithisch.

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Reposted by Enton

Der Volksverpetzer's avatar Der Volksverpetzer @volksverpetzer.de
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Selenskyj hat gerade kurzerhand den Bundestag entnazifiziert.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Topp, die Wette gilt, sag ich mal. Einer von beiden wird zuerst umfallen.

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Reposted by Enton

Ruprecht Polenz's avatar Ruprecht Polenz @polenz.bsky.social
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Wenn es numerisch reicht, werden in Ostdeutschland AfD und BSW koalieren: Putin-Nähe, Antiamerikanismus bei Zustimmung zu Trump, Nationalismus statt EU, Islamfeindlichkeit, weniger Flüchtlinge, „Lügenpresse“, „die da oben sind alle dieselben und verraten euch“, „die Wessis sind gegen euch“

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Die gesamte Europa-Kampagne der SPD ist ein Rohrkrepierer. Friedensgebrabbel, als ob man eine Alternative für Putinknechte sein möchte, Frau Barley fällt allen Ernstes keine bessere Politikerin ein als Nordstream-Schwesig und und und. Die Inhalte sind nicht ganz so schlimm, aber sowas ist unwählbar

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Reposted by Enton

Reposted by Enton

Jon Bois's avatar Jon Bois @jonbois.bsky.social
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the overton window is a mask off moment for crossing the rubicon

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Er sagt das nur, weil es eh nicht passieren wird. Die Taliban würden ihn bei Ankunft ermorden (wegen IS-Taliban-Konflikt), daher werden alle Gerichte Nein sagen.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Just show them Silence of the Lambs to illustrate what may follow.

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Enton's avatar Enton @entoron.bsky.social
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Laut Papke waren also Mauerfall und Wiedervereinigung in Wahrheit Schwerverbrechen?

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