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Follow Your Curiosity podcast

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Get your creative life back on track--and keep it that way. Creativity coaching and FYC podcast, hosted by Nancy Norbeck.

Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Hey, friends—could you help me get the word out by reposting the post below? I'd be so so grateful! 🙏 And I'd love to see you there if you can come! 😁

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Join me for one or both sessions, and please do invite a friend or three! We'll talk about a creativity principle, work with a prompt, do a little coaching, and meet some new friends. It's amazing what can happen in an hour. 😁

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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So many things are better in community—and creativity is no exception! I'm doing some free, casual creative sessions this month and I hope you'll join me. Hear more about why community is important in the video below.

Signup link in the comments.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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I was just doing all this with the elder nephew a few days ago—he hasn't quite mastered the art of getting the shells to slide clean off yet, but he's getting there! Piercing makes a surprising difference. I'm still amazed by it.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Also pretty iffy on how to use the cents symbol!

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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I can’t remember if someone else mentioned it before I did or not—I may have mentioned running them under water after you do that, and piercing them before boiling, in addition to the tapping method. Either way, glad it’s working for you!

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N.R. Lines⁷ (she/her)'s avatar N.R. Lines⁷ (she/her)
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You are so loved. The four winds whisper their devotion as they rock you to sleep. The old gods share the deep magics with you as both protection and blessing. The moon jealously guards you and the stars rush across the sky just to behold you. You are loved and I am thankful for you.

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Michael Broussard Arts's avatar Michael Broussard Arts
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Join me for the We Love Doctor Who chat TONIGHT (Tuesday) on Zoom, at 8pm Eastern (US and Canada). DM me for the sign on info.

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emptywheel's avatar emptywheel
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I should note that I'm seeing some configurations of NYT where they DO include comment on the GOP platform: Maggie's misleading spin that it moderates on abortion. It wasn't on FP when I screen capped, but I may get a Euro-version.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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He was on television. What factory are you talking about?

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Factory? Are we talking about the same Fred Rogers?

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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I would plaster this piece on every billboard in America if I could.

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Mark Chadbourn's avatar Mark Chadbourn
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More than 400,000 people were denied a vote in the UK General Election because of the Tories’ voter suppression, mainly from ethnic minority groups. This needs to be tackled immediately.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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If that’s true, you’re an unusual case, and that’s worth mentioning for that very reason. Most people, especially elderly folks, dig their heels in out of deep denial, and it’s painful for everyone around them.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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We weren’t able to get them from my grandfather until his late 90s. It’s not easy. Even his doctor didn’t want to intervene. There are millions of families out there praying that an elder doesn’t cause an accident every day.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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It’s one thing to assume your actions in theory. It’s another thing entirely to be faced with the choice in reality.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Just curious: how old are you? Because if you were over 80 and only 30-45% of your friends and family said that, I promise you wouldn’t. Heck, if 95% said it, you probably wouldn’t. Source: dealing with folks that age who most definitely did not.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Last week, she accused people of sounding like Trump supporters—which made her sound an awful lot like one. She outdid herself with that one word today.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Meanwhile, the whole conversation allows Trump to continue to get away with being completely unhinged and Project 2025 to fly under the radar.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Again the SOTU was not a friendly environment, and he went off script multiple times to address that, but you refuse to acknowledge that fact, because it doesn’t fit the facts you like. Bye, now.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Way to move the goalposts there, pal. You clearly also missed the post-debate event where he was also fine. You’re accusing people of wanting to ignore facts while you do it yourself. Have fun with that.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Not all of it was, and if you think the SOTU hasn’t become openly adversarial in the last decade, and that his responses to that weren’t off the cuff, I have some oceanfront property in Kansas you might be interested in.

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Courtney Milan's avatar Courtney Milan
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Just remember: the fascists do not have to win. It is not inevitable.

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Tilly Bridges's avatar Tilly Bridges
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four years ago i came out publicly as trans, finally being the real me after a lifetime of not and that was after five years of knowing but having to wait it’s been the best four years of my life in every way live without regrets you only get one life make it YOURS 🩷

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Hadespuppy's avatar Hadespuppy
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I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.

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Michael Broussard Arts's avatar Michael Broussard Arts
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Wanna chat about Doctor Who with people who love the show? Join me for a We Love Doctor Who chat on Zoom, Tuesday, July 9th at 8pm Eastern (US and Canada). DM me for the sign on info.

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Erin Biba's avatar Erin Biba
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"coronavirus is “like throwing a bomb in your body,” said Dr. Ken Cadwell, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania who studies how Covid affects the gut. “You’re going to feel that in multiple different organs, not just the lungs.”" (Gift link)

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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I grew up in York and went to school in Lewisburg; I wish I didn’t believe you, but I know you’re right about this. Those folks are so far down the rabbit hole.

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Ian Boudreau's avatar Ian Boudreau
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The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society

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Courtney Milan's avatar Courtney Milan
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So a thing about AI is that, not understanding the material itself, it cannot understand what the gap is in someone else’s understanding. Students already have access to materials that will repeat important points over and over. They don’t need more.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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And my dude, I never said you were a third grader. I said that’s how ad buys work—though I’m not sure why that surprised you if you work in M&C. And reflecting on that, I think we’re done here, because I’m not a third grader, either, and don’t deserve the mansplaining. Ciao.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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And they were going to get this crystal ball where? You can’t account for every possibility in advance, especially not when your job is to promote your candidate. Are you going to run a “our candidate may have had a shitty night—or maybe he didn’t, because we can’t know ahead of time” ad? No.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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The new context was irrelevant to the pronunciation. It was just people being snooty about it because they thought they could.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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But “harassment” was not a new word in the language. It’s that people were getting snobby about the “correct” way to pronounce it, deciding suddenly that the UK was correct and we weren’t, and basically attempting a reeducation campaign. It’s not that we’d never heard/used the word before.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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No, that’s just how ad buys work.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Those were almost certainly bought and placed well in advance of the debate, so there’s not much they can do about them now except run them out. Sad, but true.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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(To clarify—the word was not at all new. The concept of sexual harassment, and so that usage, was not commonly known, for sure. But the word “harass” had been around for centuries.)

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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There was discussion at the time about that actually being the correct pronunciation. HARass is the UK, harASS is the US, so of course there’s snobbery around it. The word was definitely NOT new at the time, though.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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I’ve started unsubscribing without guilt. It’s not my fault I’ve landed on these lists (and not a few of them think I’m someone else, so I feel especially not guilty about those). And I often mention, if asked why, that they need to stop sharing lists bc it pisses people off. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Once you’re on one of those lists, you end up on ALL the lists, too. It’s such an incredibly good way to piss off your base that I can’t figure out why they still do it. Just because I’m interested in one candidate doesn’t mean I’m willing to hear from all of them!

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Is anyone else noticing that they’re getting logged out of BlueSky more often lately? Seems to be somewhat more on my iPad (where I use the browser, because the app is just not iPad friendly), but it’s every couple days now.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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There are a zillion different legit and less legit text and email campaigns, from the DNC, the actual campaigns, and way too many PACs, and I have trouble believing that the overload doesn’t end up turning most people off—but it clearly works well enough that they keep doing it.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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Are you sure it’s actually the DNC? There are a ton of other groups with names like “Dem Voters,” “Dem Majority,” “Dem Power,” etc., and none of them are the DNC.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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I haven’t read anything else he’s written, and from this thread? I see a guy trying to get people to listen to each other and stop flying off the handle every five seconds. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Follow Your Curiosity podcast's avatar Follow Your Curiosity podcast
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I’m reading this thread and I have no idea which camp he’s in. Just for the record.

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Stephanie Merritt's avatar Stephanie Merritt
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This from on the other place can’t be said often or loudly enough. It’s why ideological purity on the left makes me grind my teeth to dust

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