Patrick Reinsborough's avatar

Patrick Reinsborough

247 followers 95 following 527 posts

Strategist. Story Changer. Movement-Builder. Co-founder Center for Story-based Strategy, Co-author Re:Imagining Change (PM Press 2017) Fighting for a Just & Livable Future

Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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U.S. news has increasingly got that feel of those flashback scenes in The Handmaid's Tale.

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Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

isaac's avatar isaac
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For anyone getting started thinking about the way utility companies affect our lives and are (or aren't) responsive to people's needs, i contributed to a short workbook that uses popular education principles to build an analysis within a group.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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File under how manufacturing consent allows the US to justify continuing to provide direct military aid to an ongoing genocide.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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U.S. news has increasingly got that feel of those flashback scenes in The Handmaid's Tale.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Sure you can call responding to common sense environmental regulations by souping up your gas-guzzling truck to emit even MORE pollution being a reactionary, petro- masculinist sociopath or you can call it an example of "reactance." Catchy right? #ClimateSky 🔌💡

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Just learned the social psychology term "reactance" and despite it sounding kind of obtuse it does in fact name a huge dynamic we all experience in American society.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Breakdowns can lead to breakthroughs that unlock potential and unleash transformative power. But denying the breakdown and packaging it as business as usual? Recipe for inertia and toxic rot. Or if you happen to be extending this metaphor to U.S. politics, the rise of fascism.

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Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

Mike Murphy's avatar Mike Murphy
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Crop damages are non-linear Crops can tolerate heat up to a particular point, past that point the plant gets damaged then dies. Climate change is affecting what we can grow and where, with implications we can't really predict.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Indeed we all –people and planet–lose from Jane dying too young, whereas good for Inhofe for living to 89 but we would have all–again people and planet– have benefited from him losing his incredibly powerful and destructive role in the Senate decade ago.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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An irony amidst my sorrow at losing Jane...NYT obituaries today have side by side one of our best: visionary labor organizer Jane McAlevey. And one of our worst: climate denier and obstructionist Republican Senator James Inhofe.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Over the years I only met Jane a few times but every time I talked with her I got smarter. If you care about organizing do yourself a favor and read her books. Her wisdom will continue to move millions. Glad to see NYT giving her a full obit. #RestInPower GIFT LINK:

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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If you are considering going and directly plugging into the ongoing Summer of Heat mobilization here's the Welcome Pack Link to give you helpful contacts for housing, logistics, action calendar. Action is the antidote to despair!

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Concerned about climate? Then you probably know Wall St is still bankrolling climate doom. The campaign is experimenting with #PeoplePower mobilization strategies to win an end to fossil fuel financing. If you can GO to NY and/or donate & amplify their actions #ClimateSky 🔌💡

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Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

Timothy Snyder's avatar Timothy Snyder
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5/11.  Analytic clarity is needed for political clarity. If you do not know what you face, you do not know how to act.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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REMINDER: Elon Musk, billionaire media mogul, is a racist, enabler of right-wing violence. His tiny, hateful mind can't think beyond white supremacy & borders which is not unrelated to why he claims space colonization will save us: MARSIFICATION. (See #ClimateSky 🔌💡

2 replies 11 reposts 37 likes

Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

David Weiskopf's avatar David Weiskopf
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Shoutout to the designer who had the incredible idea of making an oil derrick the grim reaper's schlong

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Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

Shana | SolveForBetter's avatar Shana | SolveForBetter
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California feeds the nation. California farming is dependent on temperate, predictable weather. California should stop drilling for oil. California's public pensions should divest of fossil fuels.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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The REALITY WARS have begun. This type of AI-powered disinfo/psyop campaign is just the technologically enhanced tip of the iceberg. The deeper battles are waged on the terrain of identity, worldview and apocalyptic narrative. The future belongs to the worldview shapers.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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If you live in N. America, food you eat is probably grown in the orange “major heat risk” strip in California's Central Valley. The heat threatens crops, farmworkers & our entire food system. This is our planet at 1.2 degrees of warming yet California is STILL approving new oil wells. #ClimateSky 🔌💡

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Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

Patrick Bigger's avatar Patrick Bigger
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It seems to me that there are important connections being made between the peace movement, the climate movement, and the global economic justice movement- these connections will be vital for building movements and analysis that center internationalism and solidarity that can win

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Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

Patrick Bigger's avatar Patrick Bigger
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The genocide in Gaza has pushed the climate movement to think about how war and the climate crisis are linked- my newest invites them to take the next step to an internationalism that takes war & militarism everywhere as a threat to climate justice 🧵

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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The 4th of July is more than just a celebration of U.S. history. It's basically a re-enactment: exuberant, often kinda drunk people (mostly men) blowing things up without much regard for neighbors or nature. Happy birthday America. Maybe one of these days we’ll actually grow up.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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For the record I think a mini-primary/open convention scenario is smarter, and more democratic than trying to anoint someone. We know America loves reality TV so a choose-your-champion to defeat Trump could bring the kind of attention that might just save the Dems, not to mention the Republic.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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REMINDER: The multinational conglomerate 3M (or as they were originally known Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing) was/is run by evil motherf*ckers who knowingly poisoned the entire world, including all our bodies with toxic "forever" chemicals. #MakePollutersPay 🔌💡

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Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

Chad Briggs's avatar Chad Briggs
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Hey, cool that they've changed the color coding so that 95F can still be only yellow. That used to be pretty hot, back in the day

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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For the record I think a mini-primary/open convention scenario is smarter, and more democratic than trying to anoint someone. We know America loves reality TV so a choose-your-champion to defeat Trump could bring the kind of attention that might just save the Dems, not to mention the Republic.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Biden's faltering performance (and no it's not just the debate, come on people be serious) has fatally undermined public confidence he can beat Trump. Hopefully he takes the high road & steps aside. But with stakes this high, people aren't going to wait forever. And right on cue:

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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If you, like me, are sweltering in the heat, getting "red flag" fire warnings, worried that an un-natural disaster may destroy your community then thank a fossil fuel executive. And don't forget their backers on Wall St & DC.

The great betrayal is becoming more and more obvious. #ClimateSky 🔌💡

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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The U.S government refuses to end its long war against Native peoples. They want Leonard Peltier to die in prison for a crime he didn't commit just to mask FBI crimes. Time for Joe Biden to show he cares about justice and righting historic wrongs by pardoning Leonard.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Yeah sounds right. They know that only 1 current U.S. political party has a consistent pattern of breaking laws and consolidating power. But still I'm amazed Republicans are so enthusiastic about it. Unless they literally think Trump will end elections there will be future Dem presidents...

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Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

Ketan Joshi's avatar Ketan Joshi
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Live feed of Occidental Petroleum waiting to buy David Keith's solar geoengineering company so they can do SRM offsets for their new oil and gas sites

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Say what you will about Biden's electability but do we really think that the right-wingers on the Supreme Court would have bestowed King-like powers on the Presidency if THEY thought Biden was going to win?

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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The Supreme Court's been taken over by right-wing corporate foot soldiers that are trying to tip the electoral scales to a fascist billionaire psychopath but why worry about Immunity for "official acts?" it's not like most terrible things have been official government acts.... oh wait.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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I get the desire to blame Nader but come on let's not re-enforce dangerous myths about American elections. The real story is Republicans stole the 2000 election via racist voter disenfranchisement, dirty media tricks & Supreme court diktat. People need to understand the system in order to change it.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Indeed. And [despite his obvious merits vs his current opponent in the US's. broken duopoly] is IMHO a good example of Presidents engaging in "official acts" that don't deserve legal immunity such as violating international law to provide material support to an ongoing genocide in Gaza.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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The Supreme Court's been taken over by right-wing corporate foot soldiers that are trying to tip the electoral scales to a fascist billionaire psychopath but why worry about Immunity for "official acts?" it's not like most terrible things have been official government acts.... oh wait.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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REMINDER: Most of modern history’s horrors have been “official acts” of government: from slavery to mass incarceration, elite looting of the public coffer to systematic poisoning of our environment, with plenty of genocide and war along the way. #ClimateSky

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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"Money talks" is an out-dated political cliche. In America's broken system of legalized corruption it would be more accurate to say "money commands." #ClimateSky 🔌💡

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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REMINDER: Trump''s Republican party embraces hypocrisy openly because rule 1 of being a fascist death cult is to try to bend collective reality to meet your political goals. Hunter Biden is just one example that reveals their "Reality War" strategy #ClimateSky 🔌💡GIFT:

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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19th century abolitionists were not pulling any punches. Take that Boston Brahmins!

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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19th century abolitionists were not pulling any punches. Take that Boston Brahmins!

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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REMINDER: A defining feature of settler colonialism is violently seizing other people's land and then imposing a legal system that says it’s all ok. This is the historic template created by the world's pre-eminent settler colonial nation: the U.$.A. GIFT LINK:

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Glad to see NYT give more coverage to West Bank settler violence but as usual their reporting still obfuscates the larger structural process with vague context: “Seizing land previously used by Palestinians…” Might there be other ways to describe that "land" and how long is “previously” exactly?

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Reposted by Patrick Reinsborough

Peter Jeffe's avatar Peter Jeffe
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The seizure of common grazing, hunting and farming lands is indeed an integral part of colonialism. Capitalist concepts of property are used to justify land seizure, thereby forcing the dispossessed into the labor force. From England's enclosure movement to the West Bank, some things never change.

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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Glad to see NYT give more coverage to West Bank settler violence but as usual their reporting still obfuscates the larger structural process with vague context: “Seizing land previously used by Palestinians…” Might there be other ways to describe that "land" and how long is “previously” exactly?

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Patrick Reinsborough's avatar Patrick Reinsborough
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REMINDER: A defining feature of settler colonialism is violently seizing other people's land and then imposing a legal system that says it’s all ok. This is the historic template created by the world's pre-eminent settler colonial nation: the U.$.A. GIFT LINK:

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