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It’s John

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Academic historian; writer. #skystorian Anti-fascist

It’s John's avatar It’s John
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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Blue MAGA is real

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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😄 😢

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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At Target, we celebrate "National Revolution Day" EVERYday.

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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capitalists can learn how to be Volkisch capitalists real fast

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Really glad the neoliberal D party, whatever its lip service, was terrible on unions given withholding labor is just about the only thing that could change things, now.

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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When the neoliberals have delivered you into the hands of fascism and then tell you it won't be so bad because "you'll get your day in court"

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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he lives in a fantasy past in which the framers weren't repugnant slave owners or slavery apologists (Adams) on par with Nazis

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Could that be by design? The majority knows they’ll control the court for years/decades so they want the flexibility to call balls for Trump and strikes against any future D’s?

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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😄 But even if they didn’t apply a “Charles I” solution, which gets messy, they could apply a William and Mary solution or George I solution (dredge up some distant cousin)

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Nah, man. As a modern (that means 17th c to present) British historian with a field in Tudor-Stuart, I assure you George III knew the things parliament would do if he performed the tyrannical things this ruling makes possible. Parliament could get rid of him, and had experience doing so

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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This is actually wrong, because by the time the framers of the constitution framed, Parliament and had the monarchy under its thumb. Had King George tried to act like a tyrant, Parliament would've passed a law making someone else the rightful heir to the throne or sought a "Charles I Solution."

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Look, folks. You might notta liked me pointing that pistol. But there's nothing I take more seriously than the security of the American people. And I'll be hornswoggled if I let the vice president threaten that security. [done: now he's acting in his role securing the security of the state]

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Seems like Trump will just have to declare his action "official" in the course of performing executive branch duties like securing the republic from "enemies of the state."

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Reposted by It’s John

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Guys, hear me out. "The Originalist Case for Monarchy."

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Reposted by It’s John

Eric Rauchway's avatar Eric Rauchway
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RICHARD NIXON: Listen, you all laughed when I said that if the president does it, that means that it is not illegal, BUT WHO’S LAUGHING NOW

8 replies 105 reposts 392 likes

Reposted by It’s John

Alejandra Caraballo 's avatar Alejandra Caraballo
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This is the sound of the Biden administration throwing the trans community under the bus on the anniversary of Stonewall.

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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I get your point, but it just seems like more evidence of the incredible power of the neoliberal front of both parties + capital + the news media ranging from NPR to OAN. In history, I don't think we've ever seen such a consensus, even in the Cold War, even at the height of liberal imperial Britain

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Ian Carrillo 's avatar Ian Carrillo
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Race is still factored in. White applicants get to keep the advantages they've accrued through systemic racism without any countervailing forces.

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Okay, thanks again. My read's that she was given the task of being the very very slightly tough cop because her job is outreach to younger voters. But at the same time, she and the White House are explicit that she's in lockstep w Biden. No evidence, alas, that in her heart of hearts she's different

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Okay, I’ll need to really dig into this

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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No sarcasm: I’d love to think Harris would be better on Gaza; but can you point to something that makes you think so? I’d like to be convinced

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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And replies saying “well, if Trump gets elected, those kids will get murdered even MORE than they’ve already been murdered” kinda make my point

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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agreed. We're not over reacting to one event. A reasonable person will look at that and say, I'm not showing up to the polls for a guy with aphasia--no offense: it really sucks. How is Biden not only going to get as many votes as last time in MI/AZ/GA, but _replace_ anti-genocide voters?

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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yes literally: he alienated so many potential voters (I know, I know: young people don't vote: stfu. SOME do) over genocide support. He knows he's losing votes from that. He HAD to pick up independents to replace them. Y Liberal pundits utterly refuse to acknowledge the cost of of Israel love

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Johnny Cans's avatar Johnny Cans
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Thoroughly enjoying one of my favourites, Mr David Tennant, being extremely relaxed about saying things which are true.

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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In any case, we appear to be fussing over a republic that seems DOA after last night. I hope to see liberals on the barricades and in the hills with us dirtbag leftists in the future. No passaran

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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And yet we on the left would at least like radical stuff like, you know, serious support for unionism, an NHs, etc. In any case, if you think the left is more motivated by defeating liberals, I think liberals/neoliberals are motivated by defeating the left. And neoliberals certainly hold the power

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Hm. I’d think the American left would gladly take representatives in the mold of Labour 1980s, but there’s no real prospect of that. And there really was a united front against Bernie, wasn’t there, when nearly every candidate got behind Biden during the nomination race last time around?

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Would you say liberals are equally motivated to crush the Left?

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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I guess another angle on this same hypothesis is that there is no significant left in the country, having been beaten to death by a neoliberal unified front of both parties in union w capital. No challenge from the left that needs to be doused by comprise [same in the UK]

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Great work by Dr. Keresztes.

I'm sorry but in our age of everyone having a great camera in their pockets, this is striking. So easy to imagine, say, TX or FL fascists taking photos of people coming out of "woke" stores to intimidate them and ruin businesses

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Right. And how do I know there’s not polarization in the US? Because no left pole. There’s a neoliberal center/right. And there is a fascist/antidemocratic right pole

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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liberals tell the justice-minded they must vote for the guy who funds racist ethnonationalists because "that's what's demanded in the hard-nosed exercise of power." then they stand by and watch a Black congressman and his young supporters get crushed and shrug, "that's just pure democracy" love it!

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Biden keeps talking like a guy who thinks he can throw away the votes of just about anyone under 30 and is happy to jettison Michigan He's made his choice

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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yes, but mainly for foreign brown children /sad sarcasm

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Oh, so their utter lack of any sense of practical power will allow university executives to walk all over them, siezing what little power they have

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ᚇᚐᚍ ᚑᚃ ᚈᚆᚓ ᚚᚑᚈᚐᚈᚑ's avatar ᚇᚐᚍ ᚑᚃ ᚈᚆᚓ ᚚᚑᚈᚐᚈᚑ
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Awww, poor Keir, all that transphobia and she's still not going to back you. Let that be a lesson, don't try to appease bigots because they'll never be happy

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Um, was there any, say, _math_ involved in any of those inventions?

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Another way to answer this: One has to remember that the framers of the Con. were quite dubious of democracy and limited it sharply. No direct election of senators, presidents, or justices. No female voters. Very frequent property requirements in the states to vote.

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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Get paid 92k to hate the people they supposedly serve

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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we can all easily agree that a regime that would do that is really shitty, right? And that we wouldn't give them money and cover at the UN, right?

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It’s John's avatar It’s John
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& maybe some simple measure of reaction time and/or ability to, uh, "organize sight data coming into the brain." I.e., a person can keep track of three moving objects in space and run a simple machine." Could just be a simple video-game-like thing.

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Thomas Zimmer's avatar Thomas Zimmer
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Posting this again – because I have added an audio version of the piece.   This is a new feature I am trying out: Voiceover articles, for those who prefer to listen to rather than read my (admittedly very long) essays.   The Right’s Politics of Revenge:

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