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Jessica Valenti

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I write about abortion every day (, feminist books (Sex Object, The Purity Myth & more) & embarrass myself on TikTik (auntiekilljoy)

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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My rundown of the accidentally-leaked EMTALA ruling is up at Abortion, Every Day

3 replies 19 reposts 42 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Polls showing massive and growing support for abortion rights are likely *undercounting* just how popular the issue really is

0 replies 15 reposts 62 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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I'm hosting a live-chat at Abortion, Every Day for those who want to follow along, commiserate, rage and share ideas:

4 replies 1 reposts 9 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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There's a Senate committee hearing happening *right now* on the consequences of abortion bans. You can watch along here:

1 replies 15 reposts 40 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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This is the governing party of the country's second-most populous state adopting a platform that says abortion patients should be punished as murders. Don't let anyone tell you this is 'fringe'

1 replies 31 reposts 108 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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I triple checked this bc I was so baffled that no one had covered it yet.

12 replies 180 reposts 336 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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I saw this! Mommy issues FOR REAL

2 replies 0 reposts 15 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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He was simply saying out loud what Republicans have already codified: that women’s role in this country is to bear children and support men, who are the actual stars of the show.

6 replies 5 reposts 65 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Harrison Butker’s remarks on women aren't fringe—they're the law

3 replies 16 reposts 65 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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If you've been waiting for a reason to make the jump, the ability to commiserate with other folks who are pissed as you are is a good one

0 replies 0 reposts 5 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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I have a Supreme Court/EMTALA live-chat going for paid subscribers to Abortion, Every Day:

1 replies 1 reposts 7 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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If those who would see abortion banned believe that it’s what Americans want, then why work so hard to fool voters? If they’re so sure that this is a ‘pro-life’ country, why lie about what their policies would do? They know they're passing bans against voters' wishes

0 replies 15 reposts 69 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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The GOP's new strategy? Trick voters into supporting pro-choice-sounding ballot measures that would actually codify Republican bans.

2 replies 39 reposts 74 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Indiana’s AG says that women’s abortion data should be publicly available in the same way death certificates are

39 replies 152 reposts 251 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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And that’s the thing that Democrats would do well to remember as we close in on November: The danger abortion bans pose to women’s health and lives makes us afraid, but what makes us furious is the affront to our humanity.

1 replies 49 reposts 133 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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As a result, it would be near-impossible to end a pregnancy—even in a pro-choice state. These aren't predictions I'm making, but tactics that conservatives have explicitly laid out *in writing* Republicans don't need the votes to ban abortion nationally, they just need Trump

3 replies 201 reposts 708 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Then they'll replace the head of the DOJ. The new lead will interpret the Comstock Act - a 19th century law that bans the mailing of 'obscene' materials - as applicable to abortion. That means no shipping not only of abortion pills - but tools or supplies clinics need

4 replies 103 reposts 487 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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The first thing another Trump administration would do is replace the head of the FDA and reverse approval of abortion medication. Right off the bat, they're doing away with 63% of abortions.

2 replies 143 reposts 555 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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I'm seeing so many Republican women talking about a national abortion ban as a Democratic 'scare tactic' - they're repeating the GOP talking point that they'll never have enough votes for a federal ban. So let me tell you why that doesn't matter & they can ban abortion anyway

10 replies 442 reposts 982 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Last night I published an explainer on all things Florida & abortion - from the 6-week ban and ballot measure to what it means for 2024

1 replies 9 reposts 20 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Abortion isn’t an issue of Americans disagreeing—it’s not something that’s polarizing the country, and it’s not ‘controversial’. A small group of extremist legislators are passing bans against the wishes of the vast majority of voters, forcing laws onto people who don’t want them.

2 replies 93 reposts 353 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Don't let anyone ever tell you America is split on abortion rights: A new poll shows that 81% of voters don't want abortion regulated by the government, but decided between a patient & doctor

8 replies 212 reposts 620 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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The most important abortion case since Dobbs is being argued in front of SCOTUS right now. Livestream is here:

1 replies 7 reposts 26 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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In newsletter tonight: The head of the group that killed Roe and that’s trying to ban mifepristone admitted they believe emergency contraception is actually abortion - and that they’re going after it as such

2 replies 64 reposts 126 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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My latest at Abortion, Every Day: 90% anger, 10% fuck you

0 replies 10 reposts 37 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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This was the only way I could watch

9 replies 15 reposts 171 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Women and girls are dying—abortion bans are killing them. So why aren’t we hearing about it?

I wrote about America's missing post-Roe deaths:

4 replies 53 reposts 108 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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"It took 10 years and three rounds of in vitro fertilization for Rania Abu Anza to become pregnant, and only seconds for her to lose her five-month-old twins, a boy and a girl."

0 replies 5 reposts 10 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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And here

0 replies 2 reposts 17 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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More on this here

1 replies 1 reposts 17 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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ALSO: stop using polls that accept Republican framing! Because when you stop asking WHEN the gov't should be involved in pregnancy and start asking IF they should be, you get very different answers from voters.

4 replies 16 reposts 88 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Any ban is an extreme ban because pregnancy is too complicated to legislate. The sooner Dems start repeating that truth (and pushing for it in their policies) the better.

1 replies 74 reposts 223 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Even if Trump added an 'exception' for nonviable pregnancies, it won't mean shit. Republicans are already drafting bills defining nonviable as death "upon birth or imminently thereafter." That means states could say a condition isn't fatal if a newborn might live a few days!

1 replies 11 reposts 59 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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The majority of post-Roe horror stories we're hearing - the stories that are horrifying and motivating voters - came from women who were later in their pregnancies. A ban like this won't fix Republicans' public outrage problem

1 replies 9 reposts 56 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Also, the 'middle ground' ban Republicans are suggesting doesn't have exceptions for nonviable pregnancies. If it were law, Kate Cox wouldn't have had to leave Texas for an abortion - she would have had to leave the country.

1 replies 12 reposts 67 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Trump thinks—as other Republicans do—that a ban like this is a 'compromise' Americans will get behind. That's demonstrably false—just ask Virginia. They made a multimillion dollar bet on a 15-week ban and were walloped. Moving a ban up a few days won't make a difference

1 replies 16 reposts 93 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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I'm supposed to be taking a few days off but I had to say something about this

2 replies 22 reposts 72 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Republicans aren’t just losing on abortion because voters are angry - they’re losing because the anti-abortion movement is feeding them bad polls! Somehow the GOP hasn’t caught on yet

1 replies 11 reposts 66 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Almost as if this is not about 'life' at all but misogyny!

2 replies 2 reposts 65 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Yet if she had willingly sought out an abortion her doctor could get life in prison

6 replies 62 reposts 146 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Just yesterday, I reported on a new study showing that the more people know about pregnancy, the more likely they are to be pro-choice. That means anti-abortion activists have a vested interest in keeping students as ignorant and misinformed as possible.

0 replies 12 reposts 41 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Legislation forcing the video into classrooms has already passed in North Dakota, and has been proposed in Kentucky and West Virginia.In Kentucky, the bill would allow the AG to go after schools that refuse to show the video in health classes

2 replies 9 reposts 17 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Young people are the most pro-choice demographic in the country. Republicans have a plan for that - and it involves forcing public schools to show middle schoolers a video from one of the country's most extreme anti-abortion groups.

3 replies 23 reposts 36 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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How much clearer can Republicans be that they don't give a shit about what voters want on abortion?

Mississippi lawmakers are working to bring back ballot initiatives, with the *specific caveat* that voters can't repeal the state's abortion ban

1 replies 12 reposts 32 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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This is what happens when you give fetuses personhood. And remember: Everything that's happening right now is totally predictable and VERY MUCH PLANNED. It's so vital that we don't let this shit be normalized

3 replies 28 reposts 151 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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The guy who is going around town to town passing these travel bans in Texas has made clear that even if a woman is leaving willingly, it's still trafficking because "The unborn child is always taken against their will."

1 replies 23 reposts 91 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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We're already seeing Texas counties pass 'anti-trafficking' laws that make it illegal to help anyone, regardless of age, leave the state for care. And Alabama's AG has argued that if the state wants to restrict pregnant women from leaving, they can

1 replies 13 reposts 74 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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In Tennessee, one parent who helps a teen get an abortion *could be sued* by another parent. In Oklahoma, the law declares itself an 'emergency' and would be enacted immediately upon passing. And as I've written many times before—if you think this stops with teens, you're wrong

2 replies 14 reposts 85 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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This is exactly the legal battle happening in Idaho right now over their 'abortion trafficking' law - it's (deliberately) written so broadly that it makes speech illegal. Somehow, it gets worse

1 replies 12 reposts 84 likes

Jessica Valenti's avatar Jessica Valenti
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Under these laws, an aunt or grandma who helps a teenager get an abortion would be a 'trafficker'. And when I say "helped" a teen get an abortion I don't mean just drive them out-of-state—giving the phone number to a clinic would be illegal and punishable by years in prison.

1 replies 44 reposts 130 likes