Lauren's avatar


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Octopus fan (they have 3 hearts y’all, that’s one more than a time lord!).

Lauren's avatar Lauren
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That’s not true for everyone. A lot of people enjoy drinking without drinking to excess or having it negatively affect their lives.

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Reposted by Lauren

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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there is a lot of “democrats are the only agents of american politics” underlying fantasies of contested conventions. meaning, no real consideration for how republicans will respond politically or legally for that matter.

31 replies 114 reposts 815 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast) 's avatar Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast)
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It will be a complete information dictatorship much like Russias or chinas

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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This is exactly it. It’s not some shadowy conspiracy. It’s just that people in power and people with money want Trump back because he benefits them. Add in a personal grudge the NYT has against Biden due to lack of access, and it explains all the slanted coverage.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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This is such an unsurprising but depressing thread. So many people don’t seem to have noticed it either.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Did you not see what the Supreme Court just did? All of our checks and balances have been wiped away.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Oooh I love the violin! Lucky kid, I’ve heard it’s almost impossible to learn as an adult.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Love this show. Although I recently did a rewatch and was struck by how many fat jokes there were. Still a great show, but it’s interesting what stands out on rewatches.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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It was on Fox first. I know because it was sent to me a couple of days ago. NYT is both late to the “story” and wrong. Embarrassing.

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Reposted by Lauren

Rebecca Brückmann's avatar Rebecca Brückmann
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"He gets away with such talk in part because he does not let himself get pinned down on specifics. Voters should demand better than such cynical strategic ambiguity." That's rich, coming from people whose job it is to pin down information and to provide factual clarity in the face of strategic lies.

0 replies 6 reposts 20 likes

Reposted by Lauren

NoTimeForNinjas's avatar NoTimeForNinjas
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I've asked people this: How does your not voting help the Gazans? I do not get a clear answer. So bascially, it's about them feeling better about themselves.

2 replies 2 reposts 22 likes

Reposted by Lauren

J. P. Gownder (கவுண்டர்) ☮️🕊️🏳️‍🌈 's avatar J. P. Gownder (கவுண்டர்) ☮️🕊️🏳️‍🌈
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They're going to "free Palestine" the US right into fascism, which will be even worse for Palestinians anyway. There's zero nuance or strategic thinking at play.

0 replies 1 reposts 23 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Ian Boudreau's avatar Ian Boudreau
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People are getting confused and thinking this means I think Joe Biden is the ideal candidate or that nobody else would do a better job - not true! I just think that decision was made four years ago and reversing it is a guaranteed path to utter catastrophe

27 replies 40 reposts 367 likes

Lauren's avatar Lauren
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They have an opening to sue to keep his name on the ballot if he steps down because he won the primary. There’s no legal opening to sue to declare him unfit to run.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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First, they’ve always outright said what they’re going to do. Second, they’ve got the Supreme Court and that’s literally all they need to be successful here.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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The convention is basically ceremonial. The primary is where the candidate is elected. That’s the issue and it makes sense to base your decision off of what your opponent plans to do. In what world would you ignore that?

2 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Hemry, Local Bartender's avatar Hemry, Local Bartender
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The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared

53 replies 535 reposts 1990 likes

Lauren's avatar Lauren
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The point of the article is that the Heritage Foundation plans to sue to keep Biden’s name on the ballot, even if he steps down, and since we have a conservative majority on the SC they’ll most certainly win. This will cause ballot confusion and will kill us in swing states where every vote counts.

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Michael Paulauski's avatar Michael Paulauski
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It's a ratfucking op, it's a ratfucking op, it's always been a ratfucking op.

7 replies 17 reposts 102 likes

Lauren's avatar Lauren
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The media would run a million dems in disarray/Biden needs to immediately step down as President now stories. Also, his name would probably remain on the ballot so we’d be more likely to lose.

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Reposted by Lauren

Nancy Ann's avatar Nancy Ann
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And, BTW, heritage won’t just allow Biden to be replaced.

2 replies 1 reposts 13 likes

Lauren's avatar Lauren
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These are dumb but they’re probably better for the environment than cheap socks that fall apart. Also, everyone needs socks. Concentrating on individual consumption takes the focus off the real polluters, which is why BP championed the idea of the individual carbon footprint.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Lol yeah me worrying about the media and how it will shape public opinion (which is what affects voting) is me being unpatriotic and not caring about the country. Fuck you.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Look at how many articles have been written about Biden being unfit for office and stepping down after one debate. Now extrapolate that if he actually says ‘yeah I’m not fit to serve for another four years’. You think everyone is going to be cool with him finishing his term. How incredibly naive.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Yeah that’s not how the media and public opinion works. This is the world we live in.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Not running is admitting he is unfit. You cannot stay in office after that. The media and the American people will not allow that, and the fallout of that outrage would likely sink Kamala’s campaign as well because Democrats will be seen as allowing a man they admitted was unfit to remain in office.

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Greg Pak's avatar Greg Pak
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18 replies 209 reposts 980 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Greg Pak's avatar Greg Pak
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NO KINGS. That's the bare minimum these days. NO KINGS. NO KINGS. NO KINGS.

6 replies 114 reposts 814 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Greg Pak's avatar Greg Pak
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Imagine for one second if the NYT marshaled its massive influence towards voter registration, towards supporting voting rights groups, towards encouraging people to vote and fighting people who try to stop people from voting. Imagine if the NYT actually championed participatory democracy.

12 replies 128 reposts 780 likes

Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Maybe. But then I can see the media (and then everyone) demand that Biden steps down from office because he’s unfit, which leads to the scenario you laid out where a Republican is 2nd in line.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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I don’t think this is realistic at all. You can’t say you can handle the presidency but not the campaign. If you admit to being unfit for one then the assumption will always be that you’re unfit for both.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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I’m honestly not sure if Kamala would do better than Biden or not. I do worry because she has the ‘Kamala is a cop’ stigma so you’d have Biden admitting to being unfit to be president (while remaining in office) and another candidate that hasn’t polled much better. Seems worse than what we have now.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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True. If Democrats got control of the House it wouldn’t be such an issue, which is why I’m leaning towards Biden staying in as the best of bad options.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Him dying in office wouldn’t spark a constitutional crisis though. The constitution addresses that situation very clearly that’s why it lays out a succession plan. The two best options are they run Kamala (but leftists won’t vote for her) or Biden stays and steps down after the election.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Ugh this is the worst feeling. I think we’re all just terrified but at least we’re on the same page. We just want Trump to lose. I really hope that alone can defeat Trump, regardless of who ends being the candidate.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Again, then you have a president saying he’s unfit for office while he’s still in office. I can’t understand why you don’t see a problem with this and the various ways republicans will take advantage. All of our options are terrible but Biden remaining is likely the least terrible.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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She’s the best option to replace Biden but it still doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Because she’s VP right now so if Biden is removed then she becomes acting president, which means the second in line spot is filled by a Republican. Think about how that incentivizes assassination attempts. VP also acts as the tie breaker vote so you lose that as well.

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness 's avatar Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness
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If I'm going to survive a global pandemic and a recession and we are running headfirst into fucking fascism then goddamn it, I want a DECADE of decadence and hedonism first

14 replies 69 reposts 404 likes

Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Exactly. Keeping him out is the first hurdle and then figuring out how to mitigate the Supreme Court decision is the decades long struggle we’ll be faced with. It’s exhausting.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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I think because it signals weakness, and Biden will still be president so essentially you’re saying he’s unfit. I could then also see Republicans mobilizing to remove him (they have the media and SC on their side so they’ll figure it out) that leaves the second in line to a Republican.

3 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Dr. Damien P. Williams (Temporarily Logged Off)'s avatar Dr. Damien P. Williams (Temporarily Logged Off)
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Every single time I've been online this past week, there's been some significant number of interactions that are just shitty & wearying & outright fucking hostile for no goddamn reason & I know we're scared, & I know things are terrible, but get your shit together, fix your hearts, & work on helping

10 replies 90 reposts 508 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Randi's avatar Randi
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A debate that few watched didn't move the polls. It's the pundit narrative afterwards! Which is just straight up R talking points - that Biden is too old. Imagine if the media/pundit narrative was instead about how unhinged Trump was/is. Could've moved the needle the other way.

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Lauren's avatar Lauren
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There were a surprisingly large number of Nazi sympathizers in the US before WW2. I would say the number of people on the right side is probably about the same now as it was then.

1 replies 1 reposts 1 likes

Lauren's avatar Lauren
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Agree completely but it also makes me sad that this argument has to be had to persuade some people to mobilize against it because transphobia should be egregious enough on its own.

1 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by Lauren

L O L G O P's avatar L O L G O P
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Looking for one person to join me today in donating to flipping both statehouses in Arizona to create a new trifecta for democracy. This is the smartest political donation we can make this year.

9 replies 44 reposts 111 likes

Reposted by Lauren

Doctora Malka Older's avatar Doctora Malka Older
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universal basic electricity minimum for every human on the planet before AI gets another milliwatt.

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