LeviathanCross27's avatar



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He/Him. Deep thinker, LGBT+, tech geek, language hobbyist (EN, ES, PT, NO, Esperanto), atheist & general contrarian. 🏳️‍🌈 🇺🇸 🇪🇸 🇧🇷 🇳🇴 ❇️ Jeg lærer meg norsk og leter etter norske venner!

Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Śẻήơɼ Wơƙẻ Ảś Pɦưƈƙ  🇺🇲 ✌️ ❤️ 🚴 🤿 🚣‍♂️ 🌈 🇺🇦's avatar Śẻήơɼ Wơƙẻ Ảś Pɦưƈƙ 🇺🇲 ✌️ ❤️ 🚴 🤿 🚣‍♂️ 🌈 🇺🇦 @divebum.bsky.social
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Costa Samaras's avatar Costa Samaras @costasamaras.bsky.social
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I’m not a reporter but I did have a blogroll once, so here’s some follow-ups for the former president that seem important: which parts of Project 2025 do you disagree with? Would you appoint anyone to your admin that is supporting it? How do you feel about the “bloodless if the left allows” comment?

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis's avatar Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis @jeffjarvis.bsky.social
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"The fact that we're going to hold Joe Biden to one standard and Donald Trump to another, which is really no standard at all." - @JoeNBC on The New York Times et al.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

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i refuse to believe that americans who watched the debate think that biden’s first 15 minutes are somehow stronger evidence of old age decline than falling asleep, *in public*, DURING YOUR OWN FUCKING CRIMINAL TRIAL, *IN COURT IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE AND JURY*, but, you know, i’m not a columnist.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Evilbunny Pottymouth - Help us flush the Orange Turd in November's avatar Evilbunny Pottymouth - Help us flush the Orange Turd in November @mrsquirrel.bsky.social
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Expand the Supreme Court—Now! | Opinion

The Constitution does not specify lifetime appointments, but only that justices serve "during good behavior."


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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Don Moynihan's avatar Don Moynihan @donmoyn.bsky.social
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There was no GOP party platform in 2020, and Trump wants to shrink the proposed 2024 one. He opposes providing detail on how radical his second term will be because he knows its unpopular. Make no mistake: Project 2025 was written by Trump appointees & loyalists. Its their shared agenda.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Tim-my Eat World's avatar Tim-my Eat World @t2thacoops.bsky.social
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would you rather elect Joe Biden's corpse being propped up by two guys like in Weekend at Bernie's? or Donald Trump's corpse being propped up by two guys like in Weekend at Bernie's? Biden's corpse weighs a little bit less, you gotta *AT LEAST* take that into account

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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And Snowden can fuck right off. RFK, Jr., can too. Worry about not falling out of a window in Russia, dude. You've got bigger things to worry about. Leave the election to us.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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It has no bearing, whatsoever. The SCOTUS decision doesn't change the fact that he (1) stole classified information, (2) obstructed justice, (3) refused to return the materials when asked, repeatedly, and (4) he failed to properly secure them and showed them to people without classified clearance.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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I think that it was ridiculous to schedule a debate at 9pm Eastern. Yes, I know it will be 6pm on the Pacific coast, but damn, that is very late in the evening. The debate should have been held on a Saturday, perhaps at noon Eastern. More reasonable, and more people could watch live.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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I am only in my early 50's, but I have a hard time dealing with events scheduled in the evenings. I never, ever, schedule anything with anyone after 6pm. I start my workday very early, so my bedtime is correspondingly early, but even so, evening events are a no for me.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Reposted by LeviathanCross27

FEISTY😈's avatar FEISTY😈 @crzyfkinworld.bsky.social
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“Trump: “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.” 7/5/24 Trump's own SuperPAC is running ads highlighting Project 2025.

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Pestilence's avatar Pestilence @pestilence4all.bsky.social
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Science bad! Until they need science to survive! Every anti-science hypocrite on the planet. Just pray. Jeebus will take care of you! SCIENCE - Because you can’t figure shit out by praying

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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In case you need a reminder, here is an excellent recap and summary of Joe Biden's life, his career, and his presidency.

I don't care about his performance at the debate. I care about his performance as POTUS. In that, he has excelled.

I believe in Joe Biden. #HesGotThis youtu.be/U4sGE9RUYHU?...

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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I honestly am at a loss for words. This is astounding. We are dealing with monsters, my friends. IDGAF how old Biden is. Having a dead corpse as POTUS is a better option that allowing MAGA anywhere near the reins of power.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

AimingHigher11's avatar AimingHigher11 @aiminghigher11.bsky.social
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The favorite activity of fascists is to divide folks on the left. John Fugelsang

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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Absolutely a tell! It doesn't even sound like the way he'd normally phrase things.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Costa Samaras's avatar Costa Samaras @costasamaras.bsky.social
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Put this on the front page for a month. It’s that serious and that dangerous.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko @radleybalko.bsky.social
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It's just hilariously disingenuous. Imagine looking at, say, ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY and concluding that the biggest threat to liberty isn't abuse of power, but powerful people refraining from sufficiently wielding their authority out of fear that they might one day be held accountable.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse @jbouie.bsky.social
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roberts’ reasoning is fundamentally (lower-case “r”) anti-republican. i know we dunk on the framers here but roberts has issued a rebuke of the revolutionary assumption that concentrated, unaccountable power is a fundamental threat to liberty.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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My grandfather was a devoted Christian, a deacon in the church, and a Sunday school teacher. He lived his faith, but I never once saw him impose his beliefs on others. He believed that the way you show someone you're is a Christian is by acting like one, not just saying it. Your behavior shows it.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Reposted by LeviathanCross27

LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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They were the least educated, most prejudiced, and most cocksure of anyone there. The arrogance of these ignorant men! Give a bully a badge and a gun, and every time you will end up with a terrible cop.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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My dad was a game warden and worked closely with the police and sherrif in the rural county in which he lived. They were almost to a man (and yes, all men) angry, fat, miserable, and full of nothing but grievance and scorn for civilians. It was sickening listening to their banter.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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Right there you've put your finger on the core issue: They DGAF. I know from personal experience that the longer they serve on the force, the worse they get. They stop seeing us as people and instead they see us all as problems. I've heard cops refer to civilians as "maggots". Term limits for cops!

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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These high-speed chases are ridiculous. It seems that cops have watched too many action movies. Is it worth putting the public in danger just to chase down two shoplifters? The risk of there being an accident involving other people was very high. Not worth it.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Evilbunny Pottymouth - Help us flush the Orange Turd in November's avatar Evilbunny Pottymouth - Help us flush the Orange Turd in November @mrsquirrel.bsky.social
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from Michael McKean My friend just referred to the three Trump-appointed SCOTUS justices as a “sleeper cell”, and by God that’s on the money.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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No one, and I do mean NO ONE, hates America more than MAGA does. As much as they talk about "America First" and "Make America Great Again", they absolutely are not talking about the country that the rest of us know and love. They are talking about *their* country, which excludes all of us.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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Oh yes, me too! The thing is that for some Christians, any sex is shameful, even if it is the "good" kind, i.e., between a married, heterosexual couple, missionary position, and only for the purpose of conception. It's little wonder there's so much sexual abuse by pastors, preachers, etc.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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This SCOTUS decision will go down in history as one of the worst rulings by the Court. It will one day be overruled. I just hope that by then it isn't already too late. We can certainly count on Trump to abuse his position to the fullest extent possible. We simply must not let that happen.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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The very idea of absolute immunity for the POTUS is ridiculous, and not based on anything in the Constitution. POTUS indeed should always be concerned whether or not his/her actions are legal or not, even if they are considered official. Character matters, but it can't be what we rely on.

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LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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One of my neighbors is already setting off fireworks. In the full light of the sun. At 3:00pm. So much noise for nothing. I truly hate this part of holiday celebrations. It harms pets, veterans, and wildlife. Can we just not do this anymore? Fireworks are inherently dangerous. Ask your local ER.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

LeviathanCross27's avatar LeviathanCross27 @leviathancross27.bsky.social
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I don't know if people really understand just how completely f'd up evangelical Christians are when it comes to sex. They are so easily titillated. They are also highly repressed, which is why someone like Mike Johnson and his son need an app to help them oversee one another's sex life.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Kirk Murphy's avatar Kirk Murphy @kirkmurphy.bsky.social
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I'm a brain doc (Consultation-Liaison psych). For *years* Trump's shown uninterrupted, increasingly severe cognitive symptoms: he's incapable of linear thought at baseline. Whatever disrupted Biden's linear thought in the debate is at worst intermittent. Bonus: he's not an overt fascist.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

The USA Singers's avatar The USA Singers @theusasingers.bsky.social
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Republicans can’t win fair & square because they’re a fading minority. All they do is lie, cheat, gaslight, & project. They’ve rejected democracy, and embraced theocratic fascism. They’ve betrayed America. They won’t stop progress. They won’t stop We the People.

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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Śẻήơɼ Wơƙẻ Ảś Pɦưƈƙ  🇺🇲 ✌️ ❤️ 🚴 🤿 🚣‍♂️ 🌈 🇺🇦's avatar Śẻήơɼ Wơƙẻ Ảś Pɦưƈƙ 🇺🇲 ✌️ ❤️ 🚴 🤿 🚣‍♂️ 🌈 🇺🇦 @divebum.bsky.social
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Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Reposted by LeviathanCross27

Reposted by LeviathanCross27

ABlueView's avatar ABlueView @ablueview.bsky.social
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🧵3/3 Happy July 4th! Here's to everyone working hard & remaining level headed so it's not our last one.

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ABlueView's avatar ABlueView @ablueview.bsky.social
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🧵2/3 Happy July 4th! Here's to everyone working hard & remaining level headed so it's not our last one.

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