Martin P.'s avatar

Martin P.

44 followers 161 following 629 posts

landscape architect, immigrant, cyclist, dad rock, COYS, he/him, lurker, retooter Somerville, MA

Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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New-to-me masterpiece of cello-based songs and drones for #CDFriday

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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(Not that comment sections are great but it’s telling which opinion articles they turn them off for)

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Handily has comments off too so readers couldn’t accidentally add needed context

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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The time for that was in the primary. The only option is Kamala Harris takes over the campaign, and we know that the GOP is readying plans to keep anyone that isn't Joe Biden off the ballot in some states, so its a tough option at that.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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It'd be cool if the Times devoted half as much energy to covering the implications of the Supreme Court's immunity decision as it does to its personal vendetta against the president.

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Reposted by Martin P.

Sunny Moraine's avatar Sunny Moraine
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I don’t like Joe Biden, I’m furious with him, I am furious about the prospect of voting for him, but it is difficult to find the words to express how much worse Trump Presidency 2.0 would be, it’s shaping up to become a catastrophe that’s frankly hard to even imagine

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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It's amazing how willing the Dems are to arm up for war against literally anybody but their actual political opposition.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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lol I do actually remember that. That fucking guy...

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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I think anything other than Biden on the ballot would be a disaster at this point. I totally agree with all of your posts, I'm just noting that the pressure seems more intense now, but who knows, maybe it is just vibes and I don't remember '12 because it turned out ok. That'd be the best outcome!

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Yeah, definitely that caveat applies to my "analysis" too He's honestly the only one I trust by a mile over there.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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As far as I can suss out from his socials, Bouie is firmly anti-dropout, thinks Biden should tell everyone to get bent and keep running for president because the fundamentals haven't changed.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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This is what I'm honestly hoping is the case. Debates ultimately don't move polls like they normally don't, and we all chill the fuck out.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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That doesn't really mean anything, because I have no power to give. I'm saying that power brokers care what the NYT has to say, so them saying dangerous shit is dangerous. Me? I'm just some asshole on the internet, I've got no influence here.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Fair play, I don't recall those dominating multiple days of news cycles. But if I recall, those would have been after the convention, so they would have made even less sense? Anyway, I was around then, and am around now, and it feels fundamentally different. Maybe because of the stakes?

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Whether or not there's a good reason (there's not), they're still taken seriously, so they wield a ton of power.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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I mean, I definitely think that the NYT editorial team wants nothing more than a 2nd Trump presidency. They don't need to have good ideas about how to handle Biden's performance, they just need it to be a crisis for the Dems, and then their guy wins.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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100% true! But also this is driving the narrative nationally, so we have NPR and other outlets speculating about his departure. There are reporters asking Biden if he's fit to be president during press conferences, this is the result of editorial choices.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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All of this is likely true, but the point is, there were no similar calls for Obama to end his campaign so someone more electable could take his place at the last minute. There's a palpable difference. The debate matters because it's being made to matter.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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I mean, there were headlines, but here we have the editorial board, Goldberg, Kristof, Krugman, and more all taking turns insisting that there is no choice but for Biden to end his campaign, that's some different sauce.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Seriously, usually a poor debate performance isn't followed by a full-court multi-day, all-hands Claudine-Gaying from the paper of record.

1 replies 3 reposts 38 likes

Reposted by Martin P.

Reposted by Martin P.

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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New edicts from the Gang of Six today. Remember, you may not like our new kings' rulings, but don't protest at their houses. Work on defeating John Roberts and Sam Alito when they come up for reelection!

3 replies 20 reposts 150 likes

Reposted by Martin P.

Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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My first read: If a president commits crimes unrelated to him being the most powerful person in the world, he can be prosecuted. But if explicitly uses his powers to commit crimes, he is at least presumptively, and probably absolutely immune from prosecution. I mean, holy shit.

28 replies 218 reposts 938 likes

Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Like why should the party give you the pony that is a different candidate, grow up, you can’t always get what you want. Vote Biden because our republic depends on it.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Right, but the logical implication of your previous logic is that this is an election to keep fascism out, and the candidate shouldn’t have to reach out to voters, because it’s on the voters to be engaged and vote against fascism.

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Reposted by Martin P.

Jackson 🥥🌴🏳️‍🌈's avatar Jackson 🥥🌴🏳️‍🌈
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Liz Warren on twitter has the correct message for us going forward:

5 replies 126 reposts 472 likes

Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Fundamentally, though, I agree with you! He should speak to what brings voters to the polls! People like voting for candidates who are speaking to them and addressing their concerns, it's not a just a weird spoiled young person thing!

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Last week: "young people who aren't excited to vote for Biden are idiots and the campaign shouldn't message to them, it's on them to figure it out" Tonite: "Oh no, Biden really ate shit at a debate, his messaging was all wrong, he talked about stuff I don't care about, he's going to lose votes"

1 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by Martin P.

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack

113 replies 314 reposts 2567 likes

Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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I dunno man, a super smart guy told me just a day or two ago that asking campaigns to tailor their messages in order to appeal to people is infantilizing, so why are we chewing Biden and his team out for this?

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Governor Abbott has a little bell that rings in his office every time a Texan kid dies, and he chuckles warmly every time.

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Reposted by Martin P.

Pwnallthethings's avatar Pwnallthethings
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the hill I'll die on here is "who gives a shit why they left, it's fucking great they chose to come here"

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Anyway, it's been a good chat, good luck to you and to all of us. Cheers.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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And if I suggest that maybe it's the people and systems raising these kids, I'm accused of "babying" or "infantilizing" because I'm not assigning 100% of the blame on someone who just graduated high school. It's legit weird. These are our kids, why do we hate them?

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Right, exactly. It's always framed as a moral failing of the entire group of people between ~18-24, and you have to wonder, why is this? Perhaps our civic education sucks ass? Perhaps our political discourse doesn't engage youth concerns ever? No introspection at all. Just "stop sucking, losers"

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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I don't have an answer to this, I'm not an activist, I just know that I've listened to literally decades of people in their 40's-60's talking about how their kids' generation is a piece of shit, and it repeats every 4 years around elections, but no introspection on why.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Right, that seems like a systemic issue, not a moral failing on the part of every young person born between 2000-2006. Because it was the same story when I was young, many decades ago. Same complaints, same contempt, no introspection as to why our system is failing kids.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Absolutely, but again, it cuts both ways. When a party in many ways actively alienates young people, and also doesn't fight hard enough against the other party explicitly making it more difficult for young people to vote, it can't feel entitled to said votes.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Certainly, there's a lot of ways this can be framed. My take is that if young people are perennially disengaged, across decades and generations, it means there's a systemic issue with how our body politic engages that cohort. But because it's easy to just say "young folks are lazy" we don't ask why.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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(also nowhere have I said that I'm an activist, but I also know that people on here will argue against guys they made up most of the time, instead of the people they're replying to)

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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This is a historically critical election, it is uncontroversial to suggest that the party looking to win has a lot of work to do. Should young people also get more engaged? Of course they should. All hands on deck.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Apparently he also played on a bunch of tracks on Check Your Head, which is pretty goddamn cool, also makes sense how maybe these Crazy Town boys ended up hiring him?

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Reposted by Martin P.

jj skolnik's avatar jj skolnik
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just ran across the fact that andy warhol rented the factory for $200/mo in 1964, roughly $2000/mo in 2024. average rent in manhattan these days (for a place i would wager is much smaller than a giant loft) is double that barriers to survival are also barriers to making art

12 replies 129 reposts 592 likes

Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Paging all captains in Suez, who’s gonna give us the hat trick?

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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An ad with someone shouting "THANKS MAURA" in a thick Boston accent while sitting in traffic and then "congestion pricing now!" flashes across the screen.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Perhaps pre-emptively blaming every mayor and/or governor for not implementing congestion pricing could be the move. "You don't want to be as dumb as Hochul, do you?" or maybe something more clever

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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This is some real debate team hair-splitting

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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The clanging dissonance of "why are young people not flocking to the aid of the Democrats" paired with "Young people have terrible ideas, are mentally ill, and want ponies and video games" is pretty wild. I get that it's a critical election, which is why the party shouldn't alienate voters.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Well, definitely makes sense why youth suicide is highest among trans youth, as they're regularly told that they're literally invalid as a category of human. But I guess for the liberal technocrat, that's a feature not a bug. A good solution to too many "strange people with strange ideas" as you say

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