Sam W's avatar

Sam W

202 followers 549 following 627 posts

Rabid left-wing writer with uncontrollable snark. She/Her

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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It's the lukewarm resistance to fascism that I just can't stomach. At the moment he's literally the only hope the States has, and he's like, "Well I'm gonna give it my best and if I fail, oh well!" Nah, dude, get the flamethrowers and your favorite sunglasses and burn this mother down!

1 replies 5 reposts 22 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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It's not just here in Canada and the United States, this shit is everywhere. I chose the name 'World-Weary' for my newsletter for a reason. I'm fucking tired, y'all.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Keep hammering the point home. Trump absolutely backs Project 2025, because it profits him and stands to give him all of the dictatorial power he craves. Don't fall for his bullshit. The man lies the way fish swim; he literally can't stop.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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The United States has the same problem of territories that don't have representation nor the right to vote.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Seriously, you can redeem yourselves a little by calling out Convicted Felon Trump even once. Just fucking once. Otherwise, you're just confirming the suspicions we all have that the NYT is ready and rearing for dictatorship.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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I saw someone earlier who blamed Biden for overturning Roe vs Wade, and I've talked to a woman in the States who said she's stocking her pantry out of fear that BIDEN'S ANTIFA SUPPORTERS would cause violence if he loses. It was right after the anniversary of January 6, and I was gobsmacked.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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It's really weird when your brain just shuts down in protest after reading something like that. Like, a little bit more research than that before you blame the sitting President! Especially with TRUMP being the alternative- she has to know he's worse, right? She HAS to!

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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I've adjusted the general look and feel of the main site as well, and I'm excited to keep plugging away at this beast until it becomes the best that it can be.

Eventually, I'll even get around to finishing a few eBooks to put up on a new shopping page.

#newsletter #blog

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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World-Weary is getting a revamp! The Weary Missive newsletter about human rights activism and advocacy is now on a monthly topic plan, allowing for more of a deep dive into complex subjects. Likewise, I plan to add hub pages for various causes, with general information and charities to work with.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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I said the other day that mutual aid is our best defence in these days of unrest. I meant it, and I stand by it.

#Politics #Climatechange #blog #Writingcommunity #writing

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Reposted by Sam W

Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis's avatar Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis
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Look at how The Times is positioning this. As they call for Biden's head but even before she might ascend to the candidacy, it's tearing down Harris. Doing her job is "trying to quiet her doubters." They write about the odds of success not the stakes of failure: fascism.

11 replies 42 reposts 143 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Yup. Which doesn't make them unique by any means; I'm Canadian. Our history of genocide against the First Nations is not in the distant past. I'm 30 years old, and I was a walkin' talkin' toddler when the last Residential School closed. Nobody is perfect. But America likes to pretend it is.

1 replies 1 reposts 39 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Ask the people of the American territories if they feel that way. Ask the people of Puerto Rico, Guam, or American Samoa if they think that the United States is a democracy.

1 replies 2 reposts 60 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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This right here. Ask marginalized communities that have historically faced oppression under the law if they feel that America is a democracy.

1 replies 3 reposts 70 likes

Reposted by Sam W

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Johnny McEntee, one of Trump's most loyal deputies who is in regular contact with him, is literally one of the people collecting resumes for staffers who would implement Project 2025. Shame on any journalistic outfit who takes this "truth" at face value.

28 replies 197 reposts 590 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Boy, wouldn't that be nice? To have a competent mainstream media covering the election? Can you imagine how great it would be if it weren't a choice between "Dictatorship 2024!" and "Lukewarm resistance to dictatorship!" with everything else utterly ignored?

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Reposted by Sam W

Micah's avatar Micah
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if the media could go ahead and treat this claim the way they treat Biden saying "I'm fine" - aka, as a lie that requires days on end of front page stories to debunk - that would be great we'll be over here waiting

17 replies 196 reposts 693 likes

Reposted by Sam W

Micah's avatar Micah
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also does anyone actually believe Trump is going to pay any attention to the details of what his appointees do with their agencies as long as they remain fully loyal to him and willing to carry out any specific directives he gives them? all he wants is a group of people who won't say no to him

6 replies 9 reposts 84 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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The look on my friend's face broke my heart and infuriated me. The same woman treated me like I knew exactly what she was talking about because I don't 'look disabled.' I'm autistic. I made sure to introduce myself as such to the whole group, so they wouldn't treat me like 'one of them'.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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I had a friend who was born with cerebral palsy, who spoke two languages fluently and aced her way through schooling with no issues beyond speech impediment. How did a girl she knew introduce her to some people on the bus? "This is my friend [name], she's a little slow so be patient with her!"

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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- Talking to a child when explaining a computer program to a wheelchair user at my college. The guy couldn't walk without assistance, but there was no reason to assume he couldn't understand the instructions. Except that, the speaker assumed disability = incapability.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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This is the same attitude that leads to people talking down to wheelchair users as if they're less capable, intelligent people. Disabled people, especially those with mobility aids or noticeable tics and stims, are often infantilized. I've seen people literally take on the bearing of an adult-

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Well, see, disabled people can't possibly run a country. They look weak, and America must be strong! That's the general attitude that disabled people like myself encounter on the regular. My disability is invisible, so most people don't give ME shit if they don't know, but it's everywhere. 1/?

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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The only saving grace is that he's ridiculously clumsy because he doesn't understand anything beyond, 'This makes me look bad.' Imagine what happens when he's gone, and a more innovative and competent villain takes over the MAGA cult? The real nightmare comes in the future.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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This is exactly right. He's 100% in favour of Project 2025 because it makes him out to be a saviour. Trump doesn't find what they do to be abysmal (which staffer wrote this, by the way?). He loves the ego-stroking. He WANTS to be a dictator because he only cares about being a winner.

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Reposted by Sam W

Needleroozer's avatar Needleroozer
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A must-read for everyone concerned about the future of America.

1 replies 4 reposts 4 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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He's not going to be 100% definitive about this the same way he equivocated and 'both sides'd Charlottesville. He doesn't want to alienate the Christian nationalist fascist base they've built for him.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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I'm not. Everything they're doing is backing Trump, and the only reason he's showing any objection to it now is because people are reacting negatively. He fucking loves what Project 2025 is doing and he'll absolutely use it. He just doesn't want bad press.

4 replies 7 reposts 57 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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"Anything they do, I wish them luck." "I hate what they're doing, totes." Pick one, Orange Julius Caesar.

4 replies 4 reposts 89 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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He doesn't even go here!

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Not me, the Canadian in the back, giving a standing ovation right now.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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You'd think it would be a no-brainer, but in my opinion, this is Biden's biggest problem. He keeps pushing the idea that Trump is the only issue, and without him, the Republicans would be fine. We're beyond that. We're WELL beyond that.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Do you guys plan on talking about how his opponent is a sexually assaulting convicted felon who can't tell the truth to save his life? That he's a threat to democracy itself? Or will you keep brushing that under the rug and pushing the idea that all that matters in today's election is Biden's age?

0 replies 0 reposts 9 likes

Reposted by Sam W

Chair of the Sewer Maintenance Board's avatar Chair of the Sewer Maintenance Board
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The party is going to feel emboldened, talk to your white neigbhours and friends about this stuff. You have to let them know this is genuinely frightening. This stuff is going to affect your family, this is not something we come back from for a long long time

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Everybody needs to see this quote, understand that this is what Project 2025 is about, and internalize the fact that this is what the Republican Party is doing.

This is not a conspiracy theory from the left. They are saying it out loud.
#politics #news

4 replies 48 reposts 114 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Yeah, I wrote an article on that as a layman Canadian because I don't think people recognize how that ruling fucks us ALL. Like, globally. The United States saying 'fuck you, I do what I want' with regards to regulations is terrifying.

1 replies 1 reposts 6 likes

Reposted by Sam W

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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It reminds me of the Heritage Foundation leader's recent statement that the new American Revolution is coming, and it will be bloodless 'if the left allows it.' They've escalated past implications and reached the stage of outright threatening violence. Bet money, we'll be seeing more of that now.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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It doesn't need to be uplifting to be the truth. Pointing out the problems is how we find solutions; we can't solve problems we don't know about. I don't know how to solve it either, but it's worth discussing. Some kind of grassroots network to spread information on the ground?

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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And that's how propaganda works: convincing people that the only scary thing is that someone is trying to infringe on their free speech when the free speech they're performing is an attack on democracy itself. Then, those trying to protect democracy look evil, and the attackers look innocent.

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Reposted by Sam W

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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People like Roger Stone or Steve Bannon or Jack Posobiec or Matt Gaetz or Marjorie Taylor Greene or Laura Ingraham or Ann Coulter or [fill in the blanks] are 100% "the baddies" and they are 100% proud of that. They want the blood of their fellow Americans, and will savor the taste of it.

1 replies 17 reposts 74 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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This is how civil war starts and perpetuates. This escalation is way too stark to be ignored- if it was one crazy dude shouting, that would be one thing. But we've seen multiple Republican-aligned, high profile and influential people spouting this kind of rhetoric recently. That's scary shit.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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It's not two sides shooting at each other over a field anymore. It's multiple factions controlling parts of a city. This escalation in a country as divided and gun-loving as the United States is a terrifying prospect.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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It's escalating way too fast to be ignored. This is how civil wars start in the modern day, and when they happen, they don't look like the original. Civil wars today look like splintering: urban insurgencies and gangs all fighting each other over territory, political massacres, etc.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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Funny how that works, isn't it?

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Reposted by Sam W

Dave Levitan's avatar Dave Levitan
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I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.

46 replies 845 reposts 2998 likes

Sam W's avatar Sam W
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This is fucking outrageous and irresponsible. Folks- if voting didn't matter, if it wasn't essential, and it had zero effect on the outcome of an election, THEY WOULDN'T FIGHT SO FUCKING HARD TO STOP PEOPLE FROM VOTING. Gerrymandering and voter suppression is not for shits and giggles.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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They. Don't. Want. You. To. Vote. Because. When. You. Vote. They. Lose. That's the whole deal. So get your asses to the ballot boxes on election day and give them the middle finger. Tell them to sit and spin. You have the right to vote for a reason, cherish it and use it.

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Sam W's avatar Sam W
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They. Don't. Want. You. To. Vote. Because. When. You. Vote. They. Lose. That's the whole deal. So get your asses to the ballot boxes on election day and give them the middle finger. Tell them to sit and spin. You have the right to vote for a reason, cherish it and use it.

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