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Sarah Murphy

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Trying to work it all out. Please bear with me…

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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I can categorically say I’ve never loathed a political party like I loathe this Tory party. I’ve never felt this angry about what a govt has done to our country. And never thought that a bunch of politicians deserved the total crushing defeat these Tories do. How many agree?

36 replies 27 reposts 178 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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He has. Bloody good guy. Macclesfield looking good too 🤞

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Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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On Thursday, I will not vote for an MP who has lied to me. I will not vote for an MP who has been part of the most corrupt and damaging govt of our lives. I will not vote for an MP who has failed us. I will vote for change. I will vote for @RyanJudeGreen Labour🌹 Please join me.

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Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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The Tory election campaign has all the dignity and self-reflection of an out-of-control toddler howling, throwing things and soiling itself in a supermarket aisle… I guess it was always going to be their most desperate supertantrum.

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Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Just disgraceful of Sunak to say Putin wants a Labour win. The Tories have filled their coffers with Russian money, destabilised the EU with Brexit, put Lebedev in the Lords and suppressed the Russia Report. What a despicable and undignified end to a reprehensible 14yrs in power.

4 replies 31 reposts 93 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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The Tories are in their tailspin descent now, shrieking warnings about how the sky will fall in if we don’t save them. They don’t see how much we want them to crash and burn. How angry we are with the damage they’ve done. How we will not forgive or forget.

3 replies 36 reposts 67 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Just last year, Sunak wouldn’t rule out welcoming Farage into the Tory party. The Tories have pandered to the far right, absorbed the far right, become the far right. Obsessed with forced deportations, demonising immigrants, whipping up hatred and division. They fed the monster.

5 replies 23 reposts 65 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Staggering how unrepentant the Tories are. 14yrs. And everything that’s broken is down to them. They reek of corruption, dishonesty and failure. Yet still so smug, so entitled, so nasty and defiant in the face of their glaring unpopularity. They’re due such an electoral slapping.

7 replies 26 reposts 68 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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What utter bilge Rishi Sunak You’ve had your time. You Tories have had 14 years of our lives and it’s been nothing short of a catastrofucking disaster. No way we’re entrusting you with a single second of our future after that. We’re so voting you out and we cannot bloody wait.

7 replies 19 reposts 77 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Nothing is excellent by Robert Jenrick. But having Dorries cheering him on for arguing that Reform voters belong to the Tory party is doubly rancid. This is why the Tory party is dying on its arse. Because its only appeal is to the prejudiced, the resentful and the ignorant.

3 replies 3 reposts 19 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Ah the anniversary of the Brexit vote. And hasn’t it been tremendous. A whirlwind of lies, prejudice, division, isolation, red tape, costs, queues, dismal lawmaking, filthy water, loss of rights, debased sovereignty, mythical control, economic vandalism and political idiocy.

4 replies 16 reposts 52 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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If you want us to be proud of our country, invest in its public services, pay its healthcare workers properly, clean up its waters, improve its public transport, make it work for people… Forcing 18yr olds into some half-baked National Service is just a nostalgia-soaked gimmick.

6 replies 29 reposts 98 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Good to hear John Curtice confirming that the Tories are polling at an all time low… and heading for the worst performance since WW1. Excellent. It’s no less than they deserve. And nothing now can turn it around. The Tory brand is trash. 2 weeks to go.

3 replies 3 reposts 35 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Good letters in the Times warning of the dangers of populists who promise simple solutions to the terminally gullible, but deliver jack shit, then blame everyone else. And that’s not just Farage. That’s the Tory party since 2016. Let’s get rid. Time for change… and competence.

13 replies 57 reposts 159 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Tories literally standing in the rubble of everything they’ve trashed shouting at us that, if we vote for a different kind of government, then they might be out of power for years. Coupled with that photo, it comes across as just the most absurd foot-stamp of the privileged.

9 replies 26 reposts 184 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Tory ministers say “personal attacks on Starmer are the only option as polls point to catastrophic defeat” Not sharing the rest of it because it’s the absolute worst of Toryism. Desperate, undignified, dishonourable, dishonest bollox. A very shabby end to 14 years of failure.

16 replies 39 reposts 166 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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The Tory wettie in the face of electoral annihilation is something to behold. Quite happy to rely on FPTP when it returned them to power. Now soiling themselves at the prospect of Labour winning big. Their sense of entitlement to power untouched by their own epic failure.

2 replies 22 reposts 75 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Haha! Yes. The ultimate spoiled brat. Never had to really try so gets immediately tetchy when more is demanded of him.

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Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Farage says “Britain is broken” Well yes. That’s because a bunch of absolute shysters whipped up fear and racism in a country battered by austerity, aggressively silenced opposition and lied their arses off to impose a Brexit that promised control but inevitably delivered chaos.

10 replies 43 reposts 130 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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So, according to Sunak, the D-Day commemorations ‘overran’ and he understands deprivation cos he didn’t have Sky TV as a teenager. Just wow. Not sure this wildly entitled little prince has the first clue what ‘sacrifices’ actually are.

14 replies 18 reposts 62 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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No point paying *any* attention to the Tory manifesto. They shredded their last one. Brexit is a shitshow. Levelling up didn’t happen. Social care plan wasn’t ready. And they lied their arses off to us and broke it all while rolling around in the trough. Fact-check done. Bye.

10 replies 43 reposts 116 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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The Tories embraced Farage in 2016. They then spent the next 8yrs being populists. And everything is now broken. If you embrace Farage, you don’t win or succeed or help anyone. You just collapse into angry nastiness, shouting at boats and failing everyone. We’re done with that.

26 replies 95 reposts 451 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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He did his selfies and twatty social media posts about respect and never forgetting. Then he ducked out early to talk/lie about himself to ITV. Peak Sunak. Such a vain little man. As insincere as he is entitled. He is so getting his sorry arse handed back to him in 4 weeks time.

3 replies 12 reposts 51 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Sunak thought he was being a right clever dick in that debate. Sod the truth. Sod integrity. Sod democracy. Shout the lie because that will stick and the details won’t. Like the big red bus. But, on July 4th the Tories’ debt to the truth is getting called in. It will finish them.

4 replies 9 reposts 40 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Tories furiously spin about Sunak in that ‘debate’. He lied about taxes, the NHS, social care, defence, doctors’ strikes and immigration. There’s nothing ‘bold’ about doing that. It was demeaning to watch a PM furiously peddling deceit because reality is his greatest opposition.

4 replies 21 reposts 59 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Very on brand and very Tory of The Times to wish Johnson’s offer of a peerage to Farage had kept him away. Yes, because rewarding bigotry and paying off prejudice is how to shut it down. Ffs. Why not call him out instead? Obscene moral cowardice. You deserve his damage. We don’t.

2 replies 13 reposts 53 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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All constituencies are important but some are more important than others… This would be a genuine boost to our country’s happiness and wellbeing. A ‘will of the people’ moment that bites back. Karma.

13 replies 15 reposts 49 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Or, more accurately, Tory lies…

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Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Remember! 40new hospitals Levelling up Matching EU funding Cheaper food/bills Free to lower VAT Public transport Social care plan Cutting NHS waiting lists Most advanced borders in the world US trade deal Rent reform House building Stopping the boats Lowering debt Tory pledges are worth jack shit

6 replies 35 reposts 63 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Ugh. Mel Stride on #r4today claiming the Tories ‘got us through’ some very difficult times. They absolutely did not. Time simply passed while this govt corrupted its arse off, smashed everything up and lied to us. The notion that we should ever trust them again is beyond absurd.

9 replies 19 reposts 65 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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I wonder how many times Sunak has told us he’s ‘bold’ during this election campaign. Several thousand. And yet, pumping out tiny-minded Tory resentments, badly disguised as policies… is quite the most unbold thing imaginable. Just feeble, pandering bullshit.

6 replies 7 reposts 41 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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As the Tories are now funding stuff from ‘clamping down on tax avoidance’, can we ask how much is there in this handy piggy bank? Where have they been hiding it until now and why not use it to improve public services for all rather than paying for tax cuts for a few?

3 replies 15 reposts 53 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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This will not happen. Because Sunak’s going to lose. And this sort of nostalgia-soaked nonsense is why. They’re idiots. They reek of failure and desperation. Their brand is trash. Nothing now can save them.

4 replies 11 reposts 38 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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These 14yrs of Tory govt have been nothing short of abuse. They’ve taken what we value, broken what we need, divided us, made us poorer, lied to us, cheated our democracy, scorned the law and wallowed in corruption. How dare they stand down. They need to be wiped out. By us.

4 replies 24 reposts 66 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Gove and Leadsom quit rather than face up to themselves. 2 dead cert losers. Gove: a repulsively dishonourable weirdo. Leadsom: a deeply stupid ‘sunlit uplands’ fantasist. No loss to our democracy but both played their part in degrading it. Let’s hope their failure haunts them.

2 replies 6 reposts 38 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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The energy price cap coming down is NOT down to the Tories. Inflation coming down is NOT down to the Tories. Our economy is NOT doing better than America’s. People on £35000 are NOT £900 better off. We have NOT turned a corner. We are in the shit. Tory shit. We need change.

4 replies 27 reposts 61 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Apparently Tory MPs are ‘miserable’ and ‘distraught’ at Sunak calling an election 🎻 They’re all responsible for the worst, most corrupt, vicious and useless govt of our lives. What should make them miserable and distraught is the extent of their failure. It is unforgivable.

6 replies 24 reposts 91 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Spectacular. Even managed to screw up his general election launch and look and sound like a miserable, desperate loser, on his own, in the pissing rain. Hoping it’s downhill for him from here… and out of that door forever.

4 replies 11 reposts 59 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Brexit drags along with it countless ugly, costly consequences and even the ‘opportunities’ have a high price tag. But, if we don’t talk about Brexit, the Brexit elephant in the room doesn’t go away, it just gets bigger. And the space that’s left becomes suffocating.

7 replies 19 reposts 50 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Tories have trashed the place.
Forget the joke note Labour left, this is a “shit list” that should provoke disgust and shame; a stink that won’t wash off. It represents a total failure of governance and a betrayal of our country for the corrupt pleasure of a v dismal few.

1 replies 11 reposts 30 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Brexit in itself is stupid enough but the incompetence in planning for it is staggering…
Cost to our businesses £470m/yr
Not enough inspectors
No clear timetable or govt plan
But they claim it’ll be ‘the world’s most effective border’ 🤡

Epic shitshow.

3 replies 20 reposts 46 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Yes. Me too. Deeply deeply naff, self-defeating idiocy. All tinged with the stink of xenophobic nastiness.

1 replies 0 reposts 8 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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This guff is why our country’s in such a mess. Inane, dishonest headlines peddled by cynical rightwing papers and ministers to gaslight people into thinking Brexit is something to be proud of… and not the pile of shite they’ve really created. Embarrassing, ignorant and pathetic

13 replies 22 reposts 57 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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So, when Rishi Sunak insists ‘the plan is working’, this is what he means… Remember this when he’s punching down on the working poor and the vulnerable.

3 replies 26 reposts 40 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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D’oh @RishiSunak…
Seems that by reducing the number of international students you’ve risked collapsing the sector, impoverishing local communities and repelling investment.
Still pleased with your inane boasts about it?
Honest to god, you’re such a puffed-up little fool.

7 replies 13 reposts 43 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Mark Francois demanding we renegotiate the ECHR and… you guessed it… flounce out if we don’t get what we want… is such peak Tory twattery… that you can only marvel at how supremely comfortable our govt is with foghorning its own profound stupidity at us every single day.

14 replies 28 reposts 152 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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There’s a General Election ahead. The dangers are all too real. But, by NOT voting Tory and by voting tactically to remove as many of them as possible, we can and we will create a far better future. No more of this tedious shite. Let’s get him out👇

7 replies 30 reposts 86 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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Well if we are facing some of the most dangerous years in our history, there’s absolutely no way we want this tetchy little Tory and his govt of corrupt vicious idiots in charge, putting us at yet more risk. Get your coats. Chop chop! We need some proper grown-ups in charge now.

6 replies 21 reposts 61 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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‘Brexit means you’ll be able to hold your own politicians to account’… except it’ll all be such an almighty screw up, ushering in the worst, most dishonest politics of our lives, that loads of them will do a runner rather than take that risk… Watch out the rest of you though…

1 replies 7 reposts 23 likes

Sarah Murphy's avatar Sarah Murphy
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So The Times is just going to print ‘things Sunak has said’ like that’s journalism. The right wing media just will not tell the truth because to do so would be to acknowledge their complicity in the epic damage done to our country by a Tory govt they have so slavishly championed.

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