Baz Smith's avatar

Baz Smith

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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"God’s still up there. The arrogance of people to think that we, human beings, would be able to change what He is doing in the climate is to me outrageous" What happened to religion being a private thing? Expects us to ignore climate change because he thinks it's all the work of his imaginary friend

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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I'm a pom, I thought I was used to the cold. After 18 yrs here, either I've softened, or it is indeed, bloody cold. Probably both!

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Dave Osmond's avatar Dave Osmond
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The following thread contains many more details, assumptions & FAQs about my simulation, including what is ‘Other’, estimates of cost ($95/MWh), emissions, required capacity, scale factors, effects of climate change & much more (end)

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Reposted by Baz Smith

QuetzalcoatlusWellnessInstitute's avatar QuetzalcoatlusWellnessInstitute
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‘Ecological disaster’: Nearly 100% of corals at Escoda Shoal dead or dying, UP scientists find
MANILA — A marine scientist from the University of the Philippines (UP) on Friday described Escoda Shoal in the West Philippine Sea as an “ecological disaster”.

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Coach Finstock's avatar Coach Finstock
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Lmao Alex Jones is crying on his show right now because he has to sell his ranch to pay off his legal bills because his lawyer accidentally emailed all his texts to the plaintiffs attorney

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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Nah, the law won today. Democracy dies if a convicted criminal, who is no longer eligible to be granted security clearance is re-elected and takes the revenge on his opponents he has promised.

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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Depending on the country, the local political landscape and the level of monitoring, we may never know.

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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I'll be making that trip with that airline in a few weeks time. I learned to fly gliders age 16 and single engined aircraft before I was 20. I'm more nervous about our fractured climate and aircraft in turbulence now than at any point, ever. It's going to kill more ppl.

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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I'm visiting the UK later this year. I shall only be drinking beer!

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Mark Chadbourn's avatar Mark Chadbourn
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Had a conversation on here the other day about UK tap water. My father was a water treatment engineer and he always used a secondary source of purification. Anyway, here’s a new map from the Drinking Water Inspectorate.

30 replies 35 reposts 93 likes

Reposted by Baz Smith

BONUS's avatar BONUS
[ View ] Martin Durkin made a misleading climate denial tv show called The Great Global Warming Swindle in the early 2000s. It was full of disinformation. His new climate denial film "Climate The Movie The Cold Truth" is debunked here.

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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Driving your vehicle, into a group of black lives matter protesters, with an intent to kill and maim, then killing one of them with a gun, at point blank range, is self-defence in the USA now. The USA is fucked beyond comprehension.

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Reposted by Baz Smith

George Monbiot's avatar George Monbiot
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Capitalism is not, as its defenders insist, a system designed to distribute wealth, but one designed to capture and concentrate it. The story capitalism tells about itself – that you become rich through hard work and enterprise – is the greatest propaganda coup in human history.

4 replies 52 reposts 127 likes

Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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It isn't possible to "like" a post like this, but that doesn't mean you go un-noticed. Reach out, to someone you can talk to, face to face. Even the longest Winter has to give way to Spring, eventually.

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Zeke Hausfather's avatar Zeke Hausfather
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Large swaths of the planet including much of South America, Canada, Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia have had their warmest 12-month period on record.

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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Deniers always crow about ice extent. They never mention the old, thick, multi-year ice that seems to be all but gone.

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Reposted by Baz Smith

Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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labor in Australia just committed to more FF expansion. Basically a paint job on the LNP's "gas led recovery". Infuriating and disappointing in equal measure. Still logging old growth forests and land clearing too.

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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Don't dis home schooler parents. They're the best. By the time the kid is a four-year old, they've already taught them everything they know.

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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It is, in reality, nowhere near ready to be inflicted on us, is it? Being truely useful is waay out in the future somewhere.

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Dr. Genevieve Guenther's avatar Dr. Genevieve Guenther
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"What the fuck do we have to do to get through to people how bad this really is?"

Well (and I indict myself here too), you see the kids protesting on behalf of Gazans? See how they risk their careers and their safety? DO THAT. And then do it again and again.

20 replies 97 reposts 360 likes

Reposted by Baz Smith

Reposted by Baz Smith

QuetzalcoatlusWellnessInstitute's avatar QuetzalcoatlusWellnessInstitute
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"Southeast Asia’s brutal heatwave: daily life and agriculture endangered by rising temperatures "Thailand’s farms are buckling under the high temperatures, while Malaysia braces for ecological impacts like rising dengue cases"

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Reposted by Baz Smith

QuetzalcoatlusWellnessInstitute's avatar QuetzalcoatlusWellnessInstitute
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Mass fish die-off in Vietnam as heatwave roasts Southeast Asia "H undreds of thousands of fish have died in a reservoir in southern Vietnam's Dong Nai province, with locals and media reports suggesting a brutal heatwave and the lake's management are to blame."

2 replies 6 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Baz Smith

Erica Henderson's avatar Erica Henderson
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A *second* Boeing whistle-blower has been hit

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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If the government were really going to start planning for adaptation, they'd have to consider underwriting the cost of rebuilding homes and infrastructure. But we know that isn't going to happen. Adaptation = Abandonment

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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I don't think AI is ready for deployment. How can it tell the difference between real facts and "alternative facts" when sourcing and formulating answers.

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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From day one, when fire ants were first discovered in Australia, they moved far faster than the politicians, who were warned of the consequences of "under-egging" their response. It's analogous to how politicians are reacting to climate change

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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A peaceful, misty morning looking out over the Yarra ranges

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Dave Levitan's avatar Dave Levitan
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NEW: study finds we are locked in to a 19% reduction in global income by 2050 thanks to climate change. That’s a lot of money.

3 replies 30 reposts 52 likes

Reposted by Baz Smith

Dave Levitan's avatar Dave Levitan
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We're a few weeks away from the extreme heat in the oceans causing the most extensive global coral bleaching on record.

2 replies 16 reposts 37 likes

Reposted by Baz Smith

George Takei's avatar George Takei
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Please tell me this isn't an actual thing 🤢

29 replies 4 reposts 79 likes

Reposted by Baz Smith

Denise Shrivell 's avatar Denise Shrivell
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Every day I hope MSM and ABC will play the vital role we need in our democracy - but every day it’s clear this isn’t going to happen.

We have to move on and support our many excellent independent news media publishers - who are doing the heavy lifting in public interest journalism #auspol

1 replies 5 reposts 24 likes

Reposted by Baz Smith

QuetzalcoatlusWellnessInstitute's avatar QuetzalcoatlusWellnessInstitute
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How mass bleaching has pushed the Great Barrier Reef to the brink
Diving at One Tree Island in one of the most highly protected parts of the Great Barrier Reef reveals the shocking extent of the latest mass bleaching event #GreatBarrierReef #Coral #CoralBleaching

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Reposted by Baz Smith

QuetzalcoatlusWellnessInstitute's avatar QuetzalcoatlusWellnessInstitute
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Last year, CO2 increased by 3.36 parts-per-million (ppm). That’s a 10 per cent greater jump than the previous record, which was set just a few years ago. In sheer weight, last year’s surge added a record 26 billion tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere — more than three tonnes per human.

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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Watch out for politicians who became multi-millionaires AFTER they were elected to public office. Anyone who manages that, should be investigated.

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Robert Reich's avatar Robert Reich
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This is how our government has been corrupted: 1) Donors give huge sums to elect politicians to office. 2) Elected officials rewrite the rules in the donors' favor. 3) Donors make a huge profit. 4) Repeat. For the sake of democracy, we must get Big Money out of politics.

11 replies 52 reposts 253 likes

Reposted by Baz Smith

Justin Ling's avatar Justin Ling
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I can't stop laughing at this. Kaur is an anti-vaccine quack who launched a $12 million libel suit targeting journalists, doctors, and her critics on Twitter. A judge tossed that case and ordered her to pay $1.1 million in the defendants' legal costs. That's what Musk is paying.

20 replies 124 reposts 466 likes

Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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Hardly surprising, is it? Every green leaf on the planet is already fully employed trying to drag down our existing emissions and failing. Yet we still approve projects that increase emissions on the promise that they'll be offset. There's no way new/adequate/natural carbon sinks will ever cover 'em

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Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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Does anyone else wonder why these kinda obsolete sports constitute a "modern" pentathlon?

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Baz Smith's avatar Baz Smith
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Truth is, that if the Right-wingers and fossil fuel shills can't lie, they'll have very little to support their views or policies. Conversely, for democracy to work, voters must have access to the facts, in order to decide how they'll vote. The fact that is even contested, is very worrying.

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Reposted by Baz Smith

Zeke Hausfather's avatar Zeke Hausfather
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With global temperatures now in for February, its still looking like it will be roughly a coin flip whether 2024 will surpass 2023 as the warmest year on record:

2 replies 18 reposts 37 likes

Reposted by Baz Smith

Peter's avatar Peter
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2030: New Hampshire land projected to be below annual flood line.

2024: 'Catastrophic': Sand dune made to protect beachfront homes in Mass. washes away in 3 days:


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