Chad Hill's avatar

Chad Hill

133 followers 416 following 1070 posts

Lawyer in NOLA. Xennial. Democrat. He/him/ally 🏳️‍🌈.

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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I guess you've never heard of hOrSeShOe tHeOrY, Matt? 🤔

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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It strikes me that my current work task—drafting a reply brief that is effectively just yelling "MODS!!" into the void—is uniquely well-suited for the current moment.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Khive is a bit of a double-edged sword and not necessarily a net positive in this scenario. They have the potential to polarize multiple different necessary constituencies against the candidate.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Naive of us to think that our media betters won't quickly discover Kamala's own emails but when you're being waterboarded you do what you must to make it stop even if that just means next having your fingernails removed.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Most political reporters thrive on palace intrigue. Washington, to them, is a cliquey prep school, and they're the gossip mongers who are always in the know. Some might self-aggrandizingly couch that as "holding power to account," but that's not really their motivation. They'll thrive under Trump.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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So that means you believe the ignorant, checked-out, gullible 100k in the tipping point states are going to break for Biden after a few more months' saturation coverage of how demented he is? Not optimistic.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Equally true if you replace "politics" with "Christianity" and "the Founders" with "Jesus." And the same people!

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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What's surprising to me is that there's not a more prominent/well-funded/popular movement in certain states/regions for exit of some sort. (Not necessarily succession, federalism would seem to give us many alternatives short of that.) If I were still in Cal, I would 100% be part of that movement.

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Reposted by Chad Hill

Adam Kotsko 's avatar Adam Kotsko
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"The Republicans really have engineered a situation where the only way to be certain that constitutional democracy will endure is if certain named individuals were dead and buried."

10 replies 36 reposts 109 likes

Reposted by Chad Hill

Popehat's avatar Popehat
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/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.

40 replies 887 reposts 2771 likes

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Tweeting surely isn't core. So would this evidence (assuming it’s official at all) only be presumptively inadmissable? What does that argument look like?

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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I can't even follow the logic. Straight male lefties don't talk about their male friends' kinks and therefore don't know how some wish they could enter female-only spaces to pick up women (which explains trans women)? I don't think that's it because it makes so little sense and yet ...

1 replies 0 reposts 7 likes

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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I was shocked when Trump won in 2016. I was shocked watching the planes fly into the WTC. But this somehow feels different. Worse.

1 replies 1 reposts 35 likes

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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The critique imo is justified in some ways but not others. There are indeed limits on what Democrats can lawfully do with their power. But in many instances, they really do appear (at best) not even to try or (at worst) to advance non-Democratic ends.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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This. The critique is that Democrats don't do everything in their power to advance Democratic goals (including but not limited to the preservation of democracy) while they are in power. Instead, we get constant demand for our votes (and campaign contributions).

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Reposted by Chad Hill

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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I don't think you're wrong but isn't this just another variety of Civil War rhetoric?

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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It wasn't "going away" even had the debate performance been flawless. But the narrative is now going to dominate coverage both in the right-wing gutter press and "objective" MSM. I sadly don't think Joe can win anymore. The coverage will make emails look like a single-day one-off on page 12.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Also, all the top stories on the mobile app are still some version of "Biden is a Corpse: Can He Even Survive until November? Here's Why He Sucks."

1 replies 0 reposts 17 likes

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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By some (rather loose) definitions I am a BlueSky Elder, to which I say: Hell no I ain't, dem mfers crazy.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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(Ironically, my impression is that that's something the Biden people have been really hesitant to do.)

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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It also occurred to me: couldn't you have the best of both worlds by simply having Harris take a more prominent role in the campaign as a president-in-waiting? "I'm going to keep doing this job as long as I capably can, but Kamala is ready to take over at a moment's notice, and she'll be terrific."

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Reposted by Chad Hill

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Can you speak more to the defense? Which firm represents Apple? Do you know the name(s) of its insurers? Are these personal attacks offered to impair your credibility? To suggest an alternative theory of causation? Something else? I hope you take them to the cleaners!

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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I was a former CX debater. Returned to my HS to judge a round many years later. Told the contestants in advance: DO NOT SPREAD. They were incapable of it. I ended up chosing a winner by coin toss, but I should have punched the little shits.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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I researched this once and there are detailed guides online that talk about the different "highs" DXM can induce, based on dosage. Sounds pretty terrifying on the high end, k hole shit. (Might make a nice gift for everyone's favorite social media website owner.)

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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This reader discerns that you favor Biden's resigning from office in the immediate future and that seems like a BFD that you should state directly.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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The narrative that the MSM has constructed, which will continue to blanket the airwaves, that Biden is a walking corpse who cannot handle the presidency, is going to destroy his candidacy, just like emails did for Hillary, irrespective of its accuracy or anything Biden might do to counter it.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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These exclusionary expressions are violence. Quarters will no longer be forgotten or silenced.

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Reposted by Chad Hill

Teresa R.'s avatar Teresa R.
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Joe Biden has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever. Submit an op-ed to the NYT telling them to go fuck themselves and dare them to run it. And if they don't, give it to WaPO along with an interview.

2 replies 5 reposts 48 likes

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Those of us reading Talia's skeet may be responsible adults who eat our broccoli but ... Flaming Tower of Arsenic Cheetos sounds like a best-selling dish at a Guy Fieri restaurant.

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Reposted by Chad Hill

merritt k's avatar merritt k
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oh, is there a sportsball on?

9 replies 7 reposts 63 likes

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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I'd almost rather be watching than just reading the takes. My impression is that Trump just won the election tonight. I expect brokered convention discourse to be rampant tomorrow, well beyond its usual purveyors.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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For Kaplan's behavior to result in her effectively being fired from her own firm, it must be unconscionably atrocious. But all the Times managed to get was this: "she insulted employees, inappropriately commented on their looks and threatened to derail people’s careers." 🎁

5 replies 6 reposts 15 likes

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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"Xennial" is, after all, just the Gen X way of saying "Elder Millennial"

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Reposted by Chad Hill

Brooke Binkowski's avatar Brooke Binkowski
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Yesterday I went on Twitter and saw someone say "Go back to Bluesky with all the rest of the former gifted kids" and wow just absolutely bodied

141 replies 328 reposts 1801 likes

Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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*hands trembling, eyes entirely dilated, chunky orange goo dribbling out of my nostrils* ARE YOU ON DRUGS?!

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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The correct response to “don’t sue” is “okay, how much are you willing to pay me not to sue?”

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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This episode looks genuinely amazing (and I’m surprised I’m not already familiar with it).

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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I feel like I would rather just not know about this "fecal plume."

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Xennials bridging the gap by insisting that while Ten was a masterpiece so was Toxicity.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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If this op-ed was written by a gay man, then I respectfully disagree with his pinched/distorted historical analysis. If this op-ed was written by a heterosexual, then he can fuck all the way off with his leftier-than-thou armchair quarterbacking. 🎁

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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The Too Online Left's version of a transvestigation.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Would someone please share a tl;dr that summarizes wth has been going on with this site for the past however many days? I'm vaguely aware it has to do with Aegis but that's about it.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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I will never understand how my grandparents managed back in the day. I didn't evacuate for Ida and was without power for a week and NEVER again.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Major Questions Doctrine in action. Motion to dismiss the indictment granted. Child is to be immediately released from timeout.

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Chad Hill's avatar Chad Hill
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Republicans have contempt for the American public (and democracy writ large). We're about to find out whether that contempt is warranted (and I am not entirely hopeful).

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