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Graphic designer, comic book artist, author of The Blood Prince, Skin Deep & Kalipso. She/Her. Follow my Patreon for free stories every week!
Also visit my website at

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Richard M. Carpiano, PhD, MPH's avatar Richard M. Carpiano, PhD, MPH
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One helluva story on the impacts of Bitcoin on the health of people in a Texas community after a local business invested in Bitcoin farming computers that run at all hours... Sociology episky šŸ›Ÿ policysky polisky lawsky šŸ§Ŗ Medsky šŸ“ˆšŸ§­

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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France JUST learned ā€œungovernableā€??? Buddy remind me which republic # theyā€™re on now again?

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Kody Okamoto's avatar Kody Okamoto
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I am SO, so excited for this. (Love when we get some good industry news to balance out the bad!!)

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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I am looking forward to talking to everyone friday šŸ¤— Itā€™ll be my first bookclub appearance, AND my first contact with the horror/gothic community! Iā€™ve only just started dipping my toes in your pool and I donā€™t know anything abt anything but youā€™ve all been so welcoming omg šŸ„¹

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Please check out my website to see more of my books!!

I have another illustrated drabble anthology all about #mermaids which I only just finished translating it in french. Yes, while keeping the 100 words constraint! (It wasnā€™t easy please applaud šŸ„²)

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Thank you so much to for organizing this!

What is The Printer Whisperer? Itā€™s an illustrated drabble anthology! (Each story has 100 words exactly.)

The theme is surreal office workplaces, the inherent horror of capitalism & the (ancient at this point) ā€œoffice gothicā€ meme

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Mina Li (she/her)'s avatar Mina Li (she/her)
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there are so many hidden gems in the lesser-known books. so, so many

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Throwback to every time I go to my in-lawsā€™ cabin and I want to go swimming in the lake and theyā€™re like ā€œweā€™re fine here but you can just go swim alone if you wantā€ Iā€™m like ā€œšŸ§šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøbut I need someone to watch meā€¦ who tf swims aloneā€¦ā€ (Maybe its the half a lifeguard class 20 years ago talking but still)

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Lol throwback to the conversation I had with my husband where I was like ā€œI need to learn to letter like a comic artist because so far Iā€™ve been lettering like a graphic designerā€ and he was like ā€œwhatā€™s the difference??ā€ I canā€™t explain! But you know it when you see it lol

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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I would highly encourage people to pick up this anthology! I gotta admit I have only read the foreword and first story yet because Iā€™ve been swamped but so far I have found the book delightful (Itā€™s been part of my effort to read more translated fiction from various parts of the world)

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Every time someone tries to become popular by shitting on their peers Iā€™m always like ā€œā€¦. You realize that this is the opposite of networking right?ā€

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Something which is easier to do when you HAVE a plan, and have built up towards it. For every change you make you can keep in mind the ending and think ahead how it will/should impact it, so by the time u get there itā€™s been changing in ur mind ALONG with your story

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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What can we learn from this? Have a clear plan going in, work towards that plan, but keep paying attention to the story you are *actually* telling and how itā€™s changing and growing so that your ending reflects that story, not the one u envisioned 3 yrs ago. You can *adjust* your planned ending.

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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2. There was a very clear and very set idea of what the ending would be when starting the story; but the nature of storytelling, esp in tv, means many changes in the middle, the story evolving as it goes, etc. Then the original ending gets forced back in despite no longer making sense.

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Yes, there are generally two reasons for a bad ending: 1. They clearly didnā€™t know ahead of time how they would end it so there is no buildup or cohesive progression of events towards it. Foreshadowing is put in place haphazardly to give themselves options for *possible* endings, most end up unused.

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Jason Koebler's avatar Jason Koebler
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Often these papers are couched by researchers with language that is like "actually doing this research for real is too hard, but LLMs enable us to parse lots of information so we just asked one to do it for us, and that's our paper" and then it's like, published in a journal or by some institute

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Like, you need a place to efficiently communicate your book informations and updates -> facebook hasnā€™t been useful for that in a long time. And groups are hit and miss at the best of times, but for covers??? The peers who also need design helpā€¦ are not usually qualified to GIVE design help.

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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I am losing my mind at every ā€œmarketing for authorsā€ guru that instruct people to make author facebook pages and join groups and shit. I especially loathe the ā€œhelp me design my book coverā€ groups, which always result in worse covers -> this is my professional opinion as a graphic designer btw

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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And like I do have a FB account. But I nuked the app from my phone, and it's not like a social media feed is a great way to organize and present crucial information about your business anyway... the layout sucks. The info gets pushed off page by new posts. Just make a website ffs!

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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And yet! SEO poisoning has not even infected businesses in a useful manner! I have lost count of the amount of businesses whose opening hours and even basic details of who they are I cannot access because they only have facebook pages, not websites. A whole festival I'm tabling at soon, for example.

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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LitƩrallement la seule bonne update que Adobe a fait en une dƩcennie????

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Like that dude really hired a graphic designer student as his (only) retail employee and expected me to be manager (I was not paid manager I was paid cashier so I gave cashier effort) and to organize and execute whole marketing campaigns šŸ™„

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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I used to work retail and my boss wanted me to go out and meet like, the owners of local restaurants to convince them to carry our products or whatever, and was like. I'm your only employee you do realize that if I'm not in the store, the store is closed, right??

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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I'll be honest with you guys I do not have the chops for book marketing. Ppl keep asking me why I don't go tradpub and the truth is, publishing houses would take away a lot of parts I love doing (cover design, page layout) and they wouldn't even do the part I hate (marketing) in exchange...

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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I had a knee-jerk reaction of ā€œomg the bbq and furniture arenā€™t chained to the deck???ā€ Before remembering that pretty much only be & my parents do thisā€¦ šŸ«£

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Reblogging this to add that I am still miffed that most people focused on literally every other part of that leak but that bit. To me it was the part that made me feel the most used and dehumanized. Anyway someone stop me from going on my ā€œwhy I hate the word contentā€ rant (or plz encourage me?)

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Also it was a stark reminder that social media accounts are no longer supposed to be about people. Theyā€™re supposed to be ā€œcontainersā€ for ā€œcontentā€. And itā€™s easier for the algo to know who to show your posts to if your account contains only one type of contentā€¦ urk.

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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It explained a lot of things for me, mainly why my posts almost never had likes or even more than 1-2 views. I canā€™t consistently stick to one lane (even if I just post abt work.. Iā€™m an illustrator & graphic designer & comic artist & novelist! Thatā€™s a lot! And my genres are also very diverse!)

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Remember when there was a leak about some of twitterā€™s algorithm and in there was a bit about how if you posted abt more than one subject, your account and posts would be shown less oftenā€¦ I think about that often.

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Sameā€¦ if something happens to me I really hope nobody in my life says ā€œwe warned her!ā€ Because if they did I almost certainly didnā€™t get it.

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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These whisper networks euphemisms always trouble me because 1) I never get the subtext and 2) how many people I have said ā€œI wouldnā€™t want to be on a project with themā€ about meaning exactly what I said, and did ppl misinterpret that as me warning them of something more???

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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It irks me even more when people say shit like ā€œweā€™ve been saying for years!ā€ When the things they have been saying are the most vague unintelligible euphemisms, like ā€œI hear some find collaboration with him difficultā€ or smtg. Like oh is THAT what that meant??? Gee great job sounding the alarm

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Interestingā€¦ I love learning more abt translation

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Frequent migraines (less now that I am and adult & I can control my environment to avoid my most common sensory triggers, but until basically college I got sick a LOT, the kind of sick where you either lay down in the dark somewhere confortable w/ bowl, or you lay down in the dark on bathroom floor)

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Iā€™m almost finished decorating my swtor umbara stronghold and these are the moments where Iā€™m sad I have no other friends playing the game šŸ„² wish I could show it off to someone

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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Yeah and then these entitled users come on tumblr or ao3 and they start their tag spamming behaviour and oooooooh boy do they get taught a lesson fast about tagging etiquette.

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David Farnell's avatar David Farnell
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For my writing students, especially, I've been pointing out how using ChatGPT to produce their writing for them leads to big problems fast, and that fixing those problems takes way more time than just having written in a traditional way in the first place.

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Pavel's avatar Pavel
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Well this is grim

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Marie 's avatar Marie
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* who ā€˜deserveā€™ not ā€˜neverā€™ā€¦ idk how that word substitution even happenes

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