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I've actually got shiny silver Zincalume because, flawed though it is, my local shire is not completely stupid, and I am neither rich nor suburban enough to live in a private development with a laundry list of covenants.

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Yeah. What is it about fading east coast seaside resorts?

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Actually, most 9/11 conspiracy theories are childishly easy to spot. At least for anyone who was paying attention in high school science. For example, ISTR "Loose Change" had a basic factual error about once every 30 seconds on average. It was fucking laughably stupid.

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I never cease to be amazed that political parties, at least in the Anglophone world, are stuffed full of people who style themselves as hard-headed reality merchants but who, in reality, repeatedly show themselves up as pathetically easy to beat in a game of chicken.

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CHOAM Nomsky 💭's avatar CHOAM Nomsky 💭
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yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler

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Good luck with that. I've seen several completely black or dark grey houses go up in the last couple of years (in *Perth* FFS), and plenty of local authorities and/or private developments still say you *cannot* have a shiny roof. A with all things sensible,you're pushing shit uphill wth a stick.

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Slightly depressed that only 3 people apparently got the Boys of Summer reference.

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Ah yes, Posie Parker, who came to Australia, where the only people who'd talk to her were fascists, and who then went on to be run out of NZ on a rail. Real winner material right there.

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RanTLaw's avatar RanTLaw
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There are many things that are wrong about the UK. One that is not is their tradition of very serious politicians having to stand up, on election night, next to joke candidates in dress-up

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I've never ceased to be amazed how many Labor people are still obsessed with The Split. It was 70 fucking years ago. Nobody outside the ALP knows what it was, let alone gives a fuck.

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I would be quite surprised if more than, perhaps, 1% of the general population know who the fuck Mal Colston is/was any more. It was almost 30 years ago, and most memories just ain't that long.

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Anthony B,'s avatar Anthony B,
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Used to be hard to pick which candidate I hate the most. Anyone behind Greens, Socialists, Animal Justice and even the ALP. 20 positions down it's entirely pointless as far as election outcomes. But it's fucking satisfying. Oh yeah baby, Latham gets last. I will number every fucking box out of hate.

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Anthony B,'s avatar Anthony B,
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I'm a big fan of - compulsory voting - preferential voting and - an independent election commission who will fuck you up if you play games The UK is 0/3

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Amal El-Mohtar's avatar Amal El-Mohtar
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Out of an abundance of love for my spouse I have consented to watch one (1) episode of a television show he promises “is not as bad as the Newsroom except for one scene” & it’s honestly incredible, like in the manner of a nature documentary, the degree to which Steven Moffatt cannot write women

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Is it just me or does he appear to be morphing into Rolf Harris in that photo?

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A few years back I clocked up 15,000 km in 18 months, in and around Canberra, including the Centenary Trail and Dairy Farmer's Hill, on a stupidly tall geared singlespeed. I loved it. These days I love my bodgy ebike conversion even more. Ride what you want. It's not a competition.

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Whilst I'm thoroughly enjoying, from afar the Tories getting smashed, I find it difficult to foresee anything but 5 years of deep disappointment for anyone even a little bit progressive, probably followed by a Tory/Reform coalition.

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Iron Spike's avatar Iron Spike
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Sounds like we’ve got a treatment for Season 2!

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Pickle Tiedrich's avatar Pickle Tiedrich
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the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding

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Andrew Hickey's avatar Andrew Hickey
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(And yes, there are serious problems with both those parties too, but lesser problems generally. My ranking generally goes Hypothetical Actual Good Party Lib Dem/Green Tie Hitting Myself in the Balls With a Hammer Labour Hitting Myself in the Balls With a Hammer *Repeatedly* Tories Reform)

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Andrew Hickey's avatar Andrew Hickey
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I will be celebrating the Tories losing spectacularly tonight, but won't be celebrating this Labour Party winning. I hope as many Lib Dem and Green MPs get returned as possible, to hold Starmer to account from his left and give a proper basis for a progressive opposition and real change.

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Paul Duane's avatar Paul Duane
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Unfortunately, the party that will replace them is predominantly Islamophobic, institutionally transphobic, and wedded to neo-liberal austerity economics, so any happiness will be fleeting.

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I had a look at the latest Essential figures a couple of days ago. The big take away for me was how effectively the govt have pissed away a great deal of political capital for very little return. Rejigging the S3 tax cuts and utterly botching the Voice referendum are all that stick in my mind.

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There have been numerous great vehicles, over the years, which have been extremely orange. This, however, is not one of them.

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A splendid machine. I particularly like the starting handle, jack and copper hammer for the wheel nuts, all stored neatly and readily to hand.

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The European robin is the avian equivalent of the short guy in the pub who'll stick a glass in your face if he thinks you're looking at him funny.

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And then you manage to piss off the English badger, having mistaken good manners for weakness...

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To be fair, that didn't with the CT. Whilst working from imperfect memory, I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one use of the word in a 1950s article on VWs.

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Given that noone under 18 would be seen dead on FB or Insta,I find this hilarious.

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Remember the furore when the Rudd govt considered fiddling with the luxury car tax? I strongly suspect that would be as nothing compared to what would happen if you tried to infringe on every Aussie's right to use 3 tons of metal to carry one arse into the CBD every day.

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Yep. And, sadly, there are plenty of repressed and hung up people, supposedly on the progressive side, who will gleefully join the Fascists in their quest. TERFs for example.

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Tom Gauld 's avatar Tom Gauld
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Four images of preparation for the cartoon below: 1. Sketchbook page, 2. Pencil drawing, 3. Finished original ink drawing, 4. Closeup of coloured version.

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dark n stormy daniels 🥃's avatar dark n stormy daniels 🥃
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Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I'd ever developed a healthy sense of self-esteem. Then I think, 'Ugh, shut up loser, no one cares'

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It might have had a break recently (I've managed to miss the show since 2018) but, up to then, Pixieville had been a fixture since at least 2003, in one form or another. Not my thing, but very popular nonetheless.

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