Gareth Hanrahan's avatar

Gareth Hanrahan

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Teenage Mutant Chaos Champions Teenage Mutant Chaos Champions Skaven fed them warpstones green Teenage Mutant Chaos Champions Leonardo bleeds (For Khorne) Donatello praises Tzeetch Raphael is cool but unclean Michaelanglo is a "party" dude

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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I'll risk it. Bought!

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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I don’t think I’ve read any of his stuff, other than bouncing off Dhalgren when I tried it. What’s a good starting point for his stuff on nature of genre? Starboard Wine?

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Oh, where are those?

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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*curled up screaming under my desk* WHY ARE NOVELS NOT FUNCTIONAL NEED MORE METRICS

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Partly unbound, but mainly "them forgetting to tell me about reprints all year"

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Huzzah! Apparently, the Sword Defiant went back for a US reprint! Then went back for a reprint! Then went back for a reprint! And then back for a fourth reprint. And is at the printers a fifth time.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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.... did we used to dismount floppy disks? Was that a thing we did? Like, before you ejected a disk you were supposed to dismount it to be safe?

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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No-one has - it's in Book 3 of the Lands series.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Having written a book in which one of the character waxes lyrical about storytelling (to be fair, it's a soul-eating sword that reviews people's lives as it eats them), it's partly second-book syndrome. When you're stuck in a room for a year writing, all you have to write about is writing...

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Reposted by Gareth Hanrahan

Ciaránavirus's avatar Ciaránavirus
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I wrote a chapter of TA: Xenos, and I know a bunch of the incredibly talented writers and artists behind both books, so when voting starts on Friday, do please consider one or both please?

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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70464. Not wild about that - finding it hard to get back to Black Iron. It's so much easier to polish and tweak a book that's finished and (apparently) good (the edit letter was very positive) than it is to drag this (currently) misshapen mess towards a nebulous finish line.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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No words, but finished the rest of the revisions to Firstborn 3. I need to get my brain back into Black Iron mode now.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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The terrifying thought that you've written the same scene twice in two different chapters, followed by the realisation that you pressed Page Up instead of Page Down.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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No words, but the wardrobe and most of the revisions to Firstborn 3 are done. I didn’t think I’d be finished those until the end of the month. The revisions, not the wardrobe.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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And that's a first pass done. Alarmingly painless! Nearly no changes needed, so it's just prose-polishing now!

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Reposted by Gareth Hanrahan

David Bowman's avatar David Bowman
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It's quite pleasing to me that, standing next to the baked-bean fellow, Rees-Mogg is *TOAST*.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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About 2/3rds done with first-pass revision of Sword Triumphant, and only one bit of actual rewriting needed so far.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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69,796. I spend most of the assembling a wardrobe, so writing on BL4 got crammed into a half-hour before bed.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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The spiders are not insects but in the war they will side with the insects Traitor spiders traitor spiders they'll betray us and they'll make us HUMAN SLAVES In an insect nation

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Martin Luther: I was worried about damaging the church doors but CHECK THIS SHIT OUT

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Hmm. Any ideas for something gooey and stretchy that works as a simile in a quasi-medieval fantasy? I had 'like toffee', but my editor correctly points out that it's anachronistic.

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Reposted by Gareth Hanrahan

Jess Nevins's avatar Jess Nevins
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Finished 's Sword Defiant and Sword Unbound. Definitely recommended. Page-turning subversion of all the familiar high fantasy cliches. What happens after the Dark Lord is vanquished? What's it like, being the wielder of the cursed sword? And so on. Fun!

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Got my edits for THE SWORD (probably) TRIUMPHANT. Done with a first pass on the first thirteen chapters, although I'll almost certainly need to loop back and untangle one bit which will require breaking a chapter into two. I'll finish the first pass before making big changes, though.

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Reposted by Gareth Hanrahan

iucounu's avatar iucounu
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GORDON RAMSAY: and the eggs, they are? UGLÙK: they eggs. Taste good. Canapé. RAMSAY: no I mean, where do you get the eggs UGLÙK (gesturing towards Shelob’s lair): Get from big spider RAMSAY: from big spider. Fuck me. Canapé eggs from big spider. Fucking hell.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Just while I’m away for the night. Back to the Mac tomorrow

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Lands of the Firstborn’s a trilogy, as the prophecy* foretold *Paper prices in the 1950s

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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1) Yay! Book 3 edit letter is in and it’s very positive 2) Boo! Editing a 170,000 word novel with track changes is taxing my ipad rather badly

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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(A scene that follows on directly from a minor encounter in Book 1, of course, because why do anything in a simple linear fashion.) I should just write something simple and fun next time...

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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68270. Writing a scene that's a memory-recorded flashback from the perspective of a personality-shard of what's basically a magical AI personality upload, because what the market's crying out for is baroque alchemical cyberpunk with a steampunk hat, right?

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Surely there's Tzeentch in Boris too. Changer of Op-Eds, using arcane words to baffle and overawe his followers.

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Reposted by Gareth Hanrahan

iucounu's avatar iucounu
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these Tory election leaflets are becoming increasingly desperate I feel

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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And just got good feedback on Lands 3, so whatever works works.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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67,677. To a degree, it's cheating - I moved a 1000 word section from a previous draft back in, and I'm 95% sure that this current 2000 word chapter will have to go. But the book will get written how it needs to get written.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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May 2025, probably titled SWORD TRIUMPHANT.

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Reposted by Gareth Hanrahan

Dan Hon's avatar Dan Hon
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Can't believe Little Bobby Tables is all grown up and has had their first kid, Ignore All Previous Instructions

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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Starting a new Black Iron 4 Accountability Thread for the month. Current word count: 65,852. Target for end of week (70,000 + going to see Suede in Dublin) Target for end of month: Let's say 85,000 as I'll be doing Firstborn 3 revisions in there too.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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65355. A lot less than intended, but this evening's writing was interrupted by a power cut. Even before that, it was a weird scene. Next month, the plan is to break the back of the main action plot line, the expedition to the lost city.

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Reposted by Gareth Hanrahan

Charlotte Ariel Finn's avatar Charlotte Ariel Finn
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Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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64780. Slapping clay on the armature. I think the Lyssada scene will have to go, but I'll finish writing it anyway as it'll shed light on other bits, which is totally antithetical to how I usually write. Mongoose trained me never to write anything that wasn't going to be submitted.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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64290. More later. Writing, unexpectedly, a Lyssada Erevesic/Crown of Haith scene.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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He was betrayed by the years 670-630BC?

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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63718. This week's been disrupted by a two-day trip to Birmingham, and next week's also frayed, and then I should be getting edits for SWORD TRIUMPHANT. So, sprint time. Goal is 70,000 words total by next week.

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Gareth Hanrahan's avatar Gareth Hanrahan
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In the old Dark Forces shooter, the stormtrooper rifle fired slightly off-centre in a different direction every time

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