Catherine Rampell's avatar

Catherine Rampell

3692 followers 116 following 41 posts

Washington Post op-ed columnist, CNN econ/politics commentator, PBS NewsHour special correspondent. Former theater critic, current theater enthusiast.

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Hi all. Who is attending the AEA/ASSA meetings in person next week?

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Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Indian vs. Chinese international student enrollment at US colleges/universities.
What accounts for the rise in Indian student enrollment? Related to changes to STEM OPT program?

1 replies 0 reposts 7 likes

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Michael Linden's avatar Michael Linden
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House Rs just pulled their Financial Services bill because they don't have the votes (just like transpo/housing). The bill includes: - Cuts to consumer product safety - Cuts to small business aid - Cuts to financial crimes enforcement And of course: cuts to tax enforcement for rich people.

1 replies 5 reposts 14 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Among the more significant changes: a new default estimate of the discount rate of 2%, down from the default estimate of 3% in the prior (20-year-old) version of Circular A-4.

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Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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OMB finalized updates to Circular A-4, agency guidance doc for economic analyses of regulations. Includes consideration of benefits that occur in future or outside the US; equity concerns related to the distribution of regulatory impacts; behavioral econ issues.

1 replies 6 reposts 16 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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all three of the experts testifying in today's Senate Budget Committee hearing about tax enforcement -- including the GOP side's own chosen expert witness -- agree that cutting IRS enforcement money will *increase deficits*

3 replies 34 reposts 69 likes

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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The number of American babies who died before their first birthdays rose last year, significantly increasing the nation’s infant mortality rate for the first time in two decades

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Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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# of US workers who have jobs but are not at work due to parental leave hit a new high, 606k, in October. is this a reflection of a baby boom? employers/states offering more generous policies? tight labor market making workers w/ access to leave more willing to take it? noise?

1 replies 1 reposts 9 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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How far we've come from the "shy Trump voter" - when voters were afraid to publicly acknowledge support for an authoritarian clown.
Now we have "shy non-Trump voters" -- those afraid to publicly acknowledge lack of support for an authoritarian clown

7 replies 0 reposts 18 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Not sure this is obviously true. Remember money illusion: people think raises are things they deserve, price growth is inflicted upon them But also, have you never been super mad about feeling ripped off by a high price, but then still bought the thing anyway? I think this is all of America rn

2 replies 2 reposts 9 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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the know-nothings return

4 replies 4 reposts 25 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Yes at this point people seem mad about the price level. I get asked all them time when prices are "going back down." To economists it's obvious that the overall price level is not likely to fall—that further we don't *want* deflation—but this is not intuitive to regular consumers.

5 replies 4 reposts 25 likes

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Jake Tapper, long-suffering Philly sports fan's avatar Jake Tapper, long-suffering Philly sports fan
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Reminder that the Speaker does not actually have to be a Member of the House of Representatives

25 replies 140 reposts 696 likes

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

David Darmofal's avatar David Darmofal
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I'm gifting the latest article by the excellent & prolific She's so prolific she takes up most of my gift articles each month. 😂 But we desperately need her nuanced, data-driven analyses at a time of populism run amok.

0 replies 4 reposts 8 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Once upon a time, the Republican Party promised lower taxes, while the Democratic Party promised bigger spending. Today, both promise both
If surge in long-term Treasury rates continues, this could be a problem real soon!

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Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Brendan Nyhan's avatar Brendan Nyhan
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"Ohioans have a similar life expectancy to residents of Slovakia and Ecuador"

4 replies 23 reposts 72 likes

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Ariel Edwards-Levy's avatar Ariel Edwards-Levy
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Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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As an aside, I'd love to read a genealogy of those whipping up the Staten Island mob (Johnny Tabacco, Curtis Sliwa, etc). How many of their ancestors came to this country seeking refuge and a better life? How were they received by locals when they arrived? cc

2 replies 6 reposts 42 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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This is stomach-churning.
Staten Island crowds torment asylum seekers in city shelter with strobing flashlights and loud speakers at night. With zero evidence, far-righters accuse those seeking refuge of being pedophiles, prostitutes, "invaders."

31 replies 151 reposts 383 likes

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Americans never fully reckoned w/ mass-scale, govt-sanctioned child abuse carried out in our name. Worse, we may be sleepwalking into bigger atrocities in the years ahead, as Trump & other GOP pols vow more extralegal punishment of immigrants.

0 replies 6 reposts 11 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Mississippi announced financial incentives for a shipbuilder to expand in Gulfport in 2020, days after the president of the shipbuilder’s parent company made a $10,000 campaign contribution to Republican Gov. Tate Reeves, records show.

1 replies 10 reposts 9 likes

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Uncle Duke's avatar Uncle Duke
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this is word for word what my last performance review said

11 replies 502 reposts 1904 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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judge has ordered 2 top Trump officials, former DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and AG Jeff Sessions, to be deposed in lawsuit over family separations. would mark the first time the former officials have been ordered to testify in one of dozens of lawsuits

5 replies 44 reposts 178 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Refugee admissions this year will fall far short of the ceiling/target Biden had placed, but still represent a marked increase from recent years. Numbers had been decimated by Trump/covid-era policies.

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Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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We've gotten so close to a rare, coveted soft landing. Then came a series of shocks (oil spike, UAW strike, etc), + now a likely govt shutdown.
None of these things on their own would cause recession. Piled up, though, recession odds look worse

2 replies 1 reposts 10 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Only acceptable rebuttal to my column today

2 replies 1 reposts 11 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Why prices are never going back down.

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Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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People often ask me when prices are “going back down”
The answer is: probably never, if we’re lucky.
Fed’s goal is slower price growth, but growth nonetheless. It’s not trying to get prices overall to fall. Declines in the overall price level are usually a red flag for an economy.

1 replies 1 reposts 10 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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From Jan 1-Aug 31, 2023, the number of unique titles challenged at libraries increased by 20% from the same reporting period in 2022. The vast majority of challenges were to books written by or about a person of color or a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.

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Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Attempts to censor public library materials are on pace to reach another record high this year, per data from the American Library Association going back 20 years.

2 replies 21 reposts 33 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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Time to change the awning - that pizza ain't never going back to 99¢

1 replies 1 reposts 6 likes

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Reposted by Catherine Rampell

Anna O Law's avatar Anna O Law
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What's it like to work a chronically underfunded college? Infrastructure not good. The Dean just sent an email to all of us that in classrooms with no air conditioning, the instructor can teach online until the weather cools. Note: many of the classrooms have windows that are sealed shut.

3 replies 11 reposts 45 likes

Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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FL's new immigration law could make it less likely that people endangered by the hurricane evacuate, seek help
Law requires hospitals to ask patients' immigration status, and makes it a felony to provide transportation for undocumented immigrants into state

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Catherine Rampell's avatar Catherine Rampell
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There are about as many people employed in the US steel industry today as there were when Trump announced his steel tariffs in early 2018. Biden has generally kept Trump's tariffs in place or replaced them with different restrictionist measures

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