Erinn O'Dear's avatar

Erinn O'Dear

120 followers 536 following 1664 posts

Redhead. Texan. Vagabond. Expect typos she/her

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Melissa Gira Grant's avatar Melissa Gira Grant
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“Jane McAlevey’s biggest impact on newsroom unions was through her advocacy for open bargaining… Most unions aren’t this transparent in negotiations. But it’s mostly a no-brainer for skeptical journalists who expect accountability in all things, including from their own coworkers.”

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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I was a kid when that movie came out. Really? I definitely knew what autism was. And vaguely that it wasn't a good portrayal. Then again, I knew what HIV/ AIDS was when Rock Hudson came out. Had no idea who Rock Hudson was. Lol

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Mr. Am I Being Detained 's avatar Mr. Am I Being Detained
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Autism didn’t exist because it had incredibly narrow diagnostic criteria and they forcibly institutionalized anyone who displayed them instead of putting them in your class, dumbass

43 replies 75 reposts 516 likes

Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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The sooner we get universal jungle primaries, eliminate the EC, participate in state and local gov't the better. All it takes is participation. Not just voting, participation.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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I prefer our system, based on indigenous gov'ts that disenfranchises parties, elevates voters, decolinizes central gov't. Parties were forced on top of the system after it was established to give the upper class white men more power. It's failing bc it's not organic.

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Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Zach D Roberts's avatar Zach D Roberts
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I am one of two photojournalists who have been at the National Conservatism conference for the last two days. Independent journalists are the only people covering stuff like this. Dominic Gwinn is the other. His substack is
Mine is:

1 replies 22 reposts 57 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Don Moynihan's avatar Don Moynihan
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SCOTUS essentially restructured American governance over the last couple of weeks. Even if you can get past the 8 million Biden old stories in the Times to the people whose job it is to cover the court, you would have no idea of the scale of the changes made.

13 replies 105 reposts 320 likes

Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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This is the opposite of the truth. Individuals can affect systems through participation, activism, education. What we do as individuals is much less important than the communities, coalitions we build to change things on a societal level.

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Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Neil Lewis, Jr.'s avatar Neil Lewis, Jr.
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This meme is relevant again.

15 replies 395 reposts 1259 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Mongabay's avatar Mongabay
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Mexico, including the Yaqui Valley, is experiencing a deadly heat wave, drought and water shortages. Within the Yaqui Territory are the remnants of their sacred Yaqui River, which has been drained of all its water after decades of overexploitation, unequal water distribution and droughts. Read:

0 replies 23 reposts 39 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Karl Bode's avatar Karl Bode
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Republicans also just killed a program that provided a $30 discount on broadband bills for poor people because they're good faith populists who care about rural Americans or whatever

6 replies 53 reposts 157 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Tom Scocca's avatar Tom Scocca
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Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes

25 replies 449 reposts 1474 likes

Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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The key is reminding the ableist elites that one, they are not the avg Dem voter so should not get to decide, and two, they will not be happy with the replacement either. You can't tell them this is about their control of the process, ability to dismiss disability from their view, but it is.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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They claimed Hillary had secret Parkinson's too. They went hard after her health. They will find a way to do something. The key is not falling for it again. It seems the avg voter is doing better than the elites this time.

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Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Mike Boylan-Kolchin's avatar Mike Boylan-Kolchin
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The biggest issue with Biden coverage is that he’s now The Story, which means that most of the press is focused on The Story and not any of the context or consequences. If we were having a serious discussion about qualifications for presidency, age, and the two main candidates, I’d be fine with it.

19 replies 108 reposts 569 likes

Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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This, to me, is the scariest part of this attempted coup by white Dem elites. The reasons they aren't happy are not the reasons they're giving, and the alternative will never be acceptable to them. They will only vote for a ham sandwich in a male-shaped box.

1 replies 1 reposts 1 likes

Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Yep. Some will even lie to themselves, memeify KH as if they think she's an acceptable alternative. Then turn around and find an excuse not to vote, vote third party, or vote Trump when the reality of a black woman being charge hits them.

1 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Patrick S. Tomlinson's avatar Patrick S. Tomlinson
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If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.

35 replies 459 reposts 1947 likes

Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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But, to circle back, if the younger person involved does say it was consensual, and they are an adult, we should believe them and support them. Leave the door open in case they feel differently later, but they may not and it may just look weird from the outside.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Grooming adults into an abusive relationship can be bad on its own. It doesn't need to be SA to be bad. I'm saying we can and should use nuance with these things. These all appear to be allegations of SA. But it doesn't need to be to be skeevy. And it's okay to not support skeevy old dudes too.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Again, I'm not referring to just his incident. These accusers say they did not consent. She was 20, iirc. I'm saying we shouldn't say blanketly that a power differential between adults means SA. That in and of itself is not something that makes it SA. It can only be a supporting factor.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Are they? Or did they see the accusations and recall an incident differently? Memory is tricky. Every time we remember something our brain rewrites it. It's why writing down contemporary first impressions is important. Why diaries matter as evidence.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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That's age of reporting, not age of the person when it happened.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Most false alllegations, as rare as they are, are from people under 23. The majority from teens. It's ppl who are scared of consequences of something else who don't understand the weight of what they say. Chances of falsehood drop precipitously at 24/25. Then it's mental illness.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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I have no standard. Treat any human who says they are a victim of SA with care and respect. Even if you personally suspect otherwise at any point, continue to do so. Help them get the aid they need, and the investigation neccessary - journo or LE - if you can.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Do you use frontage or feeder road? I bet that's it.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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What part? It matters on these linguistic tests because different parts of Texas use different words for things. They always say I'm from Houston or Chicago/ northern IL bc we're the only parts of the country that use a specific term. I'm the former. I no longer take the tests bc of that tell.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Investigation matters. Good reporting matters. Believe women means treating first person accusers with care and respect, not take every vague third party story as proven evidence. Believing women here means asking more questions. And that's okay.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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A witness to what exactly? That's the point. The victims say they were SA'd. I believe them. But we do not know anything about what happened in this case besides the assumptions of a third party who feels guilty and has never addressed their guilt over something that might have been nothing.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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This is not a defense of this or any other situation. It is saying "believe women," or really "believe accusers regardless of gender," means believe them. If they say they were a consenting adult it isn't anyone's place to tell them otherwise.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Power differentials between adults are icky, questionable, but not automatically SA. I believe Neil's accusers like I believe any accuser. They say they objected, and that is SA. But there is a difference if that person is an adult, willing participant. I don't like it either, but it's not the same.

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Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Stephen Webb's avatar Stephen Webb
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lemme be clear here if the dem nominee is a ham sandwich, i'm getting ham sandwich stickers and writing gotv postcards and helping cure ballots for ham sandwich 2024. but anyone who thinks biden dropping off the ticket will not be met with weird gop ratfucking chaos just fell off a turnip truck.

5 replies 32 reposts 151 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Ann Aguirre's avatar Ann Aguirre
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It's a lot. I posted about one perpetrator at the survivor's request and the world chose to dismiss the account because 'he seemed so cool and nice'. And people wonder why many survivors just struggle silently. ☹️

1 replies 3 reposts 21 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Ann Aguirre's avatar Ann Aguirre
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About five years ago, I opened my DMs on the bird site and told people I would listen and believe them.

The accounts I heard were horrifying and heartbreaking. Some perpetrators were too powerful to tackle, as they were wealthy and litigious.

I am not surprised today. #believesurvivors

4 replies 22 reposts 115 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Ryan Marino's avatar Ryan Marino
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Days after the Chevron ruling a corporate healthcare system - which doesn’t pay any taxes despite being a profit-driven business - is now suing Medicare so that they can collect more *tax dollars* w/o having to meet the standards of care set by CMS. Some CMS regulations may be silly but this is bad.

12 replies 108 reposts 193 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Courtney Milan's avatar Courtney Milan
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My personal feeling is that in cases of sexual assault "I'm going to wait to see what else develops" is a fine, but if you loudly announce that what you're seeing is inadequate and not enough and should not be believed by anyone, that's not waiting to see what else develops.

7 replies 73 reposts 511 likes

Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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More trains west of the Mississippi, please. Texas and the southwest are waiting...

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Overall polls are steady and individual donations are up. To whom is keeping Biden destructive?

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Anti-trans sentiment has been presented as more entrenched there, so I'm wondering which party, with any power, could be swayed, educated? Anything to address lies of the Cass Report.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Fair. That seems a logical outcome of parliamentary systems. It seems like, even with the landslide, power was spread around a bit. Sad any of it ended up with Reform. Do they not poll on policy proposals? Is there any idea on where the UK stands on specific ideas?

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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It is so ridiculous to have to explain to ppl like you that the poor and working class can see that he's fine. They don't have the money to hide older folks away, or get speech impediments fixed. We all know smart, capable ppl like him. This is the bigotry of the privileged. Fuck 'em.

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Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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Yes. What part of, "the only evidence comes from Heritage Foundation cronies," and all claims are about bts behavior, not on camera, is it that you don't understand? No, you don't get to be an ableist bigot bc you dislike his policies. Stick to the latter.

1 replies 1 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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Major congrats to Eritrea’s Biniam Girmay for becoming the first Black rider to win a Tour de France stage.

9 replies 37 reposts 314 likes

Reposted by Erinn O'Dear

Joe Katz's avatar Joe Katz
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"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"

61 replies 1077 reposts 3711 likes

Erinn O'Dear's avatar Erinn O'Dear
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There is no evidence they are correct. There is a lot of evidence of wealthy, privileged people used to feeling secure grasping for control. Every "evidence" of cognitive decline has come from a Heritage Foundation crony. The ones who know him say he's fine. So fuck the rich ppl.

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