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Roos Vonk's avatar Roos Vonk
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Waarom heeft BBB 15 miljard uitkoopgeld voor boeren weggegeven? Doel: schaalvergroting, géén krimp veestapel. Ook niet vrijwillig. Want minder vee = minder veevoer, stallen, kalverboxen, kraamkooien, verlostangen e.a. martelwerktuigen, antibiotica, transport, slachtingen = minder omzet Big Agro.

3 replies 14 reposts 35 likes

Simon's avatar Simon
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Er is een update! Het is nu tussen 15:25 en 17:00 πŸ˜‘

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Ketan Joshi's avatar Ketan Joshi
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"there’s nothing the β€œwe’ll adapt” crowd is less interested in than paying to help people adapt" πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½

0 replies 15 reposts 52 likes

Simon's avatar Simon
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Argh ik heb zo'n hekel aan DHL

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Reposted by Simon

Ian Boudreau's avatar Ian Boudreau
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Can't wait until this thing is twice as powerful

76 replies 245 reposts 1140 likes

Reposted by Simon

Phillip Anderson's avatar Phillip Anderson
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Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too

28 replies 953 reposts 3144 likes

Reposted by Simon

melissa~'s avatar melissa~
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looks like Le Sword was mightier than Le Pen after all

7 replies 66 reposts 239 likes

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Maaike Verbruggen's avatar Maaike Verbruggen
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Belgian acquaintances are making small talk with me about how much of a joke the new Dutch government is

If the belgians critique your government you know it is time for self reflection

5 replies 9 reposts 39 likes

Reposted by Simon

Velodus's avatar Velodus
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When the France election results are good

20 replies 1122 reposts 4262 likes

Reposted by Simon

Roel's avatar Roel
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1. Zowat in heel Nederland was het gewoon een leuke avond. Wilders pikt de uitzonderingen eruit. 2. Over rellen bij het clubvoetbal hoor ik hem nooit. Haatzaaier.

14 replies 12 reposts 32 likes

Simon's avatar Simon
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Zondag ochtend is voor koffie drinken in bed

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Reposted by Simon

Eoghan Daltun 🌍 's avatar Eoghan Daltun 🌍
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1. Ireland was once c. 80% rich, native forest 2. It's now c. 1% 3. Most of that 1% is dying due to overgrazing 4. The invasive alien species most responsible IME are either protected (sika deer), or there's a campaign to make them so (feral goats) I *really* despair at times. 🌎

3 replies 25 reposts 88 likes

Simon's avatar Simon
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Misschien wel maar ik wil niet weten wat voor ellendige puinzooi er moet ontstaan voor het zover komt

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Simon's avatar Simon
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"Ik zou graag in een Amerikaanse gevangenis zitten" - Geert Wilders, blijkbaar

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

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Reposted by Simon

Reposted by Simon

Joost's avatar Joost
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'In het kader van 14 jaar parlementaire journalistiek gaan we het ook nu vooral over de vorm hebben.'

1 replies 5 reposts 10 likes

Reposted by Simon

Gattungswaise's avatar Gattungswaise
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Premier Rutte? Echt een topper. Deur altijd open. Goed, hij loog ons altijd voor, en wij deden daar dan op zich verder niets mee. Maar de deur die stond wel gewoon open hè.

1 replies 14 reposts 39 likes

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Simon's avatar Simon
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The Don't Touch My Croque Monsieurs (voorloper van Hang Youth) ook

0 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

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Bearded helmet πŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ·σ ¬σ ³σ Ώβš”οΈ 's avatar Bearded helmet πŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ·σ ¬σ ³σ Ώβš”οΈ
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Another reason to not drink this piss in can

2 replies 78 reposts 122 likes

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Roos Vonk's avatar Roos Vonk
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Afgelopen week, bij de gesprekken met nieuwe ministers, zag ik diverse ego's die het wonnen van realiteitszin. Hun schrikbarende beperkingen vonden ze geen enkele belemmering voor hun functie. Ik zou tevreden kunnen zijn hoe goed het klopt, wat ik schrijf in 'Mijn ego heeft altijd gelijk'. Maar 1/2

1 replies 9 reposts 28 likes

Simon's avatar Simon
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Seems to me that using AI for the mediocre boring stuff is another way of denying people the opportunity to get paid while learning their trade

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drow zelensky's avatar drow zelensky
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Probably worth noting that Assange has always had a /deeply/ selective attitude to what exactly he leaks so even if you take the stance that it's not a crime to whistleblow gov secrets (i dont want to have this conversation!!) you should probably ask why Wikileaks only leaks on people they dislike

3 replies 12 reposts 62 likes

Reposted by Simon

Sheila Sitalsing's avatar Sheila Sitalsing
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Nadat Faber publiekelijk had zitten vitten op Lars (12), kregen hij en zijn ouders heel veel haat over zich heen 'maar het gaat nu weer goed'

6 replies 14 reposts 23 likes

Simon's avatar Simon
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Dat is wel een mokerdik luchtbed dan haha

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

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Leo Lucassen's avatar Leo Lucassen
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Als je een column dit weekend moet lezen, is het deze van Thomas von der Dunk. Over Rutte, het neo-liberalisme en het aanstaande - tot voor heel kort onvoorstelbare - kabinet.

3 replies 16 reposts 34 likes

Simon's avatar Simon
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Hij doet zijn naam eer aan

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Ian Boudreau's avatar Ian Boudreau
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The central joke in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a race of dipshits building a planet-sized computer to answer the question of "life, the universe, and everything" and then a million years later it says the answer is 42, and somehow that has taken on a William Gibson level of prescience

52 replies 269 reposts 1243 likes

Reposted by Simon

Extinction Rebellion Nederland's avatar Extinction Rebellion Nederland
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Rebellen blokkeren sinds vanochtend de toegang tot het KLM Open Golftoernooi. We protesteren tegen de fossiele sponsoring door bedrijven als KLM, Tata, Schiphol en Audi, die sportswashing gebruiken om hun imago te verbeteren. [1/4]

2 replies 3 reposts 6 likes

Reposted by Simon

Nick Brumfield's avatar Nick Brumfield
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Honestly the Stonehenge + private plane one two was genius because you just know none of us would've heard about the private planes on their own

2 replies 6 reposts 51 likes

Simon's avatar Simon
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🎡Mijn fiets is gejat🎢

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Simon's avatar Simon
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Look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power

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Girl moss's avatar Girl moss
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I was handing out posters about an event on Palestine. Most responses were either positive or fearful. People are afraid to speak out because they are afraid of vandalism and intimidation from zionists. The silence is not just indifference, it is fueled by violence.

1 replies 2 reposts 4 likes

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Jessica Kant 's avatar Jessica Kant
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If you haven't been following what's happening in the UK, the Good Law Project has announced that they've been in contact with multiple whistleblowers from the NHS GIDs and have learned of sixteen young people who have died since the initial Bell ruling in 2020, after which blockers were paused.

6 replies 209 reposts 438 likes

Simon's avatar Simon
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Reinette Klaver, absoluut geen Nazi, vindt omvolking "een feitelijke omschrijving van een demografische ontwikkeling", net zoals de Nazi's vonden. Ze werpt de vergelijking met de Nazi-ideologie verre van zich (de Nazi-ideologie zelf zegt ze niks over)

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Spencer Ackerman's avatar Spencer Ackerman
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Tomorrow, al-Jazeera's documentary show Fault Lines is going to air one of the most important pieces of journalism about the Israeli genocide in Gaza. I got an early look at it and tried to communicate something without breaking the embargo.

6 replies 136 reposts 258 likes

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Sardonicus  's avatar Sardonicus
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0 replies 9 reposts 32 likes

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Pim's avatar Pim
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Dit. Dit soort protesten tegen KLIMAATVERWOESTING beschadigen alleen maar de reputatie van productievere KLIMAATACTIVISTEN, die nuttige strijd leveren tegen ONZE OLIEVERSLAAFDE MAATSCHAPPIJ MET ALLE DESASTREUZE GEVOLGEN VAN DIEN. Want nu heeft niemand het er over.

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