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OBVIOUS FACTS - Palestinians are human beings. Israel and the US are committing GENOCIDE against Palestinians. The refusal of Western governments to stop this GENOCIDE makes them guilty as well.

Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Hey, it’s not illegal.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Biden should have expanded the court on day one of his presidency. After Mitch rigged the court, expansion was the legitimate response. But Biden plays by the “norms”, while the Republicans discard them. He got played by McConnell because of his racist white male bias. US “democracy” died under him.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Amazing how much a President can get done in an election year where the race is close.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I was made by Boeing!!

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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The entire system is rigged against the people…and unfortunately, it seems it always will be.

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Reposted by Andrew

Molly Coleman's avatar Molly Coleman
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While we’re waiting for whatever fresh hell Friday brings, a reminder that the Court has already caused a bunch of harm this term. I wrote about one example of this for Balls & Strikes:

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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If we accept Thomas’ illogic that laws must adhere to the “history and traditions” of the founding, even though ours is a different era. Then he should still be considered 3/5 human and be imprisoned for violating interracial marriage laws. He is already a slave to the rich so I guess no foul there.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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“It takes a nation of millions…” PE

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Reposted by Andrew

Andrew's avatar Andrew
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The irony is that the US government’s unwillingness to apply the Leahy law to Israel, even when an American citizen is killed, only drives the narrative that “The Jews control America”. Which then drives global anti semitism and isolates Israel.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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You’re right that they shouldn’t have to do it…but they should do it when they have to. When Congress goes against the people, the Courts should correct them. When the Courts go against the people, Congress should correct them. The problem is neither body currently represents the people.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Many Americans died because of that campaign. Not a single person will be held accountable for the loss of those lives.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Everyone should know by now that Clarence Thomas takes undisclosed money/gifts from rich people and “coincidentally” rules in their favour when relevant cases come before the Un-Supreme court. This is known fact, not news.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Why are they allowed to test on public streets where pedestrians and other drivers lives are not only put in danger, but occasionally sacrificed? I don’t understand.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Trump is an absolute reflection of today’s America. No matter which side of the political fence you’re on. Whether you’re an admirer or critic. Most American just can’t look away. It’s like watching a slow motion car crash.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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We’re supposed to live in a society where ALL people are free to express their thoughts and ideas. The Klan is ALWAYS free to march and chant their racist bullshit, but for some reason this young man’s thoughtful ideas are too dangerous to be expressed and shared. Who is really free?

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I’ll believe it when it actually happens as agreed.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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What kind of “friend” takes your aid then turns around and tries manipulate you.

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Reposted by Andrew

Sarah J. Jackson's avatar Sarah J. Jackson
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Yesterday was the anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre. There are two survivors left. Ages 109. I think a lot about the failure of this nation to address this atrocity and many others. Not from the 17th, 18th or 19th century, but the 20th. And the determination of those survivors to live so long.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Agreed. Netanyahu and team will not stop. And Biden is just looking for a cease fire that gets him through the election. He never said he wants a “permanent cease fire”. He talked about a “lasting” cease fire,and a roadmap to an “enduring” cease fire. All of that to say he really has no red line.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Is there anyone left in America that believes Biden is going to sanction Israel for slaughtering Palestinians? IT WON’T HAPPEN. Support for Biden or Trump is supporting genocide - period. I would rather not vote for President than commit my vote, and potentially my soul, to sanctioning genocide.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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They’ll be lining up to go to the moon and Mars as well. They’re bored.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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It would take a HELL OF A LOT for the Chinese do anything worse to Vietnam and the Philippines than the America has already done. America is nobody’s saviour. Much like the Chinese, Russians and Israelis, they use their “balance of power” to serve their own self interest.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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The Civil War started because people in the South said, “what happens to life in the South if you take away our slaves?” It is immoral to deny innocent human beings life & liberty because your standard of living will change. The Palestinians did not vote for Trump, Americans did. He’s your problem.

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Reposted by Andrew

🇵🇸Lisa-Is-Not-Here-To-F🕷ck-Spiders-BLM🇵🇸's avatar 🇵🇸Lisa-Is-Not-Here-To-F🕷ck-Spiders-BLM🇵🇸
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I don't want to understand the evil it takes to pretend to defend Palestine and to lecture people to vote for their slaughter

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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The screw is not only stripped, the top is completely broken off. But most people are so brainwashed and fixated on so called “race” that they waste time blaming “others” instead of focusing on the political and financial elites that broke the system to their advantage.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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I look forward to the day when Trump faces justice for his crimes against the people of the United States. I also hope one day to see Biden judged for enabling a genocide against the Palestinian people. But I know the likelihood of US President meeting justice for crimes against the ‘other’ is 0.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Trump is a dumb racist fascist a-hole and Biden cares more about Black votes than he does Black voters. His crime bill ravaged a generation by disproportionately imprisoning Black people. Every 4 years Black voters save America from its worst natural instincts and in the end get the absolute minimum

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Reposted by Andrew

Wagatwe Wanjuki's avatar Wagatwe Wanjuki
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I am so sick of white people leading these thought exercises about Black people being brutalized in a parallel universe. Black people are being brutalized RIGHT NOW for merely existing.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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He’s aiding and abetting.

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Reposted by Andrew

Marcus's avatar Marcus
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I often post photos from bike rides around Detroit. Here is an excellent story of how some of these neighborhoods end up so devastated: industry buys up lots, neglects them, buys more for cheaper, then starts operating a concrete plant to poison the residents who don't want to or can't move away

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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It’s clear the conservative majority a more interested in representing big business interests than average Americans. American Democracy is in dire need of reform. Biden should have led this reform by expanded the court.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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How can someone be Chairman if he has zero knowledge of the most basic rules of the committee? This is not complicated…at all. This is a combination of partisanship and sheer incompetence. If this is an example of America’s great deliberative body then God help us all.

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Reposted by Andrew

Benjamin Balthaser 's avatar Benjamin Balthaser
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My op-ed for The Hill on the Antisemitism Awareness Act. There are many horrible things about the proposed act: it would silence Palestinians; it wld violate academic freedom & 1st Amend. It wld also ban the teaching of huge swaths of left-wing Jewish history

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Exemptions for the KKK is an American tradition.

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Reposted by Andrew

Rhiannon 's avatar Rhiannon
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Today - on the 76th anniversary of the Nakba - two Palestinian organizers and I released Popular Cradle, a podcast about the history and politics of the Palestinian liberation struggle, from the far diaspora. Our first episode is “History Doesn’t Start With the Nakba” -

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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As a Black man I could never trust or support Biden. This man was so traumatized by the death of his adult son, but willingly finances the murder/slaughter of other people’s babies. It’s beyond vile. Its ungodly. Pure evil. He obviously cares deeply about non-white votes, but not non-white humans.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Any excuse to get rid of DEI and bring back UIE (Uniformity, Inequity and Exclusion). Is anyone really surprised?

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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American’s choices for President: 1. The sexual deviant, compulsive liar and racist with dictatorial intentions. 2. The guy that continues to enable a genocide and stands arrogantly righteous in that position. Neither of these men represent the best of America? Ditch this process and start over.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Biden says he wants equality and justice for all people, but he sends arms to defend Ukrainians, sends bombs to murder Palestinians, sends nothing to help the people suffering genocide in Darfur and feeds the political chaos and instability in Haiti.

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Reposted by Andrew

gamera obscura 's avatar gamera obscura
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May we live to see our empire fall.

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Reposted by Andrew

Lupita Nihongo's avatar Lupita Nihongo
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If you can't face the people, you most certainly aren't qualified to lead them.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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Biden failed to understand Netanyahu’s motivations for continuing this genocide. The 1st was to stay out of jail. The 2nd is to keep his coalition together by ethnically cleansing Gaza and the WB. The 3rd side benefit, is to kill Biden’s chances of re-election to get Trump and Kushner back in power.

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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We all know that if the South had won the war there wouldn’t have been enough wood to build the gallows. When the enslaved revolted for freedom, they were tortured decapitated or hung. The South revolts to keep humans enslaved and they are forgiven and welcomed back. This is justice in America.

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Reposted by Andrew

Insipid Twaddle's avatar Insipid Twaddle
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The UNRWA just had to shut down their East Jerusalem HQ because settlers keep setting the property on fire. This will receive exactly zero commentary on the inherent lack of moral compass or brutality of Israelis in the manner that a questionable chant by pro-Palestinian protesters would.

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Reposted by Andrew

ApocalypticaNow's avatar ApocalypticaNow
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There are 1.3 million people in Rafah and there's no place left to run. People are fleeing to the coast and back to Khan Younis, which has already been devastated by Israel I cannot imagine the terror of being chased by IDF back and forth from one bombed out wasteland to another

3 replies 20 reposts 44 likes

Reposted by Andrew

Rima I Anabtawi's avatar Rima I Anabtawi
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With Gaza’s maternity care in shambles, danger & misery abound for babies, parents & midwives

“Most of the newborns suffer from malnutrition, because of the malnutrition of the mothers, and from poor respiration because of the dust created by the bombings."

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Andrew's avatar Andrew
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His absolute refusal to acknowledge the elephant, that’s not just in the room, but sitting right on top of him is beyond belief. His chances of winning the election is fading. As we’re all keenly aware, American elections have been won without getting a majority of the vote.

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