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I'm hoping for Scottish independence in the near future. Married, kids , dog, and cats.

Chris's avatar Chris
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Anyone taking bets on Sunak standing down and Johnson winning the by-election and becoming new tory leader?

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Chris's avatar Chris
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Hopefully, all these new people meeting up will give a wee covid surge, and Farrage gets a "Boris Johnson" case of it. A few months away from the public eye will do us all good.

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Chris's avatar Chris
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Good actor? Here's hoping all these new bodies he's been mixing with gives him a "Boris Johnson" level of covid that takes him out of the public eye for 5 years.

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Chris's avatar Chris
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Mmm, what's that saying? "A lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth has its boots on". Hopefully the speaker will keep him in line. But again he wants to be reprimanded and expelled as he thrives on being an "outsider, a rebel, a 'common' man standing up to the establishment"

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Chris's avatar Chris
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Scotland has put its faith in 37 labour MPs, actively voting for them as oppoopposed to England that chose to split the rightwing vote Tory/Reform and letting Labour take the seats.

" the new Labour MPs would "make decisions for the people of Scotland".
Wonder what?

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Chris's avatar Chris
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Call me cynical, but I will always assume these "protestors" are all Farrage stooges. He thrives on headlines and needs these confrontations to keep him in the news.

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Chris's avatar Chris
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Still pondering the election results, as it becomes clear that England didn't vote for Labour but instead split their rightwing votes between the Tories and Farrage's Reform PLC. Only in Scotland did voters actively choose to vote for Labour. Was this a massive case of self-harm for Scots?

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Chris's avatar Chris
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Sadly I suspect due to ridiculous House of Commons rules, Farrage will use parliamentary privilege to spout shit and no one will call him a liar.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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The tide goes out. The tide will return. Stand on the shore undaunted and unafraid, building for the future, and waiting the tide’s return. The high tide will come again. But we have work to do.

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Dr Caz 🔶🇪🇺 's avatar Dr Caz 🔶🇪🇺
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Everyone who sees or hears the media, especially the “balanced” BBC, doing this needs to complain directly to them. Already BBC news talking about farage and 4 seats in the hourly headlines, and ignoring the Greens’ 4 seats

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Chris's avatar Chris
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He'll be standing as a reform candidate at the next GE.

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Ren Zelen 's avatar Ren Zelen
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There are several things Labour could do now to mend the broken system. Cap donations. Regulate anonymous think tanks masquerading as charities. Stop opaque ‘unincorporated associations’ funnelling dark money into politics. Make parties check where the money actually comes from. Are they willing to?

2 replies 9 reposts 16 likes

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Ren Zelen 's avatar Ren Zelen
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“The most worrying story must be that the hard right will now sit in parliament. Under party-funding rules, Nigel Farage’s group will receive cash from the taxpayer. He will be entitled to even more airtime.” Aditya Chakrabortty Access to the public purse -that’s exactly why Farage is in the game

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Chris's avatar Chris
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But 5 years of Reform propaganda from Mogg and GBNews might not be a good thing for the UK. I'm not even sure my fellow Scots would be immune to that propaganda, considering they've just voted Labour against the SNP and kept the tories in the borders and NE.

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Alan Ferrier's avatar Alan Ferrier
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Dinner with Labour voters, with apologies to playwright Peter Arnott.

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MrsVB's avatar MrsVB
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a complete fuck up. Labour delecting Shaheen (I don't think she should have been selected in the first place) and then parachuting in another candidate. Shaheen then stood as independent directly against Tatler. Lots of local anger on both sides and we still end up with IDS. Stupid.

2 replies 1 reposts 21 likes

Chris's avatar Chris
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Still coming to terms with the election results. It appears Scotland didn't choose to reject the tories Still got the 3 border MPs and two Northeast tories. About from kicking wee dougie ross out on his arse. I'm wondering where these results leave Scotland politically.

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Reposted by Chris

Chris's avatar Chris
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Probably already lined up to become labour ones now.

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Chris's avatar Chris
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I hate amazon prime now that they force adverts on you. They are like shitty apprentice tasks for shite made up products. PhD smart bars!

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phyphor's avatar phyphor
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If your area got a new Labour MP then it is your duty to email them and say that you are happy the Tories are out but that transphobia should have no place in the party. Make Starmer gently walk back his support for Rowling's position!

10 replies 378 reposts 701 likes

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Sam Vimes's avatar Sam Vimes
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Labout won Poole by 18 votes. *18* fucking votes. Never, ever, tell me that your vote doesn't matter.

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Chris's avatar Chris
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Yep, and it will be interesting to see how the BBC contorts itself trying to blame Labour for failures in Westminster but bigging up labour in Scotland and blaming the SNP. An interesting year ahead. The first budget from labour will be the point where we see what "change" looks like.

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Alison Rodger's avatar Alison Rodger
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I imagine exactly what they did the last time, very little & whatever Westminster tells them regardless of the effect on Scotland. The SNP are going to have to work very hard to capitalise on that against a hostile media.

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Chris's avatar Chris
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Starmer needs to boost the powers of the standards committee for Westminster and set up "anti grift" investigation units.
Farrage has previous for abusing the public funds.

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Ren Zelen 's avatar Ren Zelen
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The Tories are out, deservedly so, but 14 years of Tory rule have caused incalculable harm. We can feel relief, but Labour won’t be able to fix all these problems & the Tory media will undermine them. It’s also clear that the far right is rising & will be dusting off their Bannon/Trump playbook.

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Chris's avatar Chris
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For Scotland and Wales, May 2026 will be very significant. If labour in Westminster hasn't produced the "change" they promised by voting for them, will they be punished at Holyrood and The Senedd? Or will the still be peddling a plea to vote for them for things to "change"?

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Chris's avatar Chris
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And all those Scots who have abandoned SNP and put their faith in Labour, what exactly is Mr Starmer going to do to produce "change" for Scotland?

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Bela Lugosi's Dad 🏳️‍⚧️ 🇵🇸's avatar Bela Lugosi's Dad 🏳️‍⚧️ 🇵🇸
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Even more important to resist this, because it is demonstrably not true. Corbyn held Islington North. Sinn Fein have the most seats in NI. Plaid have the whole West Coast of Wales. The Greens qon Herefordshire North with a majority of 5k (unthinkable yesterday). People want more than just Starmer.

4 replies 20 reposts 88 likes

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Stephanie Merritt's avatar Stephanie Merritt
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Holy God. Show this to the young people in your life next time when they say their vote doesn't count 😲

8 replies 93 reposts 196 likes

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Jonny Morris's avatar Jonny Morris
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I don't want to see former Tory MPs on Strictly, in the Jungle, playing Traitors, hosting panel shows, or making travelogues or documentaries. I never want to see their smug, shiny faces again. I want them all to fuck permanently off.

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Chris's avatar Chris
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Unionists shouldn't celebrate too much after the SNP lose so many seats at Westminster.
England just voted to put Farrage in Westminster, he could be the catalyst needed for Scots to realise independence is the real "change" needed.

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Chris's avatar Chris
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BBC Scotland is celebrating a little too much at the SNP defeats in the GE. Labour in Scotland now has to prove that these votes haven't been wasted. What exactly are Labour going to do to improve lives in Scotland?

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badly-drawn bee 🐝's avatar badly-drawn bee 🐝
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They're always accusing others of things they'd do themselves

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Chris's avatar Chris
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How long ago did she die? Did Farrage and Co pick up her postal vote?

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Kate King 's avatar Kate King
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Is this why they have remained technically a private company? So that electoral rules can be ignored with impunity?

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badly-drawn bee 🐝's avatar badly-drawn bee 🐝
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No, instead we have a younger generation being radicalised via Tiktok

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Chris's avatar Chris
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I hope England does reject the tories in the most extreme way possible tomorrow. However, I'm worried they'll swing to reform in order to kick the tories in the testicles. I'm hoping Scotland keeps the faith and votes SNP.

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POLITICO Europe's avatar POLITICO Europe
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🚨 BREAKING: The Tory party is set to suffer total annihilation, according to a final mega poll.

Full story:

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Ren Zelen 's avatar Ren Zelen
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Dan Wootton railing against Sun’s endorsement of Labour? Ah, the disgraced GBNews presenter & ex-Sun hack Dan Wootton …

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Scottish Greens's avatar Scottish Greens
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A Universal Basic Income would help reduce poverty and inequality while improving health and wellbeing.

It could become a cornerstone of a social security system that offers safety and dignity to everyone.


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Scottish Greens's avatar Scottish Greens
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In 2016 nearly two thirds of Scottish voters backed Remain. Since then the margin has only grown. An independent Scotland could rejoin the EU, regain our individual rights as European citizens, and have our own seat at the table to work with our friends across the continent.

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Hayes Brown's avatar Hayes Brown
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idk it just seems to me that laws, like tech, should be created with the question "what would the worst person i know be able to do with this power" in mind and it's truly incredible how much this opinion fails at that basic task

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