Kittybard's avatar


11 followers 131 following 68 posts

Neurospicy, quiet on social media, less so in meatspace, some flavor of ace Used to do many more things, now exhausted by just doing some Traded "basic counting & arithmetic" for my BS in applied math & stats They/she or she/they, it varies

Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Screw a pinch, I take all polling info with a shaker full of salt at this point Especially if they're still relying on phone polling, there's no way in hell you're getting a representative sample Modern US populations freaking suck to sample for voluntary/uncompensated data collection

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Have a pineapple upside-down cat, dramatically sprawled (I get to play catch-up from the past week starting tomorrow)

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Our cat, Pharoah, just had a post-surgical onesie instead of cone! He still found ways to wear it incorrectly, but it did protect his abdominal sutures effectively until they were removed ~2 weeks post-op! It was way less stressful for him than his previous post-neutering cone experience

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Here's hoping they hold up well and grow strong I love how 4 of them made it through the cat printer before it started to run out of ink <3

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Reposted by Kittybard

Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Cat scoffs at boundaries Cat knows better Must help insulate beetle carapace against the not-warm

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Cut it in half, scoop the innards out with a spoon

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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This is a big mood I wish it were less of a mood But it is a big fucking mood

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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"Morale is half the battle" - me every call w/mom (She's 3+ months into recovery from her body's birthday gift of "complex" leg clots + 3 pulmonary embolisms feat. pneumonia) Yes, rest properly But your brain is *also* part of your body, & vital to recovery We are anti brain-implosion

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Sustained eye contact also can be seen as aggressive, while blinking slowly in a relaxed kinda way is perceived as very comfortable/chill If I have to move my hand towards a cat I'm not sure of, I also lead with my wrist, not my fingers

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Have you heard about the "Llama of Friendship"?

(Stick up your pinky + index fingers which touching your ring + middle fingers to your thumb)

Some folks swear by it, it just confuses my cats

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Reposted by Kittybard

Nico Mara-McKay πŸ¦‡ (they/iel)'s avatar Nico Mara-McKay πŸ¦‡ (they/iel)
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This is a great list of ableist terms prefaced with thoughtful explanations of the historical terms and their function.

3 replies 42 reposts 65 likes

Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Stimulants (incl. caffeine in a pinch) can improve pain med efficacy & possibly increase pain tolerance, they *might* let you stretch your pain meds a bit further I hope bludgeoning your surgeon's office with many large trout yields results, or at least you get a doc that takes your pain seriously

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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My body's never acclimated to heat well, chronic health issues have made that worse, + I'm on three medications which reduce my heat tolerance even further My ideal room temp is ~63-68F when asleep, ~68-72F when awake Out of town? Yeah we raise the temp Otherwise? We keep it so I can exist

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Reposted by Kittybard

Clinton Lexa 's avatar Clinton Lexa
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Important documentation of Tanjiro's first loaf and subsequent loaf faceplant in his new homeπŸ˜΄πŸ’œ

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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(Deleted 4 posts which I failed to CW because I didn't realize I was heading in a direction while posting and I've decided that's a "not-today" direction)

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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The end of the giga-thread (long-time T&S expert's response to the recent Aegis labeler implosion) I learn a huge amount from rahaeli's posts/commentary, including many things I wish past-me understood ~5-10 years ago prior to becoming a mod in a bunch of smaller online communities

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Such a cutie! Welcome to being a house cat Tanjiro!

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Reposted by Kittybard

Persiflage πŸ³β€πŸŒˆπŸŒ²πŸŒ's avatar Persiflage πŸ³β€πŸŒˆπŸŒ²πŸŒ
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I fucking love David Tennant SO MUCH! (Source: Georgia Tennant's IG)

28 replies 1176 reposts 4487 likes

Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Bonus from another prof On a team investigating adhesive used to attach heat shielding tiles to shuttles, tiles were falling off, team was stumped Team finally watched a worker follow application instructions Instructions did not say to remove tiles' protective film before applying the adhesive

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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I had a prof who was over 90yo, survived like 4 different bouts of cancer, still walked to school every day even when it hit -20F or worse I became unsurprised about the cancers after many lab stories in our Experimental Design class Very much "do as I say, not as we did, we're lucky we all lived"

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Note: I don't restrict my phone usage around bed time, but I do use Android's built-in blue light filtration options + Twilight to heavily alter my screen's output to be easy on my eyes and make sure that the minimum brightness option is actually low enough for me

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Dedicated wind-down time before bed I get a snack + my evening meds, then curl up on the couch & catch up on web serials/novels, cuddle w/my cats, play a chill mobile game, etc, *then* move to the bed Helps me minimize stuck-awake time in bed & reduces frequency/intensity of my insomnia episodes

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Reposted by Kittybard

rahaeli 's avatar rahaeli
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Oh my god, this is fucking huge. It was huge when we developed a daily PrEP pill that could prevent you from catching HIV; this is a successful phase III trial of a PrEP shot that will only need to be given *twice a year*. Still needs a confirmatory Phase III, but holy fuck.

51 replies 968 reposts 2641 likes

Reposted by Kittybard

Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Greetings to you as well! Northeast US here, getting laundry moving despite my cats' attempts to herd me towards cuddle spots! Still recovering from an energy crash, but finally on a proper upswing!

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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~1 month post-surgery and ~2 weeks post-suture removal, Pharoah is doing extremely well! I had to clear off part of my desk for him, it's been a while since he's demanded to be up here! His fur is growing back in, but you can just see the shadow where his surgical scar is in this pic

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Thank you for finding that! (Barely-awake meds-still-kicking-in brain was struggling to make Bluesky search work >.< )

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Reposted by Kittybard

Courtney Milan's avatar Courtney Milan
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This is a lovely morning read, full of scorn and some really imaginatively written violence.

7 replies 66 reposts 184 likes

Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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My rule of thumb is that if it could contribute to developing serotonin syndrome, assume it makes you less heat tolerant SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, TCAs, stimulants, buspirone, odansetron/Zofran, some OTC meds like dextromethorphan, there's a lot

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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My understanding is that if you take anything that could possibly contribute to serotonin syndrome, assume it makes you more susceptible to heat exhaustion/stroke This includes (non-exhaustively) SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, TCAs, stimulants, buspirone, and some OTC meds like dextromethorphan

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Reposted by Kittybard

rahaeli 's avatar rahaeli
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Me, to Sarah, forgetting I am on vocal rest: Have a good day at wo--*croak* Her, alarmed: Don't speak! *pause, then slyly* I know what you're thinking! I don't need your reasons! Don't tell me-- Me: πŸ–• Her: --'cause it hurts! Me: πŸ–•πŸ–•

16 replies 9 reposts 232 likes

Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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It took ~2 years to get to ~90-95% of my prior "normal", which deteriorated further after pneumonia in college, & again after what was likely minimally-symptomatic COVID I meet mild ME/CFS criterion on my best days, periods kick me to moderate for ~2+ weeks, and my doc suspects fibromyalgia too

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Reading this reminds me of my post-mono hell in 10th grade Missed 40+ schooldays from late Sept to Xmas (not counting half-days), district declined at-home education, mom finally had to homeschool me for the rest of the year, our relationship is still fucked up from that 15+ years later

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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W/prior auths, consider reminding your doc's office of meds you've failed off of for the prescribed condition! I've failed off most PDL stimulant ADHD meds (insufficient duration or deal-breaking side effects at therapeutic dose), adding that info got insurance to cover my Vyvanse ~3 years ago

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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You can sometimes force coverage through prior auth nonsense ~3 months ago my pharmacy only had name brand in stock and gave no ETA for next generic shipment Talked to my doc, underscoring that basic life functions do not occur w/o it, got the name brand authorized ($0 copay on my medicaid plan)

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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As a dummy who one casually planted mint in a garden bed at the old house... Yep, can confirm that planting mint with no containment is gardening war crimes The sole upside: it actually out-competed the poison ivy in said bed (my SO is VERY allergic to poison ivy)

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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One family cat had organ issues as she got older, with several scares Vet finally taught my mom how to give weekly subcutaneous fluids; Chessie made it a high-quality ~3 years off of a ~3-6 month prognosis Sometimes they'll surprise you And never underestimate thank-fuck-I'm-home relief

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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*buys a pair for mom, eyes a pair for myself* Tysm! Also, thank you for the PSA Skratch recs ages ago, that shit's transformed existence for me, and it recently helped my paternal grandmother too! (Corn allergy + old + severe stomach flu, but the sugar free Skratch got electrolytes into her!)

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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My knees were like that as a kid First injured them ~10/11yo while *swimming*, took 2 rounds of PT to strengthen stabilizers, adjust surrounding muscle tension, and stretch my IT bands to keep my kneecaps from so casually jumping the track Non sequitur: do you happen to have any hand brace recs?

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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That was me waking up yesterday morning re: my elbow At 31 years old? Nursemaid's elbow (partial subluxation); I frequently had it as a kid, but it's ~20 years since last time Once I ID'ed it, I talked my SO through reducing it; it's gonna be fussy for a bit, but saved me a Urgent Care visit

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Reposted by Kittybard

Lev Mirov's avatar Lev Mirov
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I love my voidcat pins and if you've ever wanted to cover your house in cute cat pins, I highly recommend them.

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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I took 10 pics of wobblecat Justify while feeding him some treats today, and this is the only one where he's not conpletely blurry There's good reason the majority of my pics of him feature him sleeping/resting

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Kittybard's avatar Kittybard
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Reflexively, there's at least half a dozen levels on which this strikes me as a terribad idea, & I'm still only half-awake This shit is apt to get a plurality of people maimed/killed, especially if other numbnut owners adopt this ...and I hate that some might see that as a feature, not a bug

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Reposted by Kittybard

rahaeli 's avatar rahaeli
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I swear this motherfucker likes to troll us by randomly rearranging his bones on a whim

14 replies 7 reposts 168 likes

Reposted by Kittybard

Cora Harrington's avatar Cora Harrington
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I got my grades back, which means I can officially say goodbye to the semester, and I've gotten a lot of new followers lately, so it seems like a great day to talk about one of my most favorite historical garments of all time: Countess Greffulhe’s tea gown.

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