Nix Onyx's avatar

Nix Onyx

51 followers 128 following 798 posts

She/they. Makes things. Has opinions. Probably a socialist. Maybe an anarchist. Definitely anti-fascist.

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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"Maverick cop" is really not looking so good either.

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Reposted by Nix Onyx

Jason, ex Inferis's avatar Jason, ex Inferis
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Might just fuck around and admit between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

3 replies 32 reposts 84 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

Asawin Suebsaeng's avatar Asawin Suebsaeng
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I unironically believe a small but not completely insignificant amount of this has to do with a number of the greatest and/or most famous political and social heroes of the mid 20th century being killed/assassinated before they had a chance to get slightly older and therefore publicly more flawed

10 replies 19 reposts 146 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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My guess is it has something to do with convincing themselves they're on theright side. "Yes, my religion tells me to love and accept people, but these repressions for gender reasons are necessary, because demons are real!"

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Reposted by Nix Onyx

Shiv Ramdas's avatar Shiv Ramdas
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right wing govts across the world have spent the entire period since the 2010s weakening and looting the countries that were fool enough to elect them and the flow of kickbacks to legacy media has ensured collaboration in the whole project. Enough.

3 replies 82 reposts 293 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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Ugh. Tell me you never read a history book without telling me you never read a history book. All of these retvrn guys need some remedial education on why the Middle Ages were Bad Actually.

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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People in the past did not just calmly live their lives and be left alone in turn by their governments. There was rebellion, and state repression, and conscription into the many many many wars the ruling class got themselves into. Like read one (1) history book about the 19th century my dude!

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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This Kind of Guy pisses me off on a visceral level. His opinions make it very clear that he is utterly ignorant about any human experience outside his own short, privileged life. History is full of regime changes! And voting means you don't have to have a fucking civil war every time!

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Reposted by Nix Onyx

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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very much the words of a man who has never once worried, not for a moment, that he would be outside the law

34 replies 220 reposts 1700 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

Greg Pak's avatar Greg Pak
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NO KINGS. That's the bare minimum these days. NO KINGS. NO KINGS. NO KINGS.

6 replies 111 reposts 802 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

Iron Spike's avatar Iron Spike
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Didn’t even need to click through to guess the author’s race an gender. Do you what you want, fucker. But too many people got savaged by dogs, blasted with fire hoses, and hung from trees to get me into the voting booth for me to ever opt out.

30 replies 135 reposts 699 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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I'm pretty sure I've studied a bit more history than you, and I can't think of anyone whose civilization was made worse at war or logistics or empire building by their people having gay sex. There's no logical reason it would.

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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Putting aside that many ancient empires were in ways more permissive about homosexuality than weird puritanical Americans, what exactly are you proposing is the mechanism for your thesis, exactly? God punishing them? Your ideas about gay men being weak? (The Spartans/Thebans would disagree.) How?

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Reposted by Nix Onyx

Ada Palmer's avatar Ada Palmer
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first cohort of the American Climate Corps has been sworn in. 9,000 people will be deployed in the coming weeks to restore landscapes, erect solar panels, and work on environmental projects across America. #ShareGoodNewsToo

14 replies 317 reposts 818 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

ryan cooper's avatar ryan cooper
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"Lawsuits are slow, they are complicated, they are often decided on arbitrary technicalities or total nonsense, and being so costly they are hideously biased toward the rich and well-connected."

12 replies 165 reposts 682 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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Are they paid to be smart or to say what the ruling class wants to hear? I feel like it's the latter...

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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I saw a thread on one of the trumpy reddits back before they got banned. Bunch of chuds gleefully fantasizing about how they would go play "CoD in real life" and then go home at night for a beer. They have no idea what war is. Even some vets didn't seem to realize what war *at home* would be like.

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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Also, Americans would find out first hand what it's like to go begging for asylum to other countries who *at best* don't consider you a priority.

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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The South, for one, isn't so much demographically conservative as it is gerrymandered and voter suppressed all to hell. Federal laws re:gerrymandering would probably help there. Wyoming isn't having demographic shifts that other places have because young people are just leaving, and Utah is weird. 🤷‍♀️

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

getnorthern's avatar getnorthern
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A recent poll puts the LibDems at just 3 seats behind the Tories. 3 seats! Check the tactical voting sites. And if you’re in a constituency where the LibDems have the best chance of beating the Tories - vote LibDem. Imagine a Labour government with a LibDem opposition. What a game changer!

11 replies 51 reposts 129 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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A few years ago, we found a diary my grandfather had kept during WWII (he was in England, Home Guard). Reading his responses to things happening really drove home how uncertain things were. When you watch a WWII movie, you already know the ending, but they just had to give it their all and hope.

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Reposted by Nix Onyx

Buttadeus's avatar Buttadeus
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Rules would be mainly ending blue slips and ending the filibuster. Laws: Admit PR and DC as states, double the size of the House, expand the Court, lobbying/corruption reform

1 replies 2 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

Buttadeus's avatar Buttadeus
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I think a lot of the pieces are pretty easy, too! Constitutional amendments: * Right to vote * Non-immunity of POTUS * Congress can limit political spending * Congress can regulate access to weapons * Anti-gerrymandering * SCOTUS reform (non-life tenure, at least)

4 replies 2 reposts 22 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

Buttadeus's avatar Buttadeus
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I would very much like to see Dems start putting forward a specific reform agenda for constitutional democracy, mixing laws, norms, and Constitutional change, but all to the specific end of restoring majority rule. Even if they can't win it all.

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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Demographically, they will lose their numbers. They already are, really. Project 2025 is an attempt to prevent the loss of power that is coming for them under a democracy.

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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They love rules. It seems like they love following them so much that they will continue to do so even when their ideological opponents have changed the rules to the point where opposing them is illegal.

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Reposted by Nix Onyx

Huh…'s avatar Huh…
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If we're going to march on the Supreme Court, we'd better do it with a president who won't delight in shooting us

1 replies 3 reposts 8 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

Doomie Scrollerton's avatar Doomie Scrollerton
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We either get the most vindictive and authoritarian presidency ever, or the oldest and most decrepit ever. All while the courts are damaging protections for every non-rich citizen. So fun

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Reposted by Nix Onyx

A.R. Moxon's avatar A.R. Moxon
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Not the most terrifying thing but perhaps the most infuriating: every single thing we said about these fascist Republican fucks has been proved out and all the people who assured us that what is happening would never happen smoothly pivoted to yes it's happening but it will be fine.

25 replies 384 reposts 1261 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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The most savage burn in the article, one that invalidates 100% of this guys arguments, is just a simple statement of fact: "According to Mellon, who inherited his fortune,"

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Reposted by Nix Onyx

Melanie D’Arrigo's avatar Melanie D’Arrigo
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If a single billionaire can legally dump $100 million into an election, when the legal maximum an individual can donate is $3300 — that’s not democracy or a free and fair election, that’s an oligarchy and an auction. The corruption is killing our country.

1 replies 25 reposts 56 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

Hayes Brown's avatar Hayes Brown
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idk it just seems to me that laws, like tech, should be created with the question "what would the worst person i know be able to do with this power" in mind and it's truly incredible how much this opinion fails at that basic task

42 replies 186 reposts 1020 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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My partner, who joined at 18 to get off the street, pretty much says this as well.

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Reposted by Nix Onyx

Claire Willett's avatar Claire Willett
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what if like for one year every single one of us collectively agreed to go as hard as the Republicans are already accusing us of doing anyway and just see where it gets us

10 replies 89 reposts 400 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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People who think rabies vaccination is unnecessary should be required to watch some of those old videos of animals and children with rabies.

0 replies 1 reposts 7 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

Former Pingu Child Actor's avatar Former Pingu Child Actor
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How centrism descends into fascism

8 replies 55 reposts 223 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

Daniel Feldman's avatar Daniel Feldman
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Mississippi is the poorest state in the US.

Even though the state gets federal welfare funds, it is difficult to get welfare.

The money was all getting stolen, and they got away with it.

Now the journalists who exposed the story are facing a lawsuit and jail.

28 replies 686 reposts 1315 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

it's gita time's avatar it's gita time
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Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.

21 replies 336 reposts 979 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

rahaeli 's avatar rahaeli
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Maybe your spot is keeping your local school board out of the hands of bigots or organizing people to advocate for climate policy or providing tech services to a local candidate's campaign. Maybe it's writing postcards to voters or phone banking or doing jail support. Pick something. Anything.

3 replies 8 reposts 59 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

Preeti Chhibber's avatar Preeti Chhibber
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apropos of uhhhhhhh everything, reposting this again

3 replies 728 reposts 1660 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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The atheist Soviet Union, that fell apart in 1991, had a secret plot to install a Christian theocracy in the US in 2024? Yeah, sure, that makes sense...

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Reposted by Nix Onyx

Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?

141 replies 505 reposts 2366 likes

Reposted by Nix Onyx

E. Catherine Tobler's avatar E. Catherine Tobler
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Dear Samsung, I don't want a "new AI experience." I want children to have free lunch, I want homes for the homeless, I want Jan 6 rioters locked up, I want a president born in the 70s/80s, I want reproductive freedom, I want equality, I want UBI, I want clean air, water, and a steady climate, I want

4 replies 49 reposts 181 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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My mind is always kinda blown by how languages have different categories of things (like how english->japanese onion->tama negi (ball onion) green onion->negi because we have different "default" onions) but it has been blown anew in that a dialect can invent a category that there is no word for!

2 replies 1 reposts 12 likes

Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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It's me. I am people. I want to live in a house that looks like a moon base/evil lair. (giant mansion is a bit excessive but still)

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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Phew, I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo who likes it. There's some "if you think this looks cool that makes you a bad person (and also masc?) on this thread and... no? (Yeah I know concrete is not the best for CO2 but there are alternatives now, and it doesn't change things that are already built)

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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Yep. It's pretty much "tell me you're not really an ally without telling me you're not an ally". Oh, you want to pretend your hands are clean by refusing to do a thing that might save actual lives for an empty gesture that will not do anything to help anyone? Moral high ground, my ass.

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Nix Onyx's avatar Nix Onyx
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It beats the alternative though!

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