One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar

One Who Walks Among the Dead

186 followers 65 following 7558 posts

Whatever fanfiction theories you have about me are totally true. I am every stereotype in your head. I am every simplification, every facsimile, every Boogeyman. I am a Nightmare of mediocrity and malice.

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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What about worshipping powerful women, where are we on that?

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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This is the face of a sociopath, who could also be bragging about being Jack the Ripper (based upon that subtitle).

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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I can only imagine the horde of Boomers grabbing for their phones or laptops to angry post on NextDoor tonight about "WHAT'S THAT NOISE?! IT'S NOT JULY 4TH ANY LONGER!!"

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Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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::: Biden wins with 86% of the vote :::

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Serious question: Is is not within POTUS power to order the deportation of, like, just one dude? Surely there's a free gimme policy somewhere in the statutes, like POTUS gets to pick one random dude each calendar year to deport, if so desired.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Someone should very seriously ask Trump what he plans to do about the nation of Aggrabah and their BOFA policy.

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Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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::: please be deportation, please be deportation :::

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Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Gravel Influencer's avatar Gravel Influencer
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Something that really annoys me is that if Stephanopoulos wanted to make this about Biden's cognitive ability, then he could have asked pointed and substantive questions about policy. Make Biden get into details, and put him on the spot. That would have had actual value for voters.

3 replies 25 reposts 111 likes

Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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This is the editorial view of the guy who controls which posts get shown on Vichy Twitter and which get buried. Insane that journalists continue to use it as a source of information and contribute to its legitimacy

34 replies 183 reposts 977 likes

Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Celeste Pewter's avatar Celeste Pewter
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There are many things that infuriate me about the pundit class right now, but probably one of the top on my list: Project 2025 has posted their plans for every single federal department on their website. They have a training academy for prospective appointees. Where are the hard hitting op-eds?

1 replies 161 reposts 422 likes

Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Ian Boudreau's avatar Ian Boudreau
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Joe Biden refusing to take advice from people who have been wrong about everything for decades could be seen as an indication his brain is still working

15 replies 209 reposts 1004 likes

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Didn't Musk get his mom to save him from getting his ass whooped by fucking Zuckerberg?

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Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Brendel's avatar Brendel
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Don’t know what kind of advertising budget Bluesky has but they should probably do advertisements whenever Elon makes death threats. That’s just smart business

5 replies 27 reposts 188 likes

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Wait, would it be "pestilence" if what gets us is when the lines between "average human core temperature" and "planet becoming warmer which habituates fungus to be able to survive higher temperatures" intersect? (Mammals' only defense against fungus is being too hot)

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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That is a really unflattering photo, because it looks a lot like a popped zit.

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Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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Even after getting crushed in a statewide referendum on the issue, Kansas Republicans have absolutely no fear about defying the people's will and trying to force abortion bans through lawsuits and unconstitutional legislation.

2 replies 27 reposts 99 likes

Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

chatham harrison is tending a new garden's avatar chatham harrison is tending a new garden
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Even a tepid choice can be a momentous change when the alternative is evil

17 replies 296 reposts 1197 likes

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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This place has got The Juice now. (Whatever the hell this weird dude)

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Seeing a lot of new accounts on here without a display handle, or profile picture, making absurdly dumb statements. This place has got The Juice, and I am ready to start blocking.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Are you ... are you calling TRUMP centrist? What am I saying, you have no profile pic, of course that's probably what you think.

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Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Willie Fitzgerald's avatar Willie Fitzgerald
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TRUMP: I am going to drop daisy-cutter bombs on Seattle just cuz BIDEN: I'll have the Bob Salad — ha, COBB Salad, whoops. NYT: Biden's Gaffe Sends Shockwaves Through Democratic Party; Trump Pledges Infrastructure Changes to Northwest

11 replies 467 reposts 1432 likes

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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One real example (marginal though) is Maine uses ranked choice voting. Which is KIND of the spirit of Parliament, in that it's not winner takes all, and slowly rolls "losing" votes upward to the "next best" voted candidate.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Also, as far as where it all went wrong ... I place the blame on this country having been founded by sex-afraid puritanical Christian weirdos, and later, "Calvinism". (This was basically the root of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" bullshit)

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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As far as I know, a state can rewrite its constitution at any time to set-up a parliamentary system; feds don't care how you run your own territory, as long as it doesn't run afoul of any superseding mandates.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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My favorite part of American history is "we were the first country to create democracy!" And then the UK went and figured out a better form of democracy, freed the slaves 10 years earlier and without a war, created universal healthcare, and have unarmed beat cops. But hey, we're awesome.

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Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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My favorite part of the West Wing fantasies about replacing Biden is the idea that there wouldn’t immediately be a new fatal flaw with whoever replaced him.

44 replies 107 reposts 787 likes

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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The problem with Zuckerberg is, like Musk, he will never have "The Juice" or be cool. But unlike Musk, HE DOESN'T CARE. He's not posting constantly saying "please won't anyone love me and think I'm cool? Now here's a 10 year old meme I mangled in order to make a racist joke".

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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For awhile, he was constantly insisting he was working ... Via tweets posted when he was, theoretically, working. Now imagine if Obama had kept up his PERSONAL TWITTER ACCOUNT while prez and posted PERSONAL OPINIONS about dumb shit ALL THE TIME.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Oh you didn't see the new updated DSM? Says that if you ever do this, and go back and correct a verbal flub, you're to be committed to an insane asylum. It's a sign of early onset insanity. Sorry, can only choose from unicorn candidates now.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Unfortunately, the negative stories about Biden will continue until morale craters.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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We should start picking presidents like how companies ARE SUPPOSED to hire candidates: redact any personally identifiable information, compare them on merits, and after you're like "oh yeah, this person seems really qualified", reveal it's a black woman and cause someone's head to burst.

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Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Mara Wilson's avatar Mara Wilson
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Why the fuck do we even have presidential debates anymore

48 replies 26 reposts 342 likes

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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This is why you gotta get a haptic fidget - nearly as satisfying, but without the pain.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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I don't even live in the Eastern timezone, and yet at least every couple of weeks ANOTHER AND DIFFERENT story about Eric Adams being a huge, dumb piece of shit drops.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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I'm thinking he deserves at least another $10 million for this.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Wait, am I to believe we might have yet another prominent CEO who is playing "12 dimensional chess", and us plebes are just too stupid to understand how, ahhhhhhctually, Zaslav is a genius???

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Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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Zaslav's Midas Touch strikes again!

11 replies 35 reposts 249 likes

Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis's avatar Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis
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The President declares forcefully that he is staying in the race. The Post leads with another attempt to behead him and puts the candidate's declaration in tiny type. This is not news judgment. This is an agenda. It is a newspaper now run by Murdochians. The Post, too, is broken.

9 replies 25 reposts 103 likes

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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Ooooh, they overplayed the hand. Amateur work. You gotta wait until AFTER the Dems take the bait, force Biden out, THEN muckrake the next candidate. You can't demand Biden step aside, AND ALSO start lambasting the next one up.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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(warning, this post is ironic) Tired: criticizing Donald Trump for sleeping in until noon, then clocking out at like 4 pm Wired: criticizing Biden for a reasonable request to get more sleep by not having meetings after 8 pm

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Reposted by One Who Walks Among the Dead

Tom Scocca's avatar Tom Scocca
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"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!

26 replies 189 reposts 782 likes

One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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And the dead giveaway that Facebook doesn't actually give a shit about what you don't like is that, now that I'm doing this, it's the ONLY ad that Facebook will show. Because they're counting blocks as engagement to sell that to other advertisers.

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One Who Walks Among the Dead's avatar One Who Walks Among the Dead
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"How's Facebook going?" I pretend you ask. Well, now, in addition to having to block about a half dozen individual accounts each day, I am also now blocking the pages FOR THE ADS (not just hiding the ad) because Facebook is aggressively trying to get me to gamble online.

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