DisImagineLovingly's avatar



277 followers 527 following 4600 posts

HS sci teacher in CA Bay Area. politics, mostly replies, attempts at humor.

Reposted by DisImagineLovingly

AF the Virologist 's avatar AF the Virologist @afthescientist.bsky.social
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“You don’t accomplish anything by posting” is such a ridiculous & boring take. I have learned so much from so many people on social media just from them posting. I have shared that information with others. We have changed our behaviors based on information to impact communities & ourselves.

11 replies 44 reposts 274 likes

DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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abundance is true nature

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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fossil fuels suck but if there’s one good thing about them it’s that it trained production on abundant cheap energy the leap to a much fuller abundance is (tragically?) close

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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here for the egalitarian techno-optimism

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Reposted by DisImagineLovingly

chatham harrison is tending a new garden's avatar chatham harrison is tending a new garden @chathamharrison.bsky.social
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So many neat things happening that give reason to believe we can still build a better world, even in the face of climate catastrophe & right-wing psychosis. We can't give up hope.

2 replies 11 reposts 40 likes

DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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*internet & telecommunications data privacy, scam, fraud, & abuse legislation ^cheap abundant clean energy

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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I still think it’s funny when it’s discoverable but useless. “Hi. Nooooo”

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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Personal Dignity* & Public Health^

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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Trump is so disliked the only absolutely necessary bar is No Shitshow 1) back Biden ended w the primary 2) it’s policy, not personel yeah he’s old and limited. And…he just governed over a massive W for the American ppl & is way more stable than Rambling Rapey Convict. what are we doing here

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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Andre 3K on my temporal lobe till I flooooooooob

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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(as soon as CA pop’n density crosses a pretty high threshold)

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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it’s alarming how fast it gets red

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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No (Concord CA) But I just visited Palm Springs & got a lil desert pilled

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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Victorville 100K Hesperia 100K 🎶awwww look at all the desert people 🎶🎻🎻🎻

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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80K ppl live in Apple Valley (Mohave desert, CA) wut

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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kinda feel like it all manifested plenty? (Brexit is the ultimate “that didn’t hurt” ((80s Bobcat Goldwaith))

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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its gotta be a light beer right.

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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“State Capacity” 1927. (6’ x 18’. Oil on Canvas)

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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sorry for polluting aesthetic refinement with sports guy. & only to dad pun. Yeesh

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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lenaaaaaaaaa oooooooooohhhhh I don’t wanna wife

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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they’ll endorse Biden.

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Reposted by DisImagineLovingly

chatham harrison is tending a new garden's avatar chatham harrison is tending a new garden @chathamharrison.bsky.social
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Even a tepid choice can be a momentous change when the alternative is evil

17 replies 296 reposts 1197 likes

DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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“banger” comes from what ppl do in their restraint chair when they’ve posted true

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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just as accurate to say he posted his way outta a 2nd term

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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all the college kids luv their Calc but this one’s way easier: lower emissions as quickly as possible. “peak” is kinda meaningless w/o Decarbonization (not the same thing as clean energy growth!)

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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Regular reminder (no one reads me but I’m still self-conscious abt repeating myself) atmospheric CO2 for the next century (& only that, ideally) is a stock not a flow problem. A leak followed by a gradual reduction is a fucking DISASTER that we now have a pathway to avert.

1 replies 3 reposts 4 likes

Reposted by DisImagineLovingly

Chris Hayes's avatar Chris Hayes @chrislhayes.bsky.social
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Which is obviously not future-oriented! But it's a kind of alternate reality future. I do think whatever happens with this period and whether it's Biden or someone else, a vision of what's over the horizon is pretty important and has been a bit absent in this campaign.

2 replies 4 reposts 116 likes

DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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ergo I fuck u up etched into the pristine bathroom stall door on the 2nd floor of the McIntyre building

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Reposted by DisImagineLovingly

merritt k's avatar merritt k @merrittk.com
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digital music: yeah. that makes sense. you turned it into zeros and ones. i can Understand that vinyl records: youre telling me that you have imprisoned the soul of sound in this piece of plastic and can summon it on demand by striking it with a diamond. sure buddy

11 replies 88 reposts 586 likes

Reposted by DisImagineLovingly

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney @mtsw.bsky.social
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Yes. Trump is lying and his fans are laughing at any of the members of the media gullible to repeat his lies for him.

7 replies 53 reposts 271 likes

DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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Gawds I love this trilogy. (I think I’ve seen enough retro 80s independent film making tho!)

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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It was good. Not as inspired as the first 2. It’s like they had their fun and then had to clean up everything for The Ending. And could coast on all the motifs. Gotta add tho that Elizabeth Debicki & Goth were especially marvelous together.

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Reposted by DisImagineLovingly

southpaw's avatar southpaw @nycsouthpaw.bsky.social
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I just want to save this series of tweets for posterity. Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to go back over what’s going on here when tempers have cooled.

48 replies 94 reposts 505 likes

DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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A screened cadre of wine moms competing to let their 11 year old donate to Youngblood Joe

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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Plenty of time to start injecting young persons’ blood into Biden

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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I.e. ppl focus on the person of POTUS instead of the functioning of an admin. because it’s a discursive norm established via pressers & debates & interviews & celebrity-like commentary.

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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Agreed but not because it’s inherent to the institutional structure of the Executive but because of broadly pre-modern undemocrstic political socialization.

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Reposted by DisImagineLovingly

Peter's avatar Peter @notalawyer.bsky.social
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sometimes people will be like “would you trust him to be alone with Putin” what are you talking about buddy

20 replies 7 reposts 348 likes

Reposted by DisImagineLovingly

Peter's avatar Peter @notalawyer.bsky.social
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for me the Biden conversation is entirely about whether he can win in November. i’m not worried about whether he can actually do the job because i don’t think it’s a real job.

34 replies 80 reposts 818 likes

DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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my gummies have kicked in and i feel like we are all unconscioulsy complicit in suppressing/forgetting "Senile Man Will Face Trump in '24, Not Ideal!" and then all that dry kindling for a firestorm freekout was set off by The Debate. this is a Coen Bro universe.

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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administrations THAT function

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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Yeah that’s a big aspect to it, sure. I just have this conviction (I’d like to think I cld be reasoned out of it w enough knowledge) that it is administrations function even if the POTUS is merely a figurehead for governance.

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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The ur-text here is a politics of hegemonic individualism, which indulges in a WASPish duality of Us Who Think Rationally and Them Who Have Emotional Attachements (which most recently is useful to discount “activists” & uplift “experts” (industry-backed college-educated educated flacks)

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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it’s a performance of mass civic political engagement, so the plutes like it w/ low substantive engagement w salient public policy. it gives low-engagement voters a (false) means of political comparison, so the plutes & the low-engagement unaffiliated’s like it.

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Reposted by DisImagineLovingly

Mara Wilson's avatar Mara Wilson @marawilson.bsky.social
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Why the fuck do we even have presidential debates anymore

48 replies 26 reposts 342 likes

DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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I d k if this is true but it’s a good narrative to launch Biden past the crisis of confidence. “Hollywood elites and beltway insiders don’t own Joe”

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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(thx for the engagement & I'll read but not respond further. one last point...) if proponents accept Senile POTUS (in part by reframing Biden as Final Say Elder Statesman w/ Good People Governing) you've pretty well overcome the "representativeness" small-d democratic problem anyway.

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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no me neither. but I am contending it's a perception/electability problem much moreso than an objective governance problem, & perceptions are pretty freely constructed around what would otherwise be a non-problem.

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DisImagineLovingly's avatar DisImagineLovingly @b9n10nt.bsky.social
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i'm assuming because of the content of governing, not the admin's basic inability to govern.

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