Bluntzkrieg420's avatar


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he/him minneapolis

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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Joe Biden is not taking this election as seriously as his supporters who try to shame people into voting for him say the rest of us should. This is an ego trip for Biden. Grasping onto power and legacy. Just like RBG

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Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Erin Biba's avatar Erin Biba
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The new COVID variant seems to be evading immunity from vaccines and past infections. COVID cases are up 250% in NYC. Remember the more you get covid your risk for long covid increases significantly.

13 replies 242 reposts 399 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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and you know why he wasn't participating? that's right

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Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

a's avatar a
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How about we nationalize and liquidate Blackrock?

0 replies 3 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)'s avatar Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)
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"To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery..."

1 replies 9 reposts 37 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)'s avatar Dr. Johnathan Flowers, Blade Wielding Bisexual (Lordean arc)
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Over at the Bad Place, I made a tradition of posting Douglass' "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth of July," and I intend to carry on that tradition here. Since most versions you read in classes or in textbooks have parts omitted, the link below has the full text of the speech.

14 replies 611 reposts 1322 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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If you cared at all about genocide you would spend less time trying to scold people who don't support it into supporting it and more time telling the dnc that genocide is unacceptable. You know what would get a lot of people to vote for Biden? If he stopped committing genocide

0 replies 1 reposts 9 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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So that's a yes, you are totally fine with genocide as long as it is your guy doing it

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Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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Will you own up to the fact that supporting Biden means you are supporting genocide

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Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

A. Marmot 🌱's avatar A. Marmot 🌱
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I'm A. and this is my art ✨

3 replies 23 reposts 80 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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tobasco would kill that mfer. hes eating rice, white bread, and unseasoned chicken breast

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Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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I absolutely think Hillary understands and helped architect that first one. I don't think she understands or micromanages email server protocol to have been directing people to set up an illegal server in her house or whatever. She told someone to make the email work and they hired someone etc

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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government contracts with business for shit like hosting illegal CIA surveillance on private servers to avoid FOIA are different than Podesta using a personal email for fucking risotto recipes. both can be happening side by side yet separately. Comey famously hated the clintons and he found nothing

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Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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How Comey handled it all was far worse than any email bullshit she pulled. I also don't believe that Hillary understands servers and email protocol enough to have actually done anything beyond yelled at some staffers to make sure her emails worked

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Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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always figured she wasnt prosecuted because everyone did that including all of the republicans screaming about it. before her, at the same time, and after. Republicans made prosecution even less likely by screaming about it because then it was political

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Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Miles Grant's avatar Miles Grant
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AP story waits until paragraph 16 to mention police & prosecutors are accused of conspiring to protect the cop who's apparently the real killer, until then making him seem like a lone wolf

8 replies 408 reposts 1016 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Lauren McKenzie [free 🇵🇸]'s avatar Lauren McKenzie [free 🇵🇸]
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I literally have an entire album on my phone called Brooklyn Dud with screenshots from this time :)

9 replies 11 reposts 77 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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Yeah I've felt that before when applying to state programs. I tell myself it's the wrong way to think about it. Deserve doesn't come into it. Those programs are there to help people, if you qualify it's yours! Also if they don't get used Republicans use it as evidence to defund them and fuck that

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Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Hannah is resting 🟡's avatar Hannah is resting 🟡
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Agreed, except: - s/I don't see it/I don't see it for Republicans/ - s/the president/a Republican president/ The right especially has long history of selective application and interpretation of law, on the ground and in court, based on politics, race, gender, sexuality… Words from Stafford Beer.

0 replies 4 reposts 16 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Internet Archive's avatar Internet Archive
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You want your MTV? ⬇️

27 replies 514 reposts 1310 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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Do it! Take all the money you can! Otherwise it's probably gonna go to cops or something

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

S.T.O.P.—Surveillance Technology Oversight Project's avatar S.T.O.P.—Surveillance Technology Oversight Project
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NYPD routinely collects DNA samples in interrogation rooms without consent. It's in violation of New York State genetic privacy law.

Read Genetic Surveillance, S.T.O.P.'s latest report:

0 replies 13 reposts 11 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Parker Molloy's avatar Parker Molloy
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Like, of fuckin' course the first thing that SCOTUS ruling was going to be used for was to screw over trans people, naturally.

2 replies 21 reposts 258 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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The entire boomer generation grasping power long past when they should have let go. Except Biden is older than the boomers lmao

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Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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You don't want people to "learn about Jews from Jews" you want people to learn specific talking points that you agree with from select sources you approve of. Your mind is already made up and closed to debate, you post here to distribute propaganda, nothing more

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Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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Israel continues its illegal genocide in open view with the full support of Biden

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Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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You are also asking questions. Your bias is very clear from the way you ask those questions. No one ever said she couldn't handle it, but insinuating so is in line with your passive aggressive "just asking questions while calling everyone who disagrees with me antisemitic" posting

1 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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Falling out of the coconut tree and hitting every branch on the way down

0 replies 1 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Alex Cruikshanks's avatar Alex Cruikshanks
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Every day proves Thaddeus Stevens right: there should've been big Nuremberg-style public trials of leading Confederates, accompanied by seizures of the assets of all pro-Confederate large landowners and businessmen, which should then have been distributed to freed slaves as compensation.

31 replies 315 reposts 1385 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Fifty Shades of Whey's avatar Fifty Shades of Whey
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a cop shot himself and this is the headline they went with

73 replies 228 reposts 1175 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Schroedingercat's avatar Schroedingercat
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We have had thousands of citizens detained by ICE, largely due to database error and bureaucratic failure. One guy was held for 1273 days! Nothing was done to fix it. The executive branch holds this authority, and no one can check that plenary power.

0 replies 29 reposts 42 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Katharine Hayhoe's avatar Katharine Hayhoe
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Yesterday, I shared this same Canada Day thread on Bluesky, Threads, and X. Here's what I found. 🧵

19 replies 406 reposts 977 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

The Onion's avatar The Onion
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According to sources, Biden let out a yelp after the cord sparked, but refused to relinquish the object when Secret Service agents attempted to tug it from his mouth.

3 replies 23 reposts 244 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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Frank Uck gets a lot of emails and doesn't know why

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Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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Wapo asked me for an email so I put in and it came back with

3 replies 1 reposts 9 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Peter Jeffe's avatar Peter Jeffe
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"[Former police chief] Dobbins assured Hooker he would cover for him if Hooker killed “in cold blood.” Dobbins used the n-word and a homophobic slur, bragged that he’d killed 13 people in his career, and seemed to relish the notion that Lexington’s Black residents feared him."

1 replies 37 reposts 61 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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This does not come across in your questions, which place the burden on Molly to present to you widely available information and/or definitively answer questions that have been debated for thousands of years. And then dismiss her answers as antisemitic

2 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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You keep asking if others are open to learning while accepting no information yourself. You do not seem interested in a conversation so much as you just want everyone else to uncritically accept whatever you say regardless of veracity

2 replies 0 reposts 6 likes

Reposted by Bluntzkrieg420

Asawin Suebsaeng's avatar Asawin Suebsaeng
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EVEN Trump lawyers and advisers were genuinely surprised at how close the Supreme Court majority got to his absurd “total” immunity argument. They expected a partial victory. They did not expect this kind of technically partial but also massive win:

1 replies 28 reposts 89 likes

Bluntzkrieg420's avatar Bluntzkrieg420
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He does look like he just saw one of those photos

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