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Dr. Fröhlich


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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Citizen.Coping's avatar Citizen.Coping @propcazhpm.bsky.social
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"When politicians say [migrants are overwhelming local infrastructure], it is typically because they have refused to invest in that infrastructure for their own citizens long before the arrival of any migrants. [Isn't it easier to blame those] whom much of electorate are already primed to despise?"

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Also many fitting ones in Nation, but then that would be Terry at large.

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Josh Chafetz's avatar Josh Chafetz @joshchafetz.bsky.social
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On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.

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Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

Niko Härting's avatar Niko Härting @nikohaerting.bsky.social
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Drohungen gegen die liberale Berliner Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee gab es immer wieder. Nun ist sie vorübergehend geschlossen. Zuvor gab es Hinweise auf islamistische Anschlagspläne.


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Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

Daniel Feldman's avatar Daniel Feldman @dfeldman.bsky.social
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Mississippi is the poorest state in the US.

Even though the state gets federal welfare funds, it is difficult to get welfare.

The money was all getting stolen, and they got away with it.

Now the journalists who exposed the story are facing a lawsuit and jail.


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Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

M15c4t0n1c 🐙's avatar M15c4t0n1c 🐙 @m15c4t0n1c.bsky.social
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Aus dem Bericht: Die jährliche Entwaldungsrate in 2022 betrug übrigens 15 Fußballfelder. Pro Minute!

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Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

Oma Pauli's avatar Oma Pauli @omapauli.bsky.social
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Nachtrag: Und bitte, IHR hier im Westen des Landes: Denkt bitte auch an all die Antifaschist*innen -jung bis alt-, denen da im blauen Teil der Republik aufgelauert & die verfolgt & gestalkt werden. Lernt sie in Euren Urlauben kennen, interessiert Euch für sie, streut es. Ihr werdet überrascht sein.

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Exactly. They figured one institution could go off the rails. But not two and a half.

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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OK, i.d.R. nach Nützlichkeit (nur die, von denen ich was verstehe) Krav Maga Selbstverteidigung (Close Quarter Fighting, etc) MMA Muay Thai/Kickboxen Kenpo Judo Sambo BJJ TKD Boxen Ringen Kung Fu Fechten Gibt natürlich noch gaaaaanz viele, die bestimmt relevanter sind

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Wie gesagt, empfehle KS generell, aber es muss realistisch sein. Kampftauglich ist man nur durch Erfahrung. Ins Gesicht geschlagen werden ist Erfahrungssache. 😄

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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KM ist generell gut, mache ich derzeit auch. Die Kultur des Studios ist WICHTIG. Ich vermeide Machos, die was zu beweisen haben und solchen Quark. Regelmäßige Teilnahme von Frauen ist ein gutes Zeichen. Einfach probieren. Es geht um Gewalt. Ein guter Kurs spricht Anwendung und Vermeidung an.

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Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

David Shiffman, Ph.D. 🦈's avatar David Shiffman, Ph.D. 🦈 @whysharksmatter.bsky.social
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Reminder from a Pittsburgher who was at one point Mr. Rogers neighbor: “Look for the helpers” was intended to be advice for his usual audience, children. We’re grown ups now. We’re supposed to be the helpers.

14 replies 444 reposts 1581 likes

Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

Elad Nehorai's avatar Elad Nehorai @eladn.bsky.social
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Yep. One of the biggest blind spots people have is assuming that underneath, others share the same basic values as them. They have trouble imagining an ideology that is completely misaligned with theirs.

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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The inability of ALL institutions to safeguard themselves in the system of competing interests is one thing I will never understand

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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I'd be content to see that guy in the next debate. But honestly, Donny mid-rant looking over to see Kamala just shaking her head at him...😆


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United Farm Workers's avatar United Farm Workers @ufw.bsky.social
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Martha shared this pic from Chateau Ste. Michelle where she works under a UFW contract. She's pleased her union contract means she gets the day as a paid holiday. When you buy wine for your #July4 BBQ/party make it a union wine. ufw.org/ul #WeFeedYou #UnionsForAll

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Counterpoint: the GOP HAS bren wiped out. So much so that it has to rely on all countermajoritarian mechanisms the US political system has left that were meant to protect the minority of enslavers.

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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[Hubby] "was convicted of felony bank fraud, ordered to pay $3m in restitution and sentenced to five years probation. Cleta has said that investigation and conviction helped convince her that big government is problematic and furthered her move to the right."


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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Correct. For a tour de force I recommend this or their previous, still rather optimistic text.

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luke the myoclonic jerk's avatar luke the myoclonic jerk @coolhand.bsky.social
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The Epstein grand jury records that were unsealed today contain some entirely unsurprising revelations

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Auf die schnelle wird keine/r so gut, dass es im Ernstfall reicht, zumal FASCHOS DA KEINEN KS ÜBEN, SONDERN CURBSTOMPING. Da is nix mit Punkt, Reset oder 3 Minuten Runde.

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Zum Beispiel. Es gibt "anwendungsrelevatere" Stile. Einem trainierten Boxer schenkt man so schnell keine ein, ebenso bei Kenpo Karate, Muay Thai, sogar TKD. Aber das dauert Jahre.

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Anm. eines doch etwas erfahrenen KSs: 1. Lernt Selbstverteidigung, nicht Kampfsport. Großer Unterschied 2. Lernt situative Aufmerksamkeit 3. Lernt auch erste Hilfe für Trauma 4. Geht in fremde/riskante Situationen NUR mit Partnern und haltet euch an Pläne

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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I agree that it activated a lot of low info racists, but Gingrich had been busy reshaping political discourse since he lost elections in the 70s.

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Told a colleague to get a pw manager, he told me they get hacked. Sigh.

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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I entirely disagree on that parenthesis, but also would recommend looking into the ways visa and border crossings are handled on the ground in Egypt where bribery and corruption have made it almost unaffordable for anyone to leave.

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Some people also had entirely unrealistic expectations of whatever they expected the old man to do about whatever policy item they cared most about and "just couldn't stomach" voting at all, so the evil clown got a bigger share of the total vote.

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Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

johnny raccoon's avatar johnny raccoon @johnnyraccoon.bsky.social
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Um sich die Dimension mal vor Auge zu führen, das ist 100 mal so viel wie Jens Spahn mit seinen mafiösen Maskendeals dem deutschen Mittelstand aus der Tasche gezogen hat

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Jonathan Ladd's avatar Jonathan Ladd @jonmladd.bsky.social
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I guess when Grant got arrested for speeding during his presidency, he should have just ordered a soldier to shoot the police officer in the face.

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Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

Middle-East Tracker's avatar Middle-East Tracker @me.skyfleet.blue
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Protests and arrests as anti-Syrian riots rock Turkey

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Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

Reposted by Dr. Fröhlich

Glückskind's avatar Glückskind @lainee.bsky.social
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So sind die Nazis am Ende mit ihren Attacken doch immer erfolgreich. Eine Schande für unsere Demokratie, für den Kanzler und die Bundesregierung, dass den Rechtsextremen nichts, aber wirklich auch gar nichts entgegengesetzt wird und sie weiter gestärkt werden, Angst und Schrecken zu verbreiten.

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luke the myoclonic jerk's avatar luke the myoclonic jerk @coolhand.bsky.social
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theeeere it is happy Tuesday

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Dr. Fröhlich's avatar Dr. Fröhlich @edgarallandoh.bsky.social
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Bescheidenheit wäre generell gut. So, überall halt. Aber Wachstum ist die allein seligmachende Antwort.

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