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petra's avatar petra
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wanneer begint het de fucking media eindelijk te dagen dat het de TERFs te doen is om ons uit het publieke leven te weren?

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Reposted by petra

emptywheel's avatar emptywheel
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Can someone tell me where NYT hid Trump's attempts to disown Heritage's fascist project? I mean, holy hell, that's the only reporting on Trump they do anymore?

0 replies 6 reposts 22 likes

Reposted by petra

Reposted by petra

OnlyCans's avatar OnlyCans
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i challenge debbie to a one on one male socialised violence sometime. she can choose the car park. in minecraft. i guess.

0 replies 3 reposts 9 likes

Reposted by petra

↙️↙️↙️'s avatar ↙️↙️↙️
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“Make it up” to the woman who broke party rules by ‘liking’ tweets that denied that trans people were targeted by the Nazis. Oh well, Starmer already wants to meet with JK Rowling, who explicitly denied Nazi crimes. Normal stuff.

3 replies 4 reposts 32 likes

petra's avatar petra
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een 'gelukspsycholoog' adviseert ouders om hun kinderen geen enkele privacy te gunnen wat een schending van het kinderrechtenverdrag is maar - jullie raden het al - dat is niet erg want drugs are bad mmkee?

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petra's avatar petra
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studentencorpsen schenden de lichamelijke integriteit en het recht op privacy van leden maar dit keer geeft dat geen ophef want ze doen het in het kader van war on drugs dus dan heiligt het doel de middelen. drugs are bad, mmmkee?

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Reposted by petra

Reposted by petra

CHOAM Nomsky 💭's avatar CHOAM Nomsky 💭
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yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler

24 replies 920 reposts 3139 likes

Reposted by petra

Reposted by petra

↙️↙️↙️'s avatar ↙️↙️↙️
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Labour failed to provide assurances on the latter. Starmer in fact explicitly said that I “shouldn’t have the right” to use women’s spaces, which is essential to my safety and just, like, my ability to *live* in society. That was step 0, and they fucked it.

1 replies 3 reposts 9 likes

Reposted by petra

↙️↙️↙️'s avatar ↙️↙️↙️
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It must be nice, btw, being the unmarked norm. When you can just worry about politics having an impact on normal things like public transport and the NHS, and not have to worry about whether your healthcare or your right to exist in public space might be removed.

1 replies 6 reposts 32 likes

Reposted by petra

David Noll 's avatar David Noll
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No coincidence that Robinson is using the same "you made us do it" rhetoric as Kevin Roberts--it's a textbook strategy for persuading people to get over their moral scruples and just do it.

8 replies 43 reposts 95 likes

Reposted by petra

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Johnny McEntee, one of Trump's most loyal deputies who is in regular contact with him, is literally one of the people collecting resumes for staffers who would implement Project 2025. Shame on any journalistic outfit who takes this "truth" at face value.

28 replies 197 reposts 590 likes

petra's avatar petra
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niet jouw galg, niet jouw galgenhumor oké?

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petra's avatar petra
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kiezersonderzoek na kiezersonderzoek toont juist aan dat trans issues die kiezer niet boeien maar jij hebt weer even lekker bijdehand gedaan

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by petra

John Breen's avatar John Breen
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I live in the “Data Center capital of the world” and tech companies are trying to develop on historic Black cemeteries. This increased demand for computing power is a climate justice as well as a racial Justice issue.

5 replies 25 reposts 56 likes

petra's avatar petra
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ik ook niet maar de bank wilde ze me toen nog wel lenen

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petra's avatar petra
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ik ben zo'n ontzettende boomer dat ik mijn huis in guldens heb gekocht

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Reposted by petra

Edith Charles 🏳️‍⚧️ 's avatar Edith Charles 🏳️‍⚧️
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These people have studied economics, they aren't mistaken, just lying. All this "an economy is like a household" dogshit is how we let austerity create this mess and they are signalling their full intent not to fix any of it.

3 replies 9 reposts 41 likes

Reposted by petra

Jim Zub's avatar Jim Zub
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This photo is pure 2024.

33 replies 1083 reposts 3871 likes

petra's avatar petra
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'we gingen ook niet in debat met nazi's. nazi's joegen we over de kling. nu moeten we het kwaad van vandaag over de kling jagen': een hele trits hondenfluitjes die allemaal Joodse mensen betekenen

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Reposted by petra

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Waving away dangerously autocratic & illiberal stuff like the Reawaken America tour as just "church stuff" is how fascism comes to America with the passive assent of millions of apolitical white people who have no deep desire to be "the baddies" of American democracy.

2 replies 25 reposts 50 likes

petra's avatar petra
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LC vertelt je er niet bij dat de criteria voor die 'oscars' draaien om hoeveel omzetgroei je app levert door de aandacht vast te houden, exact hetzelfde verslavende aspect waarvoor social media gehekeld worden. met hoe goed je app verder is of met de kwaliteit van je nieuws heeft het niks te maken

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petra's avatar petra
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na 1 september mogen boeren geen mest meer uitrijden over hun weilanden maar hun weilanden veranderen in meren van mest mag wel, een mestmeer mag 2.5 miljoen liter mest bevatten zonder dat het vergunningsplichtig is

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Reposted by petra

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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we’re in danger

68 replies 376 reposts 1311 likes

Reposted by petra

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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You can use the Paprika app to grab NYT recipes from behind the firewall if you’re not logged in. Just saying.

19 replies 65 reposts 323 likes

Reposted by petra

Melissa Gira Grant's avatar Melissa Gira Grant
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Great thread breaking down what this fight about abortion & the platform might really accomplish—and who pushing this fight might really benefit

1 replies 13 reposts 23 likes

Reposted by petra

The Washington Post's avatar The Washington Post
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How far will the fossil fuel industry go to protect itself from climate impacts it helped cause? A $21 billion liquefied natural gas plant in Louisiana will be surrounded by a 26-foot-high steel sea wall to stave off rising seas.

5 replies 46 reposts 106 likes

Reposted by petra

David Noll 's avatar David Noll
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Just in time for July 4, my colleague Sarah Swan has posted her stunning new paper (forthcoming in Yale Law Journal) on police suing people they are supposed to protect.

1 replies 34 reposts 60 likes

petra's avatar petra
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weten jullie wie er ook geen lieverdjes zijn? slachtoffers van het toeslagenschandaal

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petra's avatar petra
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allebei precies dezelfde website gebruiken maar er een ander kleurtje op smijten dan valt het vast niet op dat de anti-queerlobby ook de anti-abortuslobby is

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petra's avatar petra
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de haatkatholieken voelen zich ook alweer in de steek gelaten door wat ze dachten dat hun kabinet zou worden

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by petra

romy's avatar romy
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"In RTL Boulevard: De zaak Ali B. wordt de kijker meegenomen in het beladen proces. Met nooit eerder vertoonde beelden uit de rechtszaal én opvallende momenten buiten de zittingszaal”, laat de showrubriek weten." HIJ STAAT TERECHT VOOR 2 AANRANDINGEN EN 2 VERKRACHTINGEN

4 replies 6 reposts 11 likes

petra's avatar petra
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zo uitzonderlijk is dit toch niet? als je tijdens Roadburn in Tilburg bent dan zie je het hele straatbeeld zwart kleuren van de metalshirts en dat is een festival waar maar iets van 5000 kaartjes voor verkocht worden

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Reposted by petra

petra's avatar petra
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derde keer in 18 maanden dat minderjarigen een trans vrouw neersteken maar dat is gewoon de prijs die we moeten betalen voor een pluriform en open debat nietwaar?

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Reposted by petra

Angus Johnston's avatar Angus Johnston
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Just to be really explicit about what’s happening here, the cover conflates age, physical disability, and cognitive disability, and goes on to conflate disability with unfitness for office. It’s utter bullshit.

12 replies 215 reposts 740 likes

petra's avatar petra
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Er zijn weer opvallende redactionele keuzes gemaakt: er was 1 lichtpuntje tijdens het debat over de kleuterklas. Schoof is pal voor het zelfbeschikkingsrecht gaan staan, ANP heeft daar een artikel over geschreven dat kranten alleen nog maar hoeven te copypasten. De meeste kranten negeerden het

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