Classy Warfare's avatar

Classy Warfare

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Occasional Army guy; US security adviser to Atropia; a humble dingus; he/him

Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Okay since we’re all just making up plot lines: The people pushing for Biden to step aside/down turn out to be typical rich assholes, Biden and the various named would-be successors denounce them publicly, inspiring populist messaging happens, capitalism defeated at the ballot box, roll credits

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Mackenzie's avatar Mackenzie
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Clooney et al are treating this with the emotional slant of sports radio callers upset at the starting quarterback and want them benched before the next game

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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I dunno. I’m in a spot right now where I don’t have any good way to feel like I’m contributing and feeling helpless is Not Pleasant

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Been tough on the Not Giving Into Dread front the last couple days. I wanna believe that the UK and French election results are a bellwether for the US (at least as far as I understand them) and I’m still cautiously optimistic Trump won’t win the election But still. The threat is enormous

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Look, I’ve tried to understand British politics generally and it continues to confound me in ways I never anticipate

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Who could have imagined the guy who’s been doing politics for his entire life would be really good at it

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Reposted by Classy Warfare

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there are many reasons we need to win in the fall, but one of them is that i simply am not going to abide by letting both the brits and the french lecture us

38 replies 413 reposts 1618 likes

Reposted by Classy Warfare

Hemry, Local Bartender's avatar Hemry, Local Bartender
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It's almost like there was another dude in the debate who spent the whole time saying insane shit like everybody wanted Roe overturned and J6 was good actually

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Even my coworkers who are right-wing types have just kinda dropped it? It really seems like the only people who are pushing this whole thing are Way Too Online liberal/left politics junkies

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Reposted by Classy Warfare

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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I am going to keep resharing this because everyone needs to know about what the GOP will do if they win this election.

2 replies 51 reposts 129 likes

Reposted by Classy Warfare

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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Fucking unbelievable that the big publications are running with this as the lead story after the Supreme Court just promised to install a convicted felon rapist insurrectionist as Emperor for Life.

47 replies 290 reposts 1102 likes

Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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I don’t like the way things are either, but preventing one king by crowning a different one still kills the republic, and maybe I’ve got some brain worms but *I do not want to live in a monarchy on principle*

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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So here’s the thing For once, people are looking at the village and saying “maybe…maybe we don’t destroy the village to save the village” And people with either very little critical thinking skills or the inability to see past their own nose are getting Big Mad about it

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Reposted by Classy Warfare

Technology Connections's avatar Technology Connections
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Happy independence day to all who remember why we declared independence and a very fuck off to those who think kings are good actually.

20 replies 226 reposts 1409 likes

Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Maybe I’m just shell-shocked from 2016, but I’m not entirely sure what’s going on in the UK with their election and the last time they had one the summer before the US election we started heading into the Cool Zone real hard so I’m perhaps a bit anxious

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Reposted by Classy Warfare

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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It also makes me feel insane that the rat fuck around Biden’s age and mental capacity is being uncritically spread around by Democrats when Trump is *incredibly obviously* grotesquely mentally incapacitated, in a way that is genuinely terrifying.

39 replies 293 reposts 1065 likes

Reposted by Classy Warfare

John Kennedy's avatar John Kennedy
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When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.

32 replies 502 reposts 1825 likes

Reposted by Classy Warfare

nick's avatar nick
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panicking in a 50/50 contest 4 months away is some loser-ass shit quit listening to losers if something happens to biden then we have harris, it's actually very simple and working as designed!

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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The running goal is 5 miles/40:00 minutes because thanks to the Army brain worms I will always gauge fitness on “can I get into Ranger School right now” (that answer was only ever “yes” for about four months in 2016)

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Okay, it’s been a week, what’s new here: Got my IT issues with grad school sorted for now Got turned down for a GS-9 on start date problems, still waiting to hear back on the GS-11 Ankle’s feeling better, gonna pick up speed and drop distance this week

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pee wee herman-palladino's avatar pee wee herman-palladino
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A huge winning message for the Democrats is "you will not have to think about this guy ever again"

15 replies 218 reposts 946 likes

Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Instead we had the CJCS recognize the moment and immediately start putting in firebreaks to prevent a military-backed coup. Your typical four-star officer isn’t stupid (contrary to what every sergeant ever told me), they have a pretty clear-eyed sense of threat assessment

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Also: if the “the military is all right wing maniacs” thesis was true, we wouldn’t be having this discussion because Mark Milley would have played ball in 2020.

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Oh man, youre landing on all my hobby-horses today Anyway, the plural of anecdote isn’t data, but:

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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In my limited experience doing DSCA, the military really doesn’t like having to show up and work against the locals. Context: my Guard unit got activated during summer 2020

2 replies 3 reposts 26 likes

Reposted by Classy Warfare

executive editor, barbell quarterly's avatar executive editor, barbell quarterly
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a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won

54 replies 954 reposts 3188 likes

Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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I’m not an especially smart or politically savvy guy so bear with me, but: Biden wins, the most immediate threat is suppressed. What is the COA to undo SCOTUS fuckery? Like what’s the actual mechanism besides defenestrating a bunch of judges and installing new guys to undo it?

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Stephen Webb's avatar Stephen Webb
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i'm getting so, so tired of the doomerism on here, and the press loves covering shit like a horse race instead of explaining fundamentals and what's at play, a job that seems to fall to on here.

so here's a thread about why i'd rather be biden — yes, biden — right now

7 replies 137 reposts 399 likes

Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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I hate too clever by half evil wizards more than I hate monarchy, and I gotta say I fuckin hate monarchy

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Okay so Do these assholes actually want to live in an absolute monarchy or do they think they’re being clever and like prepping the ground for their ruling council of legal wizards Because I don’t know if they realize this but insufficiently loyal judges get got immediately

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Reposted by Classy Warfare

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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do not underestimate your enemies, but do not assume godlike and infallible powers from your enemies either

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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I cannot stress enough the cognitive dissonance where I have good and hopeful things happening in my personal life while six federalist society ghouls do everything they can to abolish the republic

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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It’s highly inconvenient for me that the Supreme Court is forcing all manner of constitutional crises on us when I just got an interview offer for a federal job

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Reposted by Classy Warfare

Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?

141 replies 505 reposts 2369 likes

Reposted by Classy Warfare

Shiv Ramdas's avatar Shiv Ramdas
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every time I see someone complain about unions I think about how unions were the consensus alternative to the previous system of burning the factory owner alive inside his house

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Reposted by Classy Warfare

Snowden St.'s avatar Snowden St.
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Days later, and still no one has coined it better than Keith Ellison did less than 15 minutes after the debate was over.

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Oh yeah that’s a whole different kettle of fish, and I have my own uninformed conspiratorial thoughts on why that was allowed to happen. But that’s also a 2025 problem, gotta win the 2024 fight first

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Due to the nature of my work I’m currently in a deep red bubble from which there is no escape and my contact with Regular People is basically zero so I’m gonna take your word for it

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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The Democrats don’t have a deep bench, at least not anyone who I’d characterize as absolutely ready to headline a presidential ticket on short notice and start the race two lengths behind. Pending any further developments, Biden-Harris is the best bet they have going right now

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Right? I feel like “beat them once before and also has a more-hits-than-misses record” is a pretty good argument on its own

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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It’s a coin toss, but I’m holding out hope for the GOP to fracture into a half dozen or so factions that end up destroying each other

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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To be clear, I’m still cautiously optimistic about him losing the election, it would just be nice if the actuarial tables rendered it a moot discussion

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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I’m still holding out hope that the stress of campaigning WHILE ALSO avoiding prison WHILE ALSO STILL being engaged in multiple criminal defenses will result in nature taking its course

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Reposted by Classy Warfare

Shiv Ramdas's avatar Shiv Ramdas
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I refuse to believe that actual adults are seriously arguing that swapping out candidates 4 months before an election isn't the equivalent of buying an ad in every constituency that says "we have no idea what the fuck we're doing "

16 replies 59 reposts 296 likes

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Reposted by Classy Warfare

Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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(This is not an invitation to relitigate 2016 btw, if you’re still salty about the how and why work through it with your therapist or your priest, I’m just gonna block you)

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Classy Warfare's avatar Classy Warfare
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Also: 2016 broke a lot of people’s brains and high profile Democratic pundits are insanely jumpy at the slightest hint that things could go sideways after Clinton biffed the easiest layup election in modern history

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