Sinister Sabine's avatar

Sinister Sabine

243 followers 308 following 661 posts

Likes story games, ttrpgs, hiking slowly, and taking pictures. Genderqueerr ace. Any/They.

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Reactor (formerly's avatar Reactor (formerly
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Over the course of 15 months and with 62 Lakota speakers involved, The Avengers has been dubbed fully into Lakota by the original cast:

9 replies 394 reposts 1085 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Stone Cold Jane Austen 🏳️‍⚧'s avatar Stone Cold Jane Austen 🏳️‍⚧
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This is giving me visions of queer authors getting locked up en masse as pornographers. Super fun times!

5 replies 36 reposts 92 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Ich fang an, zu sortieren, wenn ich irgendein Teil nicht finde. Das hört aber sofort auf, wenn ich das Nupsi habe. 😅 Oder wenn ich mit meinem Papa baue. Sonst werde ich zu ungeduldig und will ihn alles gleich wegnehmen.

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Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Hui, du bist aber strukturiert! Ich suche immer nur die Dinge aus dem Haufen, die ich für den nächsten Schritt brauche. 😊

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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If I understand Amendment 13 correctly, slavery is illegal except as a criminal punishment. Homelessness can be a crime now.

2 replies 0 reposts 9 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Ingwar Perowanowitsch's avatar Ingwar Perowanowitsch
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Das Deutschlandticket war eine der effektivsten Entlastungen die 🇩🇪 jemals zustande gebracht hat. Es finanzierte weder Kriege, Ölkonzerne, noch macht es Reiche reicher. Und dennoch soll es jetzt teuer werden, weil 19,4 Mrd. Euro an KFZ-Subventionen wichtiger sind als paar Mrd. € für bezahlbaren ÖPNV😥

36 replies 373 reposts 1141 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Reminds me a bit of a quote by a German guy living in Nazi Germany (paraphrasing): "you tolerate one small thing, it's not that bad, and then another one, and another one, and suddenly you look around yourself and it strikes you that by now, you're tolerating horrors."

0 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Don't knock my knock-off Barad-Dûr!

1 replies 2 reposts 11 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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As a GM, I try to remember the Basic Moves, but I don't try to remember every character's playbook Moves. That's the players' job.

2 replies 0 reposts 4 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Hadespuppy's avatar Hadespuppy
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I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.

14 replies 313 reposts 481 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

wade of mutilation's avatar wade of mutilation
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:

47 replies 1497 reposts 2787 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Pavel's avatar Pavel
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Well this is grim

132 replies 1811 reposts 4000 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

#MECFS Astrid ♿'s avatar #MECFS Astrid ♿
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Ich frag jetzt mal ganz doof, mit sehr wenig Hoffnung:

Gibts hier wen, der von #Alfeld/ Leine nach #Hildesheim und zurück fahren würde, um mir aus der dortigen Bereitschaftsklinik im KH mit meiner KK Karte Paxlovid zu besorgen?

Finde sonst niemanden. Gerne teilen.
Danke 💐

16 replies 194 reposts 111 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Reposted by Sinister Sabine

jex thomas's avatar jex thomas
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Less than 48 hours left! If you haven't backed yet, you're running out of time!

Bump in the Dark is a Forged in the Dark game about supernatural investigation, protecting your community, fighting monsters, and getting in over your head. Check it out on Backerkit:

0 replies 8 reposts 11 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Wenn du Hilfe bei den Strichmännchen brauchst, ich kann zwar nicht so gut malen wie du, aber ich würde trotzdem helfen. 😊

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Okay, coole Exponate! (auch wenn's mich bei "the hidden länd" ein bisschen gruselt)

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

PCFclub's avatar PCFclub
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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.

110 replies 1455 reposts 2195 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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A red shirt, huh? Good thing you're an elf and not a vulcan!

0 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Tobias S. Buckell's avatar Tobias S. Buckell
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Hello social medias...

You may not be aware a major Cat 5 hurricane struck an area that normally doesn't get them. The eye passed directly over Carriacou and Petit Martinique.

The devastation is tremendous. The need is great.

You can help and make a difference:

5 replies 422 reposts 324 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Das ist auch mehr ein Kult als eine Partei. Sagt ja schon der Name.

1 replies 0 reposts 18 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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If you see this post a bird ...

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Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Thanks for your perseverance!

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Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Okay, hier hat jemand sein Huhn mitgebracht zum Public Viewing. Warum auch nicht.


0 replies 1 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Nikhil Shah's avatar Nikhil Shah
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I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."

10 replies 115 reposts 250 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Krieg und Freitag 's avatar Krieg und Freitag
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Ich muss etwas tun und deshalb starte ich, zusammen mit der Affenfaust Galerie, die „Strichmenschen-Demo gegen Nazis“! Für jede gespendeten 5 € gesellt sich eine weitere Figur zur Demo dazu und das Geld geht an „Kein Bock auf Nazis“. Hier könnt ihr mitmachen:

33 replies 343 reposts 589 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Bex's avatar Bex
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We’ve had the rule for how ever many years but I still click and watch the video every single time. Some days it can end up in my feed half a dozen times and I will still watch every time. It never gets old. I love it every single time I watch it

12 replies 145 reposts 297 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Julia L's avatar Julia L
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Hello! I have a flash fiction out in Issue 14 of James Gunn’s Ad Astra that riffs on the superhero genre: “How to Survive Walking Home from School.” I hope you enjoy this neutral instructional guide that’s most definitely not based on someone's personal experience!

1 replies 10 reposts 20 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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This is just so fucked up, because now the ones reporting on the abuse actually do have a further motive. I want to believe victims, and the whole "old dude in a position of power" thing is shady as hell, but otoh they're TERFS coming for a guy who supports trans people.

1 replies 0 reposts 4 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Katja Diehl's avatar Katja Diehl
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"Viel Geld für viel Autofahren:
Die Pendlerpauschale ist unsozial und schadet der Umwelt. Aber: nur eine Minderheit hält die Pendlerpauschale für unsozial und umweltschädlich."

Da hier wieder das auftaucht, was die Studie zeigt, lege ich euch die Studie mal hin.

10 replies 44 reposts 156 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine's avatar
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Wenn rechtsextreme Parteien stark werden, gibt es allerlei sprachliche Verrenkungen, um das nicht zu sagen. Es scheint: Umso mehr an Wählergunst sie bekommen, umso netter werden sie bezeichnet. Das ist aber grundfalsch, analysiert

2 replies 59 reposts 186 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

dark n stormy daniels 🥃's avatar dark n stormy daniels 🥃
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I remember reading this thread on Twitter and being utterly, wheezingly incapacitated by laughter. Happy to say it's just as good a second time around. Do yourself a favor and read the whole thing.

1 replies 1 reposts 7 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Ich war mal irgendwo in Uhlbach nach Quappen suchen. Ich erinnere mich noch an die Blasen an den Füßen, aber Quappen haben wir keine gefunden. :(

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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You mean, like the Pride, Prejudice & Practical Magics extension?

1 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Might just be a young sparrow? Their beaks darken as they grow older.

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Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Greg Pak's avatar Greg Pak
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You could also call up your US rep and demand they join AOC in this move for impeachment. Can't pass the R House, but they HAVE to use their bully pulpit and rally the public.

17 replies 374 reposts 974 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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Didn't he tweet from his personal account instead of the presidential one? It probably doesn't matter, but it would be funny if this vanity bit him in the ass.

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Jesse Heinig's avatar Jesse Heinig
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So in light of all of the discussion about unhoused ppl and homelessness in the U.S. because of the recent Supreme Court decision, remember that the line "So I'm sure you took in homeless people into your own house, right?" is a deflection used by conservatives. 🧵+

3 replies 6 reposts 12 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Der Volksverpetzer's avatar Der Volksverpetzer
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Über den völlig aufgebauschten Pseudo-Skandal um Habeck durch #Cicero haben alle Medien berichtet. Dass #Volksverpetzer juristisch gewonnen hat und sagen darf, dass "Cicero einfach Dinge dazugedichtet hat, um einen Skandal zu erfinden”, darüber schweigen bis heute ALLE Medien.

16 replies 684 reposts 1536 likes

Sinister Sabine's avatar Sinister Sabine
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If that means that the brigand will leave a sneaky signature in my Good Omens copy? I'm out. I have to buy a Snoopy cup.

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Lyse-Beast's avatar Lyse-Beast
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One of my favorite memes is the “woman yelling at cat” one, so when I saw this I almost choked on my drink

37 replies 652 reposts 3059 likes

Reposted by Sinister Sabine

Gerd's avatar Gerd
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Worüber Dorfsheriff Reul nicht reden wird.
Eine der Kölner Omas gegen Rechts schildert ihre Sicht auf die Ereignisse in #Essen. #e2906 #noAfDn

10 replies 100 reposts 179 likes