savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar

savannah loves… mifepristone!

41 followers 82 following 499 posts

She/her. Neuroscience undergrad, occasional writer, actually autistic.

savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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The DOJ also reached a settlement providing “continued family reunifications, immigration relief, and certain support services for separated families, including behavioral health services, targeted legal support related to immigration claims, limited housing assistance, and certain medical coverage”

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Aaron Sojourner's avatar Aaron Sojourner
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"We're gonna put kids in cages. It's gonna be glorious." - Mike Davis, former Chief Counsel of Nominations for Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Grassley, on what he'd do if he worked in the next Trump administration's Justice Department.

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John Pfaff's avatar John Pfaff
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Ah, FB memories serving up some winners. This is what an itemized $1,330,000 NICU hospital bill looks like (only 96 days to get there). The apple is there for scale. Here’s why I share it. Too many ppl don’t know abt lifetime caps and pre-existing bans. Bc the STILL-VULNERABLE ACA banned them.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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It seems to be related to the recent ICC backlash specifically. Definitely donor privilege but a bit more sympathetic than the standard whinging.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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The reason they’re all old men is because their entire species(?) is under a horniness quarantine after Sauron sexied Atlantis into the ocean and one Very Special Girl successfully did an Orpheus maneuver.

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Jonathan Cohn 's avatar Jonathan Cohn
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"In 1863 and 1867, revisions to the Judiciary Act sought to rein in a supreme court that was potentially pro-slavery. Now, we need to rein in one that is pro-authoritarian."

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Joshua Foust  🪖🎮's avatar Joshua Foust 🪖🎮
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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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obviously, all these celebs need to put up or shut up but George Clooney is living in a house with a human rights lawyer. I’m willing to give him a little more leeway to be frustrated with Joe Biden.

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Ed Burmila's avatar Ed Burmila
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The way these outlets fall for every fake “softening” or moderating Trump claims to do reminds you of just how much trouble we are in when Trump is gone and we are dealing with someone who believes all the same things but knows how to behave at cocktail parties and what not to say out loud.

5 replies 18 reposts 79 likes

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Laila Lalami's avatar Laila Lalami
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Remember the outcry from our entire political class back in October when it was reported that Israel had hit 1 hospital? They immediately screamed fake news. Now it’s 8 hospitals, and they’ve all gone silent.

3 replies 155 reposts 421 likes

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Susan Rinkunas has a newsletter's avatar Susan Rinkunas has a newsletter
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Melissa warned us!!

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Max Kennerly's avatar Max Kennerly
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Adam Liptak should be fired for this. It's not some sort of minor technical error or a debatable issue. He's simply lying.

36 replies 358 reposts 1520 likes

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Coach Finstock's avatar Coach Finstock
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WTF. The electric company in Texas doesn't have a map of outages so people have been using the Whataburger App to figure out who lost power. This is like when Homer was using the Krusty Burger map when they got lost at sea.

154 replies 1341 reposts 3857 likes

savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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Our newspaper subscribers are always asking “why’d you have a week long hysterical meltdown over the Democratic nominee” and never “how was the meltdown? was it fun, it looked fun”

1 replies 3 reposts 14 likes

savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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The unfinished poetry and semi-in-universe philosophical treatises are also very fun if you like to see him getting a little silly with it. The Athrabeth and the Leithian are critical, imo.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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Petty dwarves (the first ones elves encountered) were ostracized even by other dwarves, which is why the whole “oops, didn’t realize you were people, haha!” thing likely raised some eyebrows but didn’t overall jeopardize cross-cultural relations. Later elf-dwarf violence incidents, though…

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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Elladan and Elrohir getting chewed out at dinner for posting “say what you will about maedhros kinslayer but he knew how to handle the orc problem” from their shared Oromë pfp twitter account

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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Even in LotR there was an underlying current of long forgotten horrors and carefully adjudicated ancient grudges. They might be in their retirement home period but the thing about senior citizens is that they’ll sometimes tell you something real messed up.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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Hopefully this encourages more JHU grade students to go into low paying professions like internal medicine, rural medicine, and pediatrics.

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Peter's avatar Peter
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Eric Adams opened this morning’s press conference by rolling a garbage bin up to the podium, placing a bag of trash in it, and saying “welcome to our trash revolution” while Empire State of Mind played in the background

63 replies 85 reposts 725 likes

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Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie's avatar Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie
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The opting out is especially wild Like, Republican governors are being actively presented with money to feed kids and affirmatively saying 'I would like children to starve actually' (Also, if I'm a Dem campaigner, I'm making some ads and placing some op eds about this immediately)

30 replies 336 reposts 962 likes

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Sergio Sarcagian, "The Desert Diva"'s avatar Sergio Sarcagian, "The Desert Diva"
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From an editor of the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research: Indirect deaths (starvation, disease, etc) claim 3–15x the lives as direct conflict. A conservative 4x estimate = 186,000 Gazans — about a tenth of the population — dead. Killed by Israel and the US.

1 replies 21 reposts 42 likes

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Sarah J. Jackson's avatar Sarah J. Jackson
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As the daughter of a Black Vietnam vet who suffered life long pain from a service related injury but was constantly turned away from care by the VA I can’t even bring myself to read this. My father eventually died of a treatable condition at 62 b/c he was sent home to take ibuprofen by a VA doc.

12 replies 191 reposts 576 likes

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Taniel 's avatar Taniel
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The 2nd leading pollster projects a similar result—if anything a higher range for the Left coalition. This wld be a much stronger result than expected for the Macron bloc. If confirmed, key takeaway: Left & Macronist voters transferred onto each other much more than expected. Clear anti-RN front.

11 replies 103 reposts 469 likes

savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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Creationist type universe EXCEPT for hobbits. Those little men are the result of evolution’s cruel hand selecting for the most advantageous traits (rotund, British, of limited imagination and stubborn mien).

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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Someone once suggested that the Entwives were actually giant semi-sentient pollinators of some sort, perhaps bees or bats. The thought has never left my mind since.

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Amanda Smith's avatar Amanda Smith
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“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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“A young woman, even one ‘economically independent’, as they say now (it usually really means economic subservience to male commercial employers instead of to a father or a family), begins to think of the ‘bottom drawer’ and dream of a home, almost at once.” Old man, please shut up.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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That’s not to say Tolkien was immune to the rancid sexism either. His letter to his son Michael is particularly not great.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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Lewis also had a lot of complicated repression and former atheist guilt that Tolkien (a cradle convert) did not. Guy Who Makes Every Hot Man Identical To His Wife versus My Marriage To This Divorcee Is So Okay I Brought My Gay Biographer On Our Honeymoon is hardly going to be a fight.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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Tolkien’s continued revisiting of the orcs (and the Easterlings) is one of my favorite elements of his career. It’s very easy to write something that reflects the bigotries of your background, much harder to go “wait, that seems wrong somehow” and try to find your own flaw.

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Rima I Anabtawi's avatar Rima I Anabtawi
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“The last time the people of Sudan faced a famine on today’s scale was in 1984. …The famine of 1984-85, which killed about 240,000 people across Sudan, most of them children, eventually became known as ‘Reagan’, after the US dispatch of food relief.”

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b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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one of the most dishonest things people in my profession do is pretend as if “the story” and “the narrative” isn’t something they have direct control over

42 replies 431 reposts 2053 likes

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NPR's avatar NPR
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Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian beat hard-liner Saeed Jalili in the runoff election to replace the late president who was killed in a helicopter crash in May.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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I’ve always loved this quote, not for the religious aspects but because of how it functions as a riposte to the reddit nta-you-don’t-owe-anyone-anything mindset that so dominates these days. No! You owe everyone everything, and they in turn owe you, and we are all stuck here together.

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Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?

41 replies 444 reposts 1340 likes

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Marisa Kabas's avatar Marisa Kabas
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the breadth of misinformation is unreal. a woman next to us at dinner said she went to cuba when “trump opened the border” and her date said “best president ever.” obama did that!!! trump reversed it!!!

19 replies 97 reposts 651 likes

savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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Something people with enough friends start doing at 25. The human brain is not a computer program and unless you’re going to accuse every suburban parent who’s called their toddler by the dog’s name of having dementia you should shut up.

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Andrew Ferguson 's avatar Andrew Ferguson
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hell of a shot/chaser

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merritt k's avatar merritt k
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From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.

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C.A. Pinkham's avatar C.A. Pinkham
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Here’s the thing there is genuinely no way to tell whether this is real

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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We don’t even make the electors wear silly robes. You know Britain would have some sort of robe with different types of fur and feathers for each US state. One of their few Ws.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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The Magna Carta formally limits the crimes he can commit to just recreational tyrannies.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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It probably does suck, on some level, to be stuck in an authoritarian nightmare state that will quietly dispose of you if you start failing your role as a convenient defector spokesperson. Retreating full force into delusion is a natural response to that. Doesn’t make it less embarrassing.

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Ian Boudreau's avatar Ian Boudreau
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There have been so many of these but they still find ways to shock me

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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“An Executive who’s a normal human being with everyone else and a passive aggressive cruel patriarch archetype with the private school op-ed grads because they thrive off dysfunction” seems a little Continental but whatever works. As long as they’re safe about it, I guess.

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savannah loves… mifepristone!'s avatar savannah loves… mifepristone!
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The main problem does seem to be that the New York Times in particular wants a President who will spit in their face and call them nasty little newspaper freaks. We can deliver this so easily without compromising the basic tenor of the campaign.

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